Gujarat CM Modi visiting Qatar?

AHMEDABAD: Chief Minister Narendra Modi will visit Uganda, Kenya, South Africa and Qatar to campaign for the Vibrant Gujarat business summit schedule
d in January
Hmm... Mushkil... Mazboot n Mushkil....
This is the only thread where I have read each n every post....
No point in picking this forum up again... the passion in the heros of both side here must have died....
But as rightly said by many here -
All politicians in India are Bas**)ds - Why you think Modi shall be a exception
We always fall pray to divide n rule.. since British times....
Modi had ignited the n KGs of RDX kept...
So is he responsible for lighting or we the country to pile up the RDX???
I know majority of us here or all never participated in a communal riot - But neither have we ever taken any step to stop it...
We the ones who don like it are silent spectators... not strongly determined... thts why the few others win...
The politicians shall do wht they have to survive in politics n Take your Vote....
Change your self n the National Politics changes....
Why you think getting the Votes of My generation are difficult... we care a F about religion... we are bothered about money n chillax life.... And we are better than all Pusedo - Secularists in politics n society.......
Reality is a Illusion Caused Due to Deficiency of Alcohol
i will be with you for the allignment of geechee views,i am from his neighbour
gheechor badudar(geechee_bu) can you meet anywhere in qatar(I am from Gujrat)I will wash out every rubish from your mind.for ever. can you give me single chance.
awkhanqatar will poluted.I hate polution
Dear advocatefk,i have studied all the conversation about Modi and concluded that your views about humanity are based on reality.even if you are indian or pakistani,muslim or non muslim,i have really paid a real one minute silent salute to your views while standing infront of my computer table by puting one hand on my forehead like soldiers.i want to quit with your precious comments '51 fools rules over 49 happy, live long and keep it up.
Anybody can start a blog n write far the news has not been corroborated by any official site/gazette whatsoever.
please check this URL
Mr.Bhatt: First of all wheree did this news come from that Modi is coming here? I think its a hoax! Why would he come to Qatar?
“Live life so completely that when death comes to you like a thief in the night, there will be nothing left for him to steal.”
Narendra Modi (aka The Butcher of Gujarat) is coming to Qatar. If this is true, then it is truly alarming and shameful.
As you may be aware, by the grace of Allah, the Muslims of the US, along with several Indian secular organizations, were successful in lobbying the US govt. to deny Modi a visa to visit the US. He tried twice once in 2005 and once as recently as August 2008, and was refsued a visa on the grounds that he had presided over the persecution of religious minorities in Gujarat.
However, quite frankly shocked and dismayed to learn that this man who has been roundly condemned around the world for his complicity in the murder of over 2000 Muslim men, women and children and the systematic rape of countless Muslim girls and women, is being allowed to enter Qatar (a muslim nation).
If you guys are not intrested then leave the topic....... None of us have invited you! Isn't?
Think like a man of Action..........act like a man of Thoughts!!!!1 are also became one victim here...
"I have a pair of eyes but I can't see U everyday...
I have a pair of ears but I can't hear U everytime....
I have only one heart that remembers U everyseconds......"
Nathan lol getout from here :)
"This is not our country, so who cares about N. Modi's visit here in Qatar...Its Qatar's hospitality to whether to receive him or not..
wasting my whole time by reading above all...
"I have a pair of eyes but I can't see U everyday...
I have a pair of ears but I can't hear U everytime....
I have only one heart that remembers U everyseconds......"
politicians still follow the divide and rule policy which was introduced by british rulers. Money and power is more important to them then human life.
All names given by advocatefk are perfect examples of mass murderers who are black spots on Indian History and who are still roaming unpunished and some enjoying power. People tend to forget everything and move on, some even approve the mass murders of fellow citizens by these barbaric politicians since the people killed were from other religion, this is what the Politicians are good at exploiting -Religious Sentiments.
Rajiv Gandhi and his cronies went unpunished for the thousands of Sikhs who were massacared post Indira Gandhi’s killing. Bal Thackeray still lords over Mumbai inspite of instigating riots in Mumbai which led to the Bombay bomb blasts. And we have Lal Kishan Advani who was the chief conspirator behind the demolition of the Babri Masjid, which led to large scale riots all over India. And, today he is planning to become the Prime Minister again.
Will all these criminals ever be bought to justice? Well, Rajiv Gandhi met his. We wait for the rest of the justice to be played out.
