Should I be anxious?

By irishsmiler •
Hi everyone,
I've recently accepted a job offer in Doha and will be relocating mid-August. Thought it would be a good idea to join the forum and get an idea of what life like is there. After reading some of the threads about men 'feeling up' women and also the physical attacks i'm feeling slightly worried. I know these things happen all over the world, but I am going on my own and am anxious about travelling to and from places before I've established any friends. Any advice would be greatly appreciated, cheers :)
Oryx is right... don't worry you'll be fine,... always have mace in handy and learn self-defense, just be prepared,.. it's not so bad as it seems.. just stay away from dark alleys... :P
You actually Bother about the points?????
Damn Wont Hijack this one...
Lady You are safe,,, Jus stay away from me.....
Reality is a Illusion Caused Due to Deficiency of Alcohol
Power to the non believers, it’s a great feeling to have and hold.
The first time she thought he just bumped into her but the second time in 3 minutes ...She looked at him and said in a very loud voice ..HUSBAND THIS MAN TRY TO TOUCH ME.. he went away fast.. slezzy local... bitch slap the lot of them..
Power to the non believers, it’s a great feeling to have and hold.
Welcome to Qatar. Don't worry about the posting in QL. Sometimes its over exaggerated, most of the time humourous to keep members happy, and not to forget collecting of posting points.
sad to hear that,,,you should have called police.
keep yourself well informed about the country's culture and religion.hmmm,,, by that time its almost ramadan sooo best to dress decently,no eating,drinking and smoking outside.
In over 5 years the worst part of it is being constantly stared at. Doha is an extremely safe place. Just be street smart and practice common sense (carry mobile, don't go out at 3am dressed like a hooker, etc) and you will be just fine. It's also true that the men who harrass are complete cowards and easily scared.
Thanks for all your replies, I'm sure i'll be fine just getting my head round making such a big move I guess! Pretty excited too though :)
welcome to doha ... as oryx pointed out always carry a mobile and call 999 for help when in problem ... i got a wrong call (full pf filth) while at work and i called 999 and reported them the number ... they called m,e back in 15 minutes time and told me that it was from a public booth in al rayyan area and asked me not to worry cos they will track my calls for next few days ... well after that i didnt get any such experience again ....
people try to follow you ,sometimes stop near u and offer a lift just ignore ... well all such things can happen anywhere ... as per me doha is a far more safer place than India in regard for safety of ladies...
worrying that you're going to be stalked, felt up, or whatever, here. I think things in that regard may be a bit exaggerated, but if it happens to you once, that's too much. Don't make yourself vulnerable in the way you dress, or in your demeanor. Some women invite 'trouble' by the way they dress and/or by their behavior, and then bitch when they get 'unwanted' attention. That is not to say that men shouldn't be held totally accountable for their behavior. And I'm sure some inexcusable behavior toward women by men has been completely unprovoked. In the time I've been here, I have had no negative experiences with men behaving badly toward me, and for a month I had ridden with many private drivers. I have also been in 'bad' parts of town (by myself) but also know that I have the training to defend myself if, God forbid, I find myself in a compromising situation. As someone else said, the crime rate here is nothing compared to what some of us know from our own corners of the world. You will be fine here.
(Sometimes you're the windshield, and sometimes you're the bug...)
I have been in Doha, going on my 3rd month now. Like any city it has good and bad areas. I unfortunately live in one of the bad areas. I have had 2 bad experiences, one where a man tried to pull me into his car WITH my 2 yr old son and the other an old Arab man grabbing my breast BUT I have caught taxis on many occasions and nothing ever happened to me. I do however sit in the back and not in the front seat. Although battling to adjust to a big city, what I see I like. I think Doha has a lot to offer and I know with time it will start to feel like home. My advice is, you must give it at least 4 months to settle down, make friends (easy on this website!) and "find ur feet" Despite my bad experiences I have met a lot of good people!!!
I been here in Doha for 3 years and for 2 years in my company in which i am the only woman, but i never experienced such harassment ...thanks God!
I find Doha very safe to women as long as you conduct yourself in a respectable manner and you dress decently...
muahahaha now that i know women's secret of scaring men away i shall now pretend to be deaf and blind! everyone feels sorry for the handicapped. :)
Good Fortune always comes knocking at your door...when you are sh*tting in the toilet!! :)
xena was right, if you show that you can't be scared easily, they will leave you alone. those guys who stalked/ feel up women have no balls.:-)
Xenas is right...
i just got persistently followed on the Corniche...
after 2kms I turned round and shouted...scared the crap out of the knob head
Its pretty low level harrassment and they are just tw@ts.
Dont act scared and just tell them to bugger off.
Usual rules, carry a mobile, only get in a proper taxi, dress modestly - dont feel obliged to offend by refusing advances/approaches....any other issues feel free to pm...i have lived here almost 6 years.
OR, you can just leave your name and phone no. and i'll add you to the list of women i should stalk....err i mean save, For I am just a kitty kat by day but by night I am SUPER KATALICOUS AKA SKATALOT! Friend to women, foe to evil men. They all fear the super tail!
Ok relax nothing to worry about here in Qatar just get me a leprechaun or his pot of gold on your way here. :)
Good Fortune always comes knocking at your door...when you are sh*tting in the toilet!! :)
well in the city these things happen rarely...the crime rate here was low but now its increasing as more and more expats are coming from poor countries....anyways you will be more secure here...if u have any problems any time u just need to dial 999 and the rest depends on the local police...atleast in a girl's case the police is very strict here.women are treated well here ...abt the stalkers u can simply do what Xena told you to do....
nehh...i want just your blood!
don't worry!
After reading some of the threads about men 'feeling up' women and also the physical attacks
Happens all over the world though more frequent but here its very rare.
Hi there
Been here since 2006 - had my fair share of 'stalkers' but don't allow them to bug you... shout at them, draw attention to their deeds, and they run like hell. One thing I have realised, if you come across with strength they generally turn tail and run... they like to pray on those that they see as helpless and scared.
Otherwise, its really a lovely country - yes we complain, but thats human nature, but most of us probably would leave if we were truly unhappy:-)
If nothing else, come for the experience - it will definately be one!
"if you don't like the heat... get out of the kitchen... but stop trying to fan the flames before you leave... it will burn you on the a** as you go through the doorway...." ME