Equal Opportunity...do you feel it???

What are your beliefs on equal opportunities ?
For me,I believe that everyone should be given the same opportunities. In essence, I believe in a free education system, in the working place as well as an opportunity to speak freely. A free education system provides everyone from the poorest with as much opportunity as the richest.
As an opportunity in working places, each employees had given a just and proper compensation.. As for the freedom to Speak for your right and to fight for the truth...Let me hear your sentiments and ideas about these.. Has each of you had given the same opportunity by your company? Or anyone here has able to get an opportunity to study in free education system? Or so to speak for their Rights too...
If you choose to make a mess of those opportunities however, you should not be given the same rewards as someone who makes a success of theirs.
Are you dreaming....
zhyiellha & CBD - Lols...
Never Heard Men will be Men......????
I really Don't want to go into detailed discussion on this..... firstly it ll divert from topic.. and 2ndly its known world wide....
n Ya "All in the mind " is a part of this....
Reality is a Illusion Caused Due to Deficiency of Alcohol
I think ashwin is over reacting here but anyway...
have you all not deviated slightly from the topic!
In what SENSE Men know well ?.....its all in the Mind Ash...
" Failure is Not an OPTION "
As I mentioned the incident is not gender specific... and thts why did give the female a benefit of doubt...
And I agree with you when you say - No Man would like his wife staying out for late extra hours....
Sense of Insecurity.... The problem is the stories we here... and stories we see... its difficult...
Its not that we don trust the chick... its jus tht.. we know how Men are... we know it really well...
Reality is a Illusion Caused Due to Deficiency of Alcohol
I agree with you that this scenario really happens but one thing I wanted to add is that, Men can do the same too. Maybe that colleague of yours have had some important things to do together with her husband/ family( AS stATED). That's why she need to leave early ( or this Lady doing this things most of the time?).
As what you've said ALSO, one lady stayed on that moment... SO meaning, ladies can be flexi too. She's just furious for the fact the other lady went home early and didn't consider the task to be done.
Men can do the same too, that if there's an important things to do with his family, he will do the same.. He will left the office and consider his family. But of course, I will not discredit that Men are really can extend their times when it comes to work ( I specify Married Men )... Why you think they can stay longer??.. This is because their Wives are very understanding on this matter ... But on the other side, if Lady will stay longer on the office, most husbands will get nervous of this situations , right?
" Successful people are not Gifted, they just worked hard and Succeed on Purpose...."
I ll give you an example of wht happened today in office...
Yesterday we had to submit some documents to a customer..... multi Million order... so everyone was working and doin best to submit the stuff on time today early morning...
There is a lady who does one of the vital work but left at sharp 5, as her husband was waiting and her principle not to wrk for a min extra.. no matter wht....
we sat for more ours n finished her job too.... there was another female who was helping us out (wont deny tht) ... Even she was furious on the previous one...
Today when the 1st one came to office.... Firstly didn like the fact tht others did it... as she was expecting it to be on her table n it wasn't...
And as the other lady was furious on her for 1.Doing it for her 2. She had to wait for longer thn if the 1st one was helping.
So was not talking to 1st one... we guyz don take anything personally or emotionally... (office crap remains at office)
The 1st one... came to Boss and was shouting.. Why couldn you wait for a day.... How can a customer cannot wait.... See the 2nd lady had to wait for no reason....
Worst was when she said - You need to learn to respect others time... (tht was hts.. At least respect for the designation??? not liking the person is your personal choice.. but respecting the chair is your right n duty)...
Of course such activities are not gender specific ... (She might have genuine reason too... no one knows) but then it strengthens the present Scenario tht it is better to prefer a guy even if you pay more for him...
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The last line Meant tht whtever besides the points mentioned Women shall be better....
Flexi timing are doing work which are not time bound... which cannot get over at 5 or whtver office timing is....
If your husband is waiting... its diff to stay in office....
