World's friendliest countries..

Gypsy, how do ya treat expats in your country?
The country that once welcomed the tired, poor, huddled masses is now asking for a little reciprocation. And Canada,Germany and Australia are heeding the call.
They top a list of the countries most welcoming to expats. There, relocators have a relatively easy time befriending locals, joining a local community group and learning the local language.
Canada is the most welcoming; almost 95% of respondents to HSBC Bank International's Expat Exploreer Survey, released today, said they have made friends with locals. In Germany, 92% were so lucky and in Australia 91% befriended those living there. The United Arab Emirates was found to be the most difficult for expats; only 54% of those surveyed said they'd made friends with locals.
Behind The Numbers
The study surveyed 2,155 expats in 48 countries, spanning four continents, between February and April 2008. Respondents rated their country in four categories: ability to befriend locals, number that joined a community group, number that learned the language and percentage that bought property.
"We conducted this survey to better understand expatriate needs and get insight into the emotions of expats. The banking business is all about trust, especially with the recent credit crisis," says Martin Spurling, CEO of HSBC Bank International and Head of HSBC Global Offshore. "We want them to build a relationship with their wealth manager regardless of where they travel."
For Americans, traveling abroad to start over is becoming increasingly common. America used to have it all: good jobs, booming economy, skyrocketing stock market and plentiful housing. What a difference a year can make. The boom has gone bust and people are now heading for the exits en masse--with an eye abroad.
It's no wonder they likely find Canada so welcoming. It has an accessible language, diverse culture and low levels of government corruption, says Patricia Linderman, editor of Tales from a Small Planet, an online newsletter for expats.
It also has other expats. This is important, Linderman says, since even the most gracious locals already have busy, established lives and can be unwilling to put in the effort to befriend someone they know could leave within several years.
"I'm not suggesting that it's good to live in an 'expat ghetto'. It's immensely rewarding to live among local people and make friends with them," she says.
Linderman says other expats are important because they share similar needs like making friends and adjusting to life in a new country. They also understand the frustrations daily life brings.
1. Canada, 2. Germany, 3. Australia, 4. United Kingdom, 5. India 6. United States, 7. Hong Kong & Spain, 8. France, 9. Netherlands, 10. Belgium, 11. Singapore, 12. United Arab Emirates
he'll let everybody dies for the sake of MONEY... don't ask'will take 3 years to end up....
InshaAllaah that would be great bro!
They call it the American dream because you have to be asleep to see it... --George Carlin
The reason Qatar isn't on the list is because there's no way to do market research in this country. You can't do a mailshot because there is no household post and no equivalent of the electoral roll -- a list of names and postal addresses.
Whenever you see surveys of "How people feel in the Middle East", ask yourself: "Is this just a survey of 200 people who happened to walk through Mall of the Emirates last Wednesday?"
Sorry to hear that old buddy.. We'll have to get together sometime and perhaps you'll alter your perceptions..
Mp and Brit I always found people in France and Suisse to be much more 'warmer' than Brits... Well maybe that is because I usually only dealt with non natives... But even the non-natives in the UK tend to be wanks... =)
They call it the American dream because you have to be asleep to see it... --George Carlin
Then they say they're Canadian and forget where they originally come from!!!
Canada is only for immigrants, just a stepping stone for them to move to the US of A.
USA should not be on any list that has friendly on it.
Every body is a threat to them
Yes eagle,that is true hospitality. having expats at home for dinner!
Ah yes, edifis.. the test of true friendliness and hospitality is having outsiders home for dinner ;-)
Don't want no drama,
No, no drama, no, no, no, no drama
The Aghori Tribe of India are the friendliest. They love expatriates. They love them so much that they often eat expatriates. They think expatriates,especially Canadians and Australians are yummy.
britexpat, I agree that my limited experience with friendly swiss and frenchies give me a different perspective of them - like the survey, also insufficient to form a proper opinion on.
Don't want no drama,
No, no drama, no, no, no, no drama
Britexpat - do the Swiss really hate outsiders or is it simply because outsiders don't speak German / French (depending on which side of the country they're on) and thus, the locals find it difficult to communicate with them? And rather than fumble through, the locals just keep quiet and thus, seem unfriendly?
/Actually, same thing for France. They have a reputation for being proud and unfriendly but I've met a few back home and they tell me a different reality.
Don't want no drama,
No, no drama, no, no, no, no drama
MP.. Took the words out of my mouth..
"A man may fight for many things.His country,his friends,his principles,the glistening tear on the cheek of a golden child.
But personally,I'd mud wrestle my own mother for a ton of cash, an amusing clock and a sackful of porn."
No, I agree that Canada deserves 1st placing. Just the other countries - very iffy. Survey faulty.
Sample too small and time frame too short. The limitations on the "research" are rather huge, leaving a gaping hole - that's all I'm saying. And it cannot be relied upon (IMHO only) as accurate. I wouldn't only take it with a pinch of salt but rather, with a bucket load of it.
Don't want no drama,
No, no drama, no, no, no, no drama
how about our beloved qatar?
gypsy's right canada's usually on top with list like this., friendly, peaceful, stability, retirement, education, happiness,,, forbes has done surveys regarding these topics and canada has been consistently on top 5., congrats gyp's
veni, vidi, vici.
Gypsy, show-off.. praise Canada for your sake.. ;o)
Well this survey might be slightly off, it should be noted that Canada always gets number 1 in these types of surveys, including always being in the top 3 of the UN's best nations to live in.
Gypsy i am not jealous....i love Canadians...
There nature, they are very i should say
Canada Rocks :)
Canadians, eh?
I am surprised to see Hong Kong and France on the list. No offence, Okay?
Man... 5th position in tht list.. But with all tht attacks, i doubt if people wud want 2 come down... :(
The Swiss hate outsiders, so I wouldn't expect them to be on the list..
Y'all are just jealous because we Canadians are so beloveded!
Germany and Australia??? Are they kidding? France at No. 8? Something wrong with the survey. It's biased.
Agree with GT - 2,155 expatriates in 48 countries - too small a sample to be accurate.
... And conducted only between February and April 2008 - just 2 months - must have accidentally gotten a bunch of people who were lucky to be in touch with the locals, if the survey was genuine to start with. Faulty.
... Of all the countries, UAE is the only middle eastern country stated? Is this a tactic to add on to the bad press about Dubai's strict laws - with those dimwits who got caught being naughty in public? So UAE is bottom of the list - bs. So it's propaganda - to say how unfriendly UAE is.
/And what happened to Switzerland? Impossible that they are not on that list.
Don't want no drama,
No, no drama, no, no, no, no drama
is too small to make an inference of the general expats' needs worldwide
You said right Gypsy.... Canadian are very friendly..My elder bro lives in Canada..he lives in Windsor...and i am going to meeting him to canada every year...and i noticed that Canadians are very friendly...i like them :)
oh CANADiAns... live and let live.
12? is it?
veni, vidi, vici.
We's Canadians are a friendly lot. :)
Canada is full of immigrants , so how can you make friends with locals ???
The locals are in the Middle East, working as Expats :)