Hamad Hospital Stress
I have just come home from an appointment at Hamad. The doctor was lovely, attentive and kind, the staff nurses were caring and friendly. I had to go to pharmacy after the appointment and was feeling pleasantly relaxed until...I was pushed out of the queue 3 times and not by Qatari women, finally I asserted myself and got to the front of the queue. There the lady told me that my medication was not available. I had been waiting an hour, if i hadn't stood my ground I think I would have been there all day.
I don't want to knock the medical standard of HMC, it is great, I do object to the mob mentality of the people who are in the queue. I know I am British and we have a reputation for loving queues but I actualy have a mark on my arm where someone grabbed me and pushed me back (a patient, not staff). Next time I will not bother being independent, I will ask my husband to colect it for me.
I find the whole experience stressful and I dread going back, shame when the actual medical staff are so nice.
Unfortunatly if there is no number system or enforced queue its old school "souq rules".
glad2know well said...lol
what a coincidence!!!I've experienced the same up to the finding point..I had to give up that day, after 1 1/2 hour of three queues there: prescription counter/cashier/delivery...I read an announcement while waiting that the prescription is kept one week so I decided to come next day, earlier than 11am; I went directly to cashier, paid, than took immediately the bag...Around 8-8.30 next day was ok, not to mention that I could find a parking place, hardly but I did;-)
But, what I still don't understand is why they send us for prescriptions to Grand Hamad from our Health Centers? And it's not that they don't have some pills it's cause:"these are only there.."Maybe a kind of drug control?!
Yes, there was definitely something missing when I went the other week ;p
Well said tallg! Although it has gone downhill in recent weeks (joke!)
I find there's far more decorum at veterinary surgeries, plus the drugs are stronger.
Very wise statement Glad2know. I will keep that in mind! I don't think I will ever get used to the utter lack of customer service here.
"Never argue with an idiot; they drag you down to their level then beat you with experience".
I also had a bad experience but with the Pharmacy staff. I went to Female Pharmacy at around 11:00 (if I remember exact time) & gave my prescription to the counter. They gave me a number & asked me to wait till Cashier calls my name to pay for medications. I waited for about half an hour, but what amazed me that ladies who came after me, got their medicines before me & left for home but I was there waiting for my name to be called. Upon enquiry from the Cashier, the lady asked me to wait for sometime as they will call the names. I waited for anothe 15/20 minutes & checked again with the Cashier if her database to collect money from me is updated. Her answer was negative again & asked me to check with the prescription counter. When I went there for 5 minutes I was left unattended. I could see a lady 2 meters away from me & she saw me waiting but she continued sitting there. After shouting 'excuse me' louder some one came & when I asked about my medicine she gave me usual response to wait but this time I didnt listen & started shouting from 11 I am here to collect medicines & its 45 minutes you bunch of ppl cannot find medicines for me? Her facial expression changed & said she'll look into the matter. The bag of medicines was lying right in front of the lady whom I saw sitting from long time on computer, all of a sudden both the ladies started to talk to each other & giggled. When she came back she said 'the lady forgot to enter in the system, you can go now & pay', this was really upsetting but I let that go as I didnt want to waste my time. When I went to Cashier, she didnt have change for Qar 57/- When I asked her to look into her drawer, she showed 'mafi change'. I said okay fine, I have credit card + debit card let me swap POS machine she said you have to go to male counter outside to do that, is that okay? I was really furious by that time & said no its not okay because you should have either some change with you or you should have POS machine inside female area, why do I need to stand in between males & pay for my medicines. But anyway I went to the male counter, paid for my medicines, took my medicines too from female cashier & decided to complain about the non availability of change & POS machine in female area & wrote the complaint paper but to till date no one contacted me back. I am sure they didnt even open that complaint box, there might be too much of those.
CONFUSE ............ if you cannot convince!
I have been here years and have suffered the Womens' Hospital many times but this was gang warfare. Horrid rude women with no manners.
JJ welcome to Qatar...lol
soetimes you have to be strong enough to deal with the situation. take it easy and next time keep this in mind.