We have to.. enough if have promised a date to someone or shopping to wife (those married men)
World shall always remain same for women.. No matter which century...
Thing is you cannot compare the two...
Its like Gold n Steel fighting... one jealous of the other...
Gold likes the fact tht it s Precious but hates as it is locked in a locker...
Steel Happy it is open n free n kept on road... but no one finds it as precious n beautiful as Gold is....
This can also be termed as a type of Discrimination....
If the world discriminates on the basis of race.. nationality.. religion.... etc etc... Why we think Gender shall be a exception...
We have many evils to fight against.. don we....
Reality is a Illusion Caused Due to Deficiency of Alcohol
Ash... Flexi timings? You mean the fact that women manage to organize their work and time better than men, right? As to mobility, we are just as mobile as men. We live in the 22nd century man...
If your boss cannot control himself that's his problem. This only means he's not professional and has nothing to do in a leading position.
True, sometimes it takes longer to make a decision but then it's usually the right one as we use the time to analyze the risks and other possibilities.
Didn't get your last point but that might be because women are far better in verbal and non-verbal communication. Scientifically proven ;)
Hey I said smart.. coz of the ease with which you continued the joke about the CTC by saying gals not 70% of guyz but guyz get 70% more.... the diff in percentage changes by gigantic valve....
We do appreciate the loyalty n sincerity n other facts...
We would love to see more and more around us.. you know tht... :)
But the thing is... only for few reasons -
1. Flexi Timings for guyz.... mobility (you can't deny this)
2. Boss can remove his frustration on us - You know - We wont feel hurt if abusive language is used jus to remove the pressure...
Even if she/he reminds us of our Mother n Sister (u know wht I wanted to write here) we wont take it emotionally.
3. Rational thinking n quick decision making depend on person of course.. but generally Guyz are better...
4. Grudges n all are only professional even if there are...
For every other aspect.... No doubt... gals better..
Reality is a Illusion Caused Due to Deficiency of Alcohol
Ash, it's actually not smart as it's statistically proven women are more efficient at work, make less mistakes, are less often sick and more loyal and reliable. Men/employers really should start to appreciate this.
SHOEADDICT SAYS: the last statement,if by choice you decide to messup,you wont be given the same.fair enough.what "if" by CHANCE you mess up,what is the reward for that?
I would really need the degree of mess up before giving a totally accurate answer here, however here is the formula that you can go by once you get the variables straight:
Mess up multiplied by number of times, divided by ability to learn from mistakes, plus degree of post-mess up-humility, plus current understanding of goddess worship, minus stupid humor equals no concrete answers and when you decide you've had enough.
Remember, there's always room for second chance... By chance you mess up , then try to cOrrect it and prove it that you deserve more than that...
" Successful people are not Gifted, they just worked hard and Succeed on Purpose...."
lol happy...
Na I was actually answering the post above mine of - vanhornstern....
And the freedom of information was a example.... any one type of freedom can be mentioned in the same way...
Lack of freedom is Bad.....
but mis-use of complete freedom is more dangerous.... it is like giving power to a undeserving...
Don denying the importance of freedom.... of any types.... but we need to first deserve to own it....
This is very general comment or freedom - not restricted to Qatari Borders......
Wish I was drunk man.... living in Illusion now :(
Reality is a Illusion Caused Due to Deficiency of Alcohol
Ashwin...she is talking about freedom to speak for ones rights ....looks like you are talking of freedom of information...seems at this time of the night alcohol deficiency is taken care of.....lol
One Life to Live...Live It To The Fullest
But limited freedom is a often useful and necessary.
It is better why we all don't know many issues the government solves without telling the people.
specially the military decisions.... Better all don know about it....
Reality is a Illusion Caused Due to Deficiency of Alcohol
I know what you are saying. We went to the new park behind Hyatt and there was a lone male walking ahead of us. The guard stopped him and told him he would have to leave because the park only allowed families. Couldn't stroll through the park!
