Need some advice

Good morning, need some advice or information. Last night I was driving on Al Waab St near the Aspire zone. I was at the intersection of Al Waab and Sports City Street turning towards Salwa road. Was stopped at the intersection and waiting for the light to turn green. The light for the cars to proceed on Al Waab did turn green and I mistook that for my light and pulled forward a few feet before I recognized it was not my light and stopped. I had moved forward enough though to trigger the red light camera. I did not go into the intersection and was still at the curb. Am I now in big trouble, and if so is there anyone I can speak to about this. Obviously it seems unfair that I would pay this huge fine and not have ran through the red light.
Any constructive advice or information will be greatly appreciated.
sorry for missing some words hope you got it.
Dear its a very simple and easy case all you have to visit main office of traffic dept Madina Khalifa in violation dept. Cap. Ibrahim Al Nassef you will remove your traffic vilation ince if they add it in there systmen coz usually its coverd by camera and video camera even if you cross red line and there is an embulance in that cases also they take off the violations. your total protect from the law and they will show you the video but do not repeat it again coz may be next time you will be charged 500Qrs for crossing white line.
same thing had happened with pne of my friends also...what you have to do i such situation is...dont pull the car back.let it be where itis..!coz if u pull back it will trigger the traffic cam. and dont worry about other cars passing by..rhey may hawnk...flash..!dont wory..!
hope u got the point..!!
UPDATE: Have spoken with the police and pretty sure it will not be a 6000 riyal fine. Still waiting for the film, but has not been reported as of yet, so still waiting. Thanks to everyone for your help, I really appreciate it :)
if the radar/camera didn't flash u should be fine...
and if the cameras are recording 24/7(usually those cameras are higher mounted, and not in the same housing as the radar cam), then only for accidents...u think that someone is sitting there and watching every minute of the recorded material....
Take it easy… I know it’s a big amount. Just wait till updates in system ( if you find any violation then go to Radar & planning section in Al Khisa. Close to Landmark on Al khore road. Speak to the in charge over there. (Capt Naimi) if not the big boss (Crnl Marafia) Plea him the case & situ, then they will play the video see. (they have video hard copy too) Hopefully you get good news.
Good luck!!!!!
I just heard today that some of these cameras are recording 24/7. So its not just the still showing the car over the line. If that is the case i think they'l be fair and remove the fine.
all the best and do post an update.
Dont rush here and there
just check online for your car Fine
if not there then Relax.!
otherwise it will be there with in a hour of violation
Good luck
Check for the site first at
If you find that you have a violation then try discussing this matter to the Captain of the Police. Maybe it is worth a try.
You can go to the main office for Traffic Voliation near to Landmark.... and there you can see the video of your traffic voliation. If you have not gone past the intersection.... you can talk with the Captain there... and they should be able to remove your traffic fines.
All you can do
is go to the traffic department at Madinat Khalifa and plead your case. It is always worth a try. They do seem to go easier on women. Good luck