**NEW** Doha Expat Mums and Kids Group!!!

It's finally here. . .an official Mums and Kids group for expats!!
In the next month The Doha Expat Mums & Kids group will be up and running. It is a secure (i.e. members only) online forum that we can use to organize playgroups, ask questions about where to find __ in Doha, buy/sell our kid and household good items, and meet others with children of similar ages.
We’ll have age-based playgroups, a Moms Night Out, an Expectant Moms subgroup, New Arrivals Luncheons, holiday parties, etc. In other words, it will be much more than a simple playgroup. It will only be open to *expatriate* parents with children in Doha.
While in Houston I was one of the administrators of a similar group, which had reached over 575 members when I left a few weeks ago. It was an incredible tool for parenting - members could ask for information regarding anything from toddler lunchbox suggestions to infant sleeping problems to suggestions for a hair stylist. There is even a completely anonymous posting feature that can be used for sensitive topics such as marital counseling and plastic surgery.
As with my group in Houston, there are no affiliations or requirements. . .you simply need to be an expat in Doha. To ensure that our members are all "known" individuals, it will be required for everyone to attend an official event before being invited to the online forum. This way we know that the person is both genuinely interested in the group and is also an expatriate parent in Doha.
There are definitely no dues for the next year or so, and I don't anticipate that there will be after that unless something Doha-specific forces us to deal with dues.
The first official event for the group will be a Halloween party for children of preschool age or younger, which will be held in the West Bay on Saturday 1st November from 3-6pm. (It will be aimed at the babies through preschoolers since the older children have their own parties via their respective schools.) Look for details regarding the party in a separate post.
We’ll be charging 30QR per person to cover costs, with any overage being applied to future events. RSVPs & payment will be due on 29th October so the committee can be sure to purchase enough snacks, trick or treat supplies, etc.
I am working with some other women to organize the party and we definitely need some assistance. If you are interested in lending a hand with and/or attending the party. . .or would like to know more about Doha Expat Mums & Kids, please send me a PM.
Hope to see you and your little ones at the party – and please feel free to forward this information to anyone who might be interested in the party or Doha Expat Mums & Kids.
Expat Sueño
P.S. Be sure to reply to this post to let me know that you have sent me a PM.
I would like to share the following with the group for the benefits of our kids
Honestly, One of the worst schools i have ever seen not just in Doha, but world wide. Not a learner place, but rather a place for kids to kill time. It looks organized, but kids learn nothing usefull at that school.
The international school of london is one of most expensive schools in Doha and yet the worst by far. Everyone i know attending the international school of London in Doha is about to leave the school.
Poor education and a total waste our kids time to send them to this school. Stay away of this school and try other ones. Such as Global, Doha College, DESS.
We and our friends had a terrible experience in regards to learning. Some of us managed to send the kids to other school and some are looking for places for their kids.
Yes, the party was a couple of years ago. We do have another one coming up, but it is for members only and is SOLD OUT :( Sorry!
Our holiday parties sell out quickly, so the best thing to do is to attend a Doha Mums event so you can register for the group. Once you are a member you'll be able to find out about the parties well before they occur ;)
sumalk the post is almost 2 years old. better check with Expat Sueno if they are doing another Halloween party this year.
Just wanna bring my 15months baby girl to the party. How can i purchase tickets pls let me know..
Yes, CanadianEducator20 :)
In fact, I just returned from the Doha Mums Easter Egg Hunt - we had close to 300 people at the party ;) We had three other Easter events in the previous weeks, too.
You can check out our website at http://www.dohamums.com for the (almost) complete list of our events. Some of our events are only open to members, hence the caveat of "almost" :)
I'll look forward to meeting you this summer!
I took my first home loans when I was not very old and that aided me a lot. But, I need the college loan once again.
what a wonderful idea!!! you are creating such a valueable resource for parents, soon to be parents and new arrivals!
P.S I hope to see you at another coffee when I arrive this summer =) Have a wonderful Easter Holiday! (Do you celebrate Eatser in Doha?)