As for the discussion this reminds me of Joan of Arc. I think that she and the french soldiers accomplished what they did because of fierce spirit. I think the successful ones come about by having it given (and then it will only last for so long) and the ones that fight for it.
Equal opportunities, freedom to speak for the rights at work (without being fired)....fairly good thought... the world would be a better place to live in... we will have less stressed society..
But, let us pause for a moment and look within and ask ourselves, do I allow this to happen... I want to be treated equally, I want to be heard and given my dues....but am I willing to reciprocate the same ...
If one finds the answer.. he has just moved a step forward in making this world a better place to live for the people with whom he/she associate with...
One Life to Live...Live It To The Fullest
Beeseh.... thts smart.... real smart.....
Reality is a Illusion Caused Due to Deficiency of Alcohol
theoretically,it sounds good,and yes i believe everyone should be given equal opportunities.the last statement,if by choice you decide to messup,you wont be given the same.fair enough.what "if" by CHANCE you mess up,what is the reward for that?hmmmmm
Sorry Ash, my mistake, a typo, I meant men get up to 70% more salary than women for the same position.
You should not ride around on the segregation by sex. After all both are human beings. And if you say all human beings should have equal rights, the discussion becomes obsolete.
you're right...we need more women in high positions.
i wouldn't have any qualms sleeping my way to the top.
is it 70% now???
or lesser????
Reality is a Illusion Caused Due to Deficiency of Alcohol
Equal opportunities, sure... Where men with the same education and experience get a salary up to 70% than their female colleagues in the same position...
There will never be equal opportunities (IMHO).
Aye Aye shelly how much you gonna charge for every Labourer you get in? lol.
Good thought though.. I can only smile at these guys as I go into these malls unchallenged. Coz I cannot take any guys in as gays are not allowed here.. No that is not equal opportunity?
m waiting for the answer??????? Zhyiellha... Don kid.. be serious......
Reality is a Illusion Caused Due to Deficiency of Alcohol
Maybe she will say YES.... gOOD luck... cHEers!!!! what do you think Shelly?? .. I gonna hear a Lovebirds? just kidding..
" Successful people are not Gifted, they just worked hard and Succeed on Purpose...."
Shelly.... You rock..
Shall need your help this weekend then....... lol....
Family means going inside with a female????/
Reality is a Illusion Caused Due to Deficiency of Alcohol
" Successful people are not Gifted, they just worked hard and Succeed on Purpose...."
On arriving in Doha, I was pretty suprised to see the malls are "families only"on a friday. Can someone explain to me, why they do that?
Friday being the only day some guys can get shopping done and accounts paid. Very unfair, I think.
I am considering offering my services, to those guys that need to get in. Am willing to assist them getting into the malls. Quite a profitable business I think????
Whatever you vividly imagine, Ardently desire, Sincerely believe and Enthusiastically act upon, Must inevitably come to pass.
Zhyiellha u are absolutely right all should have equal opportunities for all, should not matter rich, poor, nationality, religion , caste. All in this world should have equal rights.
Yeah I believe in that- the Opportunity exists, thus people should grab it once they come into your door. And people should be challenged enough to get more opportunity without taking advantage to the cause of others... Do what is just and right....
" Successful people are not Gifted, they just worked hard and Succeed on Purpose...."
if locals were browsing these site, everthing they need is just a phone call away.
expect nothing, do more, love lots, smile often, cry sometimes but continue living....
Everyone should have equal opportunity, regardless of race, religion or gender. Unfortunately, equal opportunity for all has yet to be realized.
LIKE what I've said, the world is created for all Equally but then, only the Highest Genre in the society are the one who makes the world Treated Unequally and Divided....
" Successful people are not Gifted, they just worked hard and Succeed on Purpose...."
I got your point.. I think the same too...But for the Locals,i THINK they are treated If not mistaken, Equally.. (not so sure).. I want to hear from the side of the Locals here...