Think like a man of Action..........act like a man of Thoughts!!!!1
Rajiv Gandhi and his cronies went unpunished for the thousands of Sikhs who were massacared post Indira Gandhi’s killing. Bal Thackeray still lords over Mumbai inspite of instigating riots in Mumbai which led to the Bombay bomb blasts. And we have Lal Kishan Advani who was the chief conspirator behind the demolition of the Babri Masjid, which led to large scale riots all over India. And, today he is planning to become the Prime Minister again.
Will all these criminals ever be bought to justice? Well, Rajiv Gandhi met his. We wait for the rest of the justice to be played out.
Think like a man of Action..........act like a man of Thoughts!!!!1
News magazine Tehelka has made some startling claims in a sting operation, implicating Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi directly in the Gujarat riots. The investigation, which was conducted on some VHP, Bajrang Dal and BJP leaders, has them on record, admitting to mass killings of Muslims. Then what moreoevr it is a de mocracy and Modi is vested with right to kill innocent citizens!
Think like a man of Action..........act like a man of Thoughts!!!!1
As the Supreme Court observed, “Narendra Modi played the perfect Nero who fiddled while Gujarat burnt“. Shameless, unable to take the repeated pointed questions from Karan Thapar, he excused himself from the interview on “Devil’s Advocate“. If you see the video, you can see the guilt on his face. Will it make him repent and accept his part in the holocaust he perpetrated in Gujarat? Well, the Indian politician is made of thick skin, and he/she has never been known to accept their mistakes.
Think like a man of Action..........act like a man of Thoughts!!!!1
Today the Menu of the Day is Gujaraties (Modi Special)
I seriously admire the knowledge of Indian Political System that most of you have.
As far i know about of Modi - He is killer, i have seen his interview on NDTV and how he goes blank when he is questioned and all..
But what ever it maybe, i hope there is no bashing dishoom dishoom today.. Interesting subject.. Lets have our Qatar's Version of Aap Ki Adalat when he is here..
IMI - The Screen Behind The Mirror
"I object to violence because when it appears to do good, the good is only temporary; the evil it does is permanent."
"The best way to destroy an enemy is to make him a friend."
"Let me begin with a set of disclosures: I have perhaps written more articles against Modi and his handling of the post-Godhra scenario than most people have; I have called him a modern-day Hitler and have always said that Godhra shall remain an enduring blemish not just on him but on India’s political class. I still believe that what happened in Gujarat during the Godhra riots is something we as a nation will pay a heavy price for.
But the fact is that time has moved on. As has Narendra Modi. He is not the only politician in India who has been accused of communalism.
It is strange that the whole country venerates the Congress Party as the secular messiah but it was that party that presided over the riots in 1984 in which over 3,500 Sikhs died: thrice the number killed in Gujarat."
50% Gujaratis above poverty line and 50% area is under cultivation. I think u have picked up wrong British Time data.
What Modi has done during last 5 years is phenomenal in the history of India. He showed what India can do if there is political will and honest and strong person leadingit. As was mentioned, the 60 accolades and awards received by Gujarat from international and national organizations including Rajiv Gandhi Foundation headed bySonia Gandhi, speaks for itself. These awards ranges from best governance to bestsanitation, from welfare of a girl child to that of poor pregnant mothers, interlinkingrivers, best in class infrastructure of roads, ports and airports, 100% villages gettingpower 24 hours that is changing the landscape of villages to become economic hubs andreducing city slums and you name it, Gujarat made so much accomplishments. The awards are from United Nations, Common Wealth, Asian Innovation awards and many Indian Organizations.
The progress in Gujarat during last 5 years is more than doubled the progress that occurred during last 45 years in many areas. It is Modi's vision of Panchamrut philosophy that made it happen. These are Jnana Sakti (power of knowledge), Urja Sakti(power of Energy), Jal Sakti (power of Water), Jan Sakti (Power of People), Raksh Sakti(power of Security – Physical, Social and Economic) and focussed methodically in theseareas
Enjoy some facts:
1. Gujarat is one of the most prosperous states of the country, having a per-capita GDP 3.2 times India ’s average.
2. If it was a nation it would have been 67th richest nation in the world above many European and Asian economies like China and Ukraine .
3. Gujarat holds many records in India for economic development:
20% of India ’s Industrial Output
9% of India ’s Mineral Production
22% of India ’s exports
24% of India ’s textile production
35% of India ’s pharmaceutical products
51% of India ’s petrochemical production
4. The world’s largest ship breaking yard is in Gujarat near Bhavnagar at Alang.
5. Reliance Petroleum Limited, one of the group companies of Reliance Industries Limited founded by Dhirubhai Ambani operates the oil refinery at Jamnagar which is the world’s largest grass roots refineries .
