Help please!

My husband has been offered a job with Qatar Airways. it's an Management position ( I gather that the ground staff and crew dont get treated well and thought that this might help with the info I'm after).
Do you have any ideas if they have certain locations i.e. compounds where they place their staff??We are trying to get an idea of what to expect as they provide accommodation. We're also trying to determine if we can bring some of our furnishings out.
Also he gets a company car - how does this sort of thing work in Qatar, similar to London and SA for example where he choose a near new car on a lease or do you get some old banger? We have three kids who'd need to all fit into the back and with carseats it's a push in any big sedan. We had a A6 and had to trade if for a 7 seater to fit them comfortably.
Do you know of any non ground/crew Qatar Airways employees and how they are finding them as employers?
Welcome to Qatar then.
If they treated you well in SA then you will be treated here better.
Have a nice trip (for both of you).
May the force be with them (for the kids).
Qatar Airways is one of the best emerging airlines in the world, i understand that they dont treat their ground staff that well because they are laborers, you will see that here alot, the expatriates who work labour jobs here usually get treated very unfairly, but if your husband is in a management position in Qatar Airways, i am sure they will provide you with a car that fits your family style, they will provide you a house big enough to fit your family, most likely in a compound, and since you are British, i beleive they have schools here that provide British education probably better then they do in the UK, and if you are british citizens, i think it is free for your kids, such schools include, Doha College, and Doha English speakin school, i went to Doha College, and when i used to study there, british expatriates were provided free education(from what we heard atleast), but if they dont, Qatar Airways im sure will provide a schooling budget for your kids. Dont be to stressed about it, they usually, treat expatriates in management positions very well, and that you will see when you get here.
what i know is QA does provide decent accomodation for their senior staff, it will be a compound community.
i sugget you buy a pajero or a land crusier, a one year old or, prefreably, a new one. cars are more afforadble here than in SA or UK, so u can enjoy a V6 or V8 engine without and you dont have to worry on how much it costs to fill it up.
wishing u an enjoyable stay
majid, sorry to say but no one's forcing you to stay here. ;o)
sorry 2 say but qatar is boring place.