Damn you - Indians !

First Tetley, then Jaguar, then Liz Hurley and maybe now the hallowed Kop.. Is nothing sacred anymore ???
LIVERPOOL have held talks with the billionaire owners of an Indian Premier League cricket team.
And that could lead to a massive investment and an eventual buy-out.
Representatives of the GMR group, who run the Delhi Daredevils IPL side, were guests at last week's clash with Arsenal.
GMR chairman Grandhi Mallikarjun Rao is worth an estimated £4.2billion and the senior official he sent to Liverpool in midweek is known to be a supporter of the club.
Talks were started by Hicks, initially with a view to securing a sponsorship deal, but Bangalore-based GMR have made no secret of their desire to branch out into other sports.
Rao, 58, made his millions in the airport and construction industry and recently formed a subsidiary company to invest in sport, with English football considered the most attractive.
A Kop source said: "The GMR group were invited by Hicks and their representative watched the Arsenal match in the directors' box with Hicks' son Tommy. It was quite clear the representative was a fan.
"When you look at the company's commitment to sport they're exactly the type of partner Tom would be looking for."
Liverpool's American owners have been scouring the globe for finance to stave off the threat of having to sell the club on the cheap in July.
Club officials have also discussed an agreement with shirt sponsors Carlsberg for £60-£80m. But the Danish brewers have baulked at the price.
Nana....... TATA MEGA COUPE...
Hard Work Doesn't Kill Anyone... But Why take Chances.
"Everything in this book may be wrong." Illusions: The Adventures of The Reluctant Messiah by Richard Bach
One post where the Indians not condemned to be smelly and we are all guns down on two poor fellows...... :)
Kill the Siht out of them.... what the H....
Hey But Honestly..... I wont like Liverpool been bought by Indians,,,, this would increase the fan following of the mercyside in India.... :( F you Gerrad.....
we Gooners are already less in number... And the glory Hunters like MANCESTER n CHELSEA fans are supporters of team which wins the cup tht yr... So not counting them as true fans but still ...... these posers are good in number.....
Hard Work Doesn't Kill Anyone... But Why take Chances.
way to go queen bee nice humorsence, only an INDIAN as got it. no wonder we prosper where ever we go. jai ho.
Britexpat....thanks for the honest confession that you (the brits) could not manage their esteemed brand and had to get rid of it...wonder what all are in the series...:)
You can't teach experience...
@ Single Guy ... the so called " crap " TATA has bought jag n landrover ... so u can just imagine, the " crap " u calling has even the ability to buy ur so called " famous " jags n rovers !!
Jaguar was losing money and a monolith.. We wanted someone to take it off our hands :)
history repeat itself..what they took frm them.. they r taking it back with interest.....
JAI HO...!!!
Britexpat...wonder what makes you so proud in possessing the diamond when the most esteemed brand 'Jaguar' is taken away???
Probably you will still hold to it when Buckingham Palace gets auctioned...lol!
Former Darlington vice-chairman Raj Singh has withdrawn his offer to buy the club ahead of the 5 May deadline.
Singh made an offer for the club, the Arena stadium and the surrounding land last week, with a decision to made by Monday this week.
Administrators Brackenbury Clark did respond but Singh described their terms as "unrealistic" and "unworkable".
Singh told BBC Tees he would like to work out a deal, if it does not involve former chairman George Houghton.
Roadster Autorikshaws are the same thingy you call TUK_TUK in LOndon. :)
- Listen to Many...Speak to a Few -
What next me scousers applying for jobs in India?
- I lolled -
The country would come to a standstill within 24hrs with all the autorickshaws on bricks ;)
Sorry. Indians can't have the Tower of London, because its gaurded by "Beefeaters".. :)
and their sense of humour!
Be positive and it will work in right direction...anyways let start bidding for London Tower Bridge & Museum, dweller.... what is the strike price I guess a penny! (take it easy all brits...)
So, you won the argument Single Guy...lol.
Visit India and experience the hospitality once....believe me, it won't taste that bad....lol
Everything's gonna be alright!!!
"Ali Baba and 40 thieves" are now "Ali Baba and 30 thieves" ; 10 were laid off.
lets not turn the thread racist....lets make it lighter...its an old one but good
At Heathrow, a 300-foot long red carpet is stretched out to Air Force One and President Bush strides to a warm but dignified handshake from Queen Elizabeth II.
They ride in a silver 1934 Bentley limousine to the edge of central London where they board an open 17th century coach hitched to six magnificent white matching horses. They ride toward Buckingham Palace, each looking sideways and waving to the thousands of cheering Britons lining the streets, all is going well. Suddenly the right rear horse lets fly with the most horrendous, earth-rending, eye-smarting blast of gastronomic flatulence ever heard in the British Empire, including Bermuda, Tortola and the Falkland Islands. It shakes the coach. Uncomfortable, but under control, the two dignitaries of state do their best to ignore the whole incident, but then the Queen decides that's ridiculous.
She turns to Mr. Bush and explains, "Mr. President, please accept my regrets. I'm sure you understand that there are some things that even a Queen cannot control."