6. Gujarat ranks first nationwide in gas-based thermal electricity generation with national market share of over 8% and second nationwide in nuclear electricity generation with national market share of over 1%.
7. Over 20% of the S&P CNX 500 conglomerates have corporate offices in Gujarat .
8. Over 35% of the stock market wealth of India is with Gujarati People.
9. Over 60% of Indian Population in North America is Gujarati.
10. An average income of a Gujarati family in North America is three times more than the average income of an American family.
11. Gujarat is having the longest sea shore compared to any other Indian state
12. Gujarat is having the highest no. of operating airports in India (Total 12).
13. India ’s 16% of Investment are from Gujarat .
14. Gujarat is having highest no. of vegetarian people compared to any other state in India .
15. The first ALL VEG PIZZA-HUT was opened in Ahmedabad
16. Ahmedabad – the commercial capital of Gujarat is the seventh largest city in India .
17. Surat is the fastest growing city in the world.
18. Gandhinagar is the Greenest Capital City in whole Asia .
19. Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad(IIMA) is Asia’s 1 st and world’s 45th ranked management college located in Ahmedabad, Gujarat .
20. Gujarat is the safest state as the Crime rate of it is 8.2 which is the least in India even after considering 2002 communal riots, stated by India Today 2005 report.
21. Gujarat is having least crime against women among all Indian states (excluding Goa) where AP is 1st, Delhi is 2nd , Bihar is 3rd ,Zarakhand is 4th and UP is 5th.
22. Ahmedabad which is the seventh largest city in India is the lowest in crime rate among all Tier-I and Tier-II cities of India as per National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) report.
23. Ahmedabad is ranked 2nd in Real Estate - Ahead of Bangalore,Chennai, Hyderabad , Mumbai & Delhi. 3rd in Policy Initiatives - Ahead of Bangalore , Chennai, Calcutta , Mumbai & Delhi. 4th in Manpower - Ahead of Bangalore ,Chennai, Mumbai & Delhi.
Modi has only one skill “Media Manipulation” – every day for last fortnight Nano stories dominate Gujarat Media. Gujaratis are good in mathematics Rs.2000 crore TATA investments is just Rs.400 per head. This is not even 4% of $10b annual repatriations by Gujaratis. Rs.4,00,000 crores or more investment till date couldn’t lift 50% Gujaratis above poverty line that live in one room dwellings and mostly starve, cotton and groundnut accounts for 50% of area under cultivation which is largely exported. Milk production in Gujarat is barely above national average- 6 million tones out of 91 million tones but over half of it is processed and exported Gujaratis are left with just about half cup of milk a day per capita.
Think like a man of Action..........act like a man of Thoughts!!!!
Supreme court moved cases out of gujarat and gave a strong statement against Modi, isnt that enough.... like advocatetk rightly said people supporting modi are mentally ill and maybe have same mindset of modi. such people deserve stoning to death in public for their mass massacre which put humanity to shame.
Gheechee..... Media in India is not free from biasness.
The present matter has different attention. I am not denying the fact of Gujarat’s development rather humbly submitting that developments under no circumstances can be at cost of human dignity and rights as well!
Why you tend to neglect reports and confessions of many human right activists (most of them are Hindu as well) about the massacre in Gujarat. Try to read Harsh Mander or Teesta, you would get for sure answers!
Candidly speaking Modi is a criminal of society and he deserves outrage from any civilized society. Alas! We as the citizen of India lost our integrity and voice even to condemn such culprits. As far as Democracy is concerned do not forget to analyze a good definition thereto which should be read as follows: Democracy is a system of governance where 51 fools rules over 49 intellectuals! This doesn’t denote that I am against democratic setup rather I am just advocating for a transparent democratic structure. With India losing her sanctity and integrity by act of some Modis, the very future of India- the larger democracy in the world seems to be on peril.
Think like a man of Action..........act like a man of Thoughts!!!!
Geechee u said it:
"Some facts every one should know before throwing opinion…..people were misguided by pseudo-secularists media:" Yes that is right. The said media is the one who declared Killer Modi as
(in your words) "India Today, on the two separate occasions, declared that he is the most efficient Chief Minister." These are the media trying to show that he is efficient. Yes he is very Brutal. You can not find any one in the history like him.
Geechee like ill minded people can only support such brutal criminals. Modi should be Hanged..
Who's bothered.
It seems that people supporting Modi here are menatally ill, as previuosly said developments can't be attributed to genocide!
Modi is a criminal of genocide and he must be punished.
Thay's all.
Think like a man of Action..........act like a man of Thoughts!!!!1
Geechebu, well done. Most of the