" Successful people are not Gifted, they just worked hard and Succeed on Purpose...."
question is not appropriate/applicable in Qatar,
expect nothing, do more, love lots, smile often, cry sometimes but continue living....
except some of us are more equal than others...
Great "pickup" line.. must note that down :)
The fact is that the world and humans by nature are cometitive. You have to strive to achieve what you want. opportunities exist - you have to grasp them.
Zhyiellha..i agree with you..people cause problems to themselves..
if you take an absolute measure...you will not find true equal opportunity..it is a world that is subject to interest of individuals unfortunately in most cases.
However, you, or others, should not give up because of this injustice caused by people. You need to factor this in the challenge!
Once you do this, you may be able to achieve your dream if you work hard and smart enough.
And by the way, if your dream happens to be the next miss universe, i congratulate you in adnvance! no hard work required, assuming this is your real picture :P
zhyiellha it was just a sarcastic comment. lol
Men and women have not been made equal physically. However there are a lot of things that both can equally do well. But there are other things that women to better than men and vice versa.
You already have these opportunities in many countries around the world..
Men and women are not created equal physically because it has a purpose..
" Successful people are not Gifted, they just worked hard and Succeed on Purpose...."
Everybody wants to live in a just n equality based society...
Who doesn want to..
Who would say no the females should not be treated as Men are...
But equality should not mean doing same Job and getting same rewards...
Equality if Getting what you deserve...
And to put this thought in action, we commit all the crimes...
Reality is a Illusion Caused Due to Deficiency of Alcohol
At the first place, its a nature given already.. If this thing exist during birth for both men and women, for sure , men will not disagree or say, No way!!... am I right? Since men knows now that to have a red days every Month, its on their minds that this thing is YUCKY... """I really dont want to have it.... """
" Successful people are not Gifted, they just worked hard and Succeed on Purpose...."
Isnt that just human nature to exert oneself when one will only get an equal share of the results-just consider what would happen in ANY classroom where the teacher divided up all the test grades evenly so that nobody would fail. The people who got 100's wouldn't pull any more all-nighters, and the people who got 60's wouldn't even bother trying to get 60's. The total amount of work done would fall drastically.
This also happens in the workaday world. People wouldn't exert themselves, wouldn't bother trying to create new inventions or ideas, wouldn't take risks, wouldn't study to become doctors or dentists, if all they got was the same as what a lazy, sullen, drunken or dishonest stockboy gets.
Furthermore, the only way to get people to work hard without the reward of unequal results is if there is a ruling class to enforce it--and they will find that the only way to enforce it is through increasingly harsh punishments (Maybe,this sound so Rude and Drastic). And experience also shows that this ruling class becomes progressively more corrupt and luxury-loving in every country where it's been tried. Example---Kim il Jong pays over a thousand dollars for his Scotch, while his people starve to death. Another good example would be the communist Ceaucescu in Romania. He filled his 3,101-room palace with so much treasure that the government--a national government!--didn't know what to do with it all.
Dont you think, that maybe only the people who makes this world unequal because of Greed and Over use of power?
" Successful people are not Gifted, they just worked hard and Succeed on Purpose...."
Men and Women can never be the same. Ask a man to have red days every month. :)0
I'm guessing the next thing I'll be hearing from you is: "How can you achieve world peace?"
"Everything in this book may be wrong." Illusions: The Adventures of The Reluctant Messiah by Richard Bach
---- Maybe my Daughter will run for that Title.. Too OLd for that one I should say!t!--- HAHAHHAAHAHAHA....and one thing, Im not qualified...
" Successful people are not Gifted, they just worked hard and Succeed on Purpose...."
ofcourse there must be equal oppurtunities in this world...this is justice and is the proof that all humans are the same..which is true..
however, we need to have a goo definition of equal oppurtunity and freedom of speech and free education or otherwise there will be confusion all over the place!
To be honest, there is no place on this earth where equal opportunity, free education or freedom of spech is excercised. it just varies from place to another!