Hi Ayu -
All you need to do to join is to attend one of our many events - we have an average of 60-70 per month, so there are plenty from which you can choose :) Once you attend an event then you can sign up for the group.
We recently shortened our name to Doha Mums and launched a new website (http://www.dohamums.com )
We have more than 600 members now from 65 different countries. . .it's a fun group. . .I'll look forward to seeing you at an event soon!
Hi Sueno,
the group sound interesting, what should i do to join?
This thread and the Halloween Party noted above is from last year - sorry! And this year's Halloween Party sold out very quickly.
You'll need to attend an event in order to join the group - and then you'll be able to purchase tickets to our Winter Holiday Party.
Hope to see you at an event soon!
Best of luck with group
I have a 1 and 9 month year old boy and I would like him to attend the party. Please provide me with details about it (location and timing)
thank you!
Good luck to all
And yes, we do have a website. . .
Hi Alia -
This thread is actually from last year :)
We are having another Halloween party this year, but it will be limited to members who have already joined the group. Tickets will go on sale next week to members, so if you are interested in attending you'll need to attend an event (our requirement for membership), join the private website and then purchase your ticket. (read: you'll need to hurry!)
Hope to see you there!
Expat Sueño
Hello Sueno!!
I am a mother for 2 girls, ages four and one.
I would like to attend the halloween party!!
Is there a website for the expat mums group??
good day expat sueno.can you help me,my sister is coming here in doha first week of february,as visiting visa she needs a job,and provide visa for her.thank you so much!
There were several dads at this past Saturday's park playgroup. I had as much fun talking with the dads as I did with the mums! It's a great family event - come on out!
park playgroups :o) We currently have one every Saturday and are hoping to add more in the near future.
Hope to see you there!
Thanks Expat Sueno.. I think I forget to mention that I am a single parent (dad not mum). wont bother you ladies in the night outs, but would welcome any activities for the kids..
The group I have started is very much needed in Doha and is in no way intended to compete with QL. . .if you check out the website I'm sure you'll understand. I'm a devoted QLer myself :o)
Did you find the website? If not, send me a PM.
Most of the events are child-friendly so you should be able to find plenty of events to attend :o) The mums night out is pretty much the only one that is kid-free.
For what it's worth, there are other single mums who will be joining. . .some are in the process of moving but have been in touch with me.
Let me know if you have any questions!
Expat Sueño
P.S. The web address is easy to find - just google the name of the group and I think it should pop right up.
Sueno well done.. Doha expat Mums and Kids group. At present I am single parent and welcome activities planned for the Kids so my son can also join..
There are playgroups on both Friday and Saturday of this week, and we will likely schedule playgroups for next week as well. We have a website, but I don't think we can post it here - feel free to PM me for details.
.....It is now January (only recently arrived in Doha) but wondered what is the next event that is suitable for two under the age of 2 and a half (and their mum!) - sorry can't make the 12th Jan evening meet up, hubbie away on work.
If you attend any official ExpatWoman event, then you can be added to Doha Expat Mums and Kids. They just happen to have a terrific event on Sunday mid-morning. . .details are here:
If you are not able to make the Halloween Party (or if your kids are too old for it), there will be plenty of other "official events" in the future.
I'm active in the ExpatWoman Qatar site, so any *official* ExpatWoman Qatar event that you attend will be good enough to get you into Doha Expat Mums & Kids. We want to see that you're interested enough to attend at least one event. . .no lurkers in our group :o)
Novita's monthly QL meeting will be considered an official event as well, so if you attend November's event make sure you give your e-mail address to me (or Novita if I'm not there) and we'll send you the invitation to Doha Expat Mums & Kids.
Hopefully we'll have a Mums Night Out (MNO) next month in addition to several playgroups.
If anyone has any suggestions as to where to hold the MNO, throw them out there for me!
Expat Sueño
No, the kids need not attend the event with you. We just want to make sure you're a living breathing expat with kids. The look on your face will be proof enough of the "kids" part :o)
Yep, any excuse to get away!
to the Halloween party or to an "official event"?
Do we have to bring the kids?