Mga kabayan, magtatanong lng po kc balak po nmin bumili ng 32inch n LCD TV at dalin paguwi kasi mas mura d2 pero sabi nila me tax daw na prng bumili ka na rin ng 2 TV, at saka depende rin daw sa size kc ung iba 29inch wala nman daw tax. So medyo confused po ako kung d2 o s Pinas na lng ako bibili. Baka po meron s inyo ang may idea kung anong size at nasa magkano kaya ang chinacharge nila ng tax? MERRY CHRISTMAS PO SA INYO!
I don't know WTF with this Blogs, we should have one for phili & indian
Try mo tawagan ang Coriner Cargo Tel# 4411872
Sila ang makaka pag bigay syo ng tamang sagot sa tanong mo.
abc def ghi jkl mno pqr stuv wxyz
We will ask QL moderator to block this question. Otherwise every one will start in their mother tongue. We are here to share our ideas and please do not start to differentiate us with such kind of Questions.
yup there is CUSTOM TAX,don't worry it's not much though
8,000 Pesos...
it's nothing... compare to buying same item in the Philippines
Kindly do your post in English or else you can mention in your subject that its only for pino's.