Do any of you know where the vegetable farm is?

By porsche168 •
Do any of you know where the vegetable farm is? People say it's somewhere on the way to Dukhan. Where is it exactly? Thanks.
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If you are looking for a place where they sell fresh vegetables & fruit, you can go to the whole sale market here in Doha. Opposite the Thursday/Friday souq in Al Mamoura. Going on salwa road towards Qatar Decoration roudabout. Turn left at the roundabout, next roundabout turn right & then 2nd roundabout (small) right again. It has a sort off castle like look wall/ square around it. Go inside and you will find beautiful fresh produce. Men with wheel barrows will carry your stuff to the car.
Can someone provide the coordinates i.e. from Google Earth if you know how to use?
I have never heard of this. Do they sell fresh vegetables to the public? Do they also sell fruit?
From Rayyan go towards Al Wajba, at the last roundabout (intersection with North Road) take left towards the palace of HH Sheikh Hamad Bin Khalifa (The Emir of the State), go past the palace towards Al Rayyan Sports Club, go past the big roundabout you will reach Al Shahinayh. The farm is located on the right hand side just before you enter the underpass. Timings are from 6:00AM to 12:00PM and from 3:00PM to 5:30PM only morning shift on Fridays. It is approximately 20km from Wajba roundabout.
If you know someone working for QP can explain you better.