Illegal to use a headset while driving?

By Expat Sueño •
I know it's illegal to use a mobile phone while driving, but is it allowed to use a headset (e.g. a Bluetooth) while driving?
I want to make sure that I'm OK doing it *before* I get into deep trouble.
Expat Sueño
Handsfree is better than no-handsfree, but it's still dangerous.
One cannot do 2 things properly at the same time....says the advertisment...
But then Hands free is better than the normal way.
You also can have a small video screen in your steering wheel and watch movies while you're driving. There is no need to watch the road or concentrate on driving. The others will all give way for you, especially white Land Cruisers. Don't worry, Lady.
expat sueno i always use the handsfree kit (not bluetooth) while i am driving.
I think thats the requirement i Doha, i do know you should not use the mobile with or without headset while you driving in the UK.
Mind you if the police caught you talking on the phone in Qatar there is QR200 fines. Although i can not see it being enforce over here.
it is no problem using ur head set or bluetooth during driving ...but still u will not be 100% concentrating on the road
so plz be careful and drive safe
yes u can its more save than mobile specally u will concentrate more and used ur hand to control ur drive
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