George W. Bush, ever the gentleman, replies, "Your Majesty, please don't give the matter another thought. You know, if you hadn't said something, I would have thought it was one of the horses...."
"You may take Liz Hurley, You may take Jaguar BUT the diamond will always be locked up in the tower ...:)"
Rumour has it that they already have a bid in for the tower!
At least we in the UK don't drink cows piss or put cow dung on our walls!
Well, Brite nothing against you...I truely wish this single guy should get double ASAP....
Everything's gonna be alright!!!
What are they? I am asking about British Cars....not for brands of whisky...lol
Everything's gonna be alright!!!
Morgan, Bristol .. :)
Definitely we make more sh*t, but nothing comparable to the amount of sh*t you alone are making on QL.....
Ohhh, well, what are the 'British cars'?
Everything's gonna be alright!!!
Singleguy - which british cars are you refering to??
btw its not 900million its more than a billion, and dont worry they have enough and more land for the septic tanks. We have only our own to take care of unlike you, you have to see to many other nationals including our men who lives there.
- Listen to Many...Speak to a Few -
I believe that raise of India and Indians positive for all.
We are over 1200 millions and around 200 millions NRI around the globe serving outside India.....
Appreciate, the ways and means adopted to Earn more money and reinvesting at the right places, picking up right opportunities like UK FC, etc....
With a population of over 900 million India must be making more shit than any other country. And by the way British cars are famous around the world. Indian cars like Tata and Mohindra are crap!!!
Is that so?
Everything's gonna be alright!!!
because we are taking something from them :) As Brit was pointing out the KOP is being taken over....
(its a tongue in cheek comment - like the title)
Indian food is so popular in the UK - In Manchester we have 'Curry Mile' which is more than a mile of Curry houses....
Making money is better than making sh*t everywhere....
Everything's gonna be alright!!!
Oryx how could that be "Revenge on the Indians"
Dont forget that Chicken Tandoori is now the national dish of GB
Best Indian food in the world is in the UK
Everywhere you go there are Indians! They're all over the damn planet making money. They're the most materialistic, capitalist people about. They live for money. The Hindus even have a god of money called Laksmi. They offer it food and they hope it will help them make money.
Let's not discuss the "gift"..
The KOP issue is serious.. The scouser scouts will be out there looking for the "Slumdog Midfielder" soon..
Brit think it in this way.....if the team is bought atleast the money is comming into UK.....
Compared to the fact that no money came into India when the diamond went.....the diamond wasnt actually bought...
Aye Aye.. what Indians running a scouse club.. What will we pikey's do now.. compete with the Indians. times were already hard for our lot.. Now these to compete with the Indians
Well curry has become the unofficail national dish of the UK, A Indian owner of Liverpool. What next me scousers applying for jobs in India?
500m for a club :O
id invest it in a wayyyy better way :)
Im the one and only
and keep giving them (and so many others nationalities) the british passport... thats AT LEAST worrying....
You may take Liz Hurley, You may take Jaguar BUT the diamond will always be locked up in the tower ...:)
what goes around comes around mate..."the sun will never set on the british empire"...they said & i quote...today,as things stand,the national dish is chicken tikka masala,no prizes for guessing where that came from. Until a little while back,the captain of the cricket team was Chennai-born Nasser Hussain. The richest person in the country is L.N.Mittal,again no guesses where he's from & he has consistently refused to give up his Indian passport for a Brit one despite it being offered to him & plus as britexpat mentioned,We own Tetley & Jag...so really it should come as no surprise,we have the means & the bread to buy what we want & if the Brits had similar resources,they wouldn't have to sell...now would they?...as for being sacred,NOTHING can be worse than a bunch of yanks,american football team owning ones @ that,owning a Premier League club...they call it soccer for Chrissakes...can it get any worse?...so Britexpat,you should actually be happy if the Indians buy it,at least we know what the game's about & call it football...as for the diamond...not to worry,as Victor Bhatt rightly put it,today it's Tetley,Jag & maybe LFC,sooner or later,The Diamond will come up for sale & when it does,you can be sure we'll buy it back...It's our turn!!...:)
ONE DAY WE WILL BUY IT BACK....at whatever premium you ask!!!
We were always rich in culture and now prosper in every field.....
imagine white ambassadors carrying queen elizabeth and the prime minister ,and gordon brown wearing a white kurtha and paijama shaking hands with the american president in front of 10 downing street , cool, metro is replaced by autorikahaws , that will be brilliant
Brit: how abt a Jaguar Autorickshaw? :-p
He'd then want a armour plated "Mahindra" as his official car :(
natural process of histroy
black man in white house may be an indian origin prime minister in 10 downing street , just a joke no hard feelings please
Lol Brit - Wait for more!!!!
Ignore ma Spells,Cause I GOt a brain which thinks faster than my typing ;-)
A joke:
Why we Indians can't play football?
Because everytime they get a corner they set a shop...
Everything's gonna be alright!!!
NOt neccessarily, but you'll have to wash them down with Kingfisher..
Will that spell an end to half time pies?
intresting i was reading the same thing.
Aana free, jaana free,
Pakde gaye tho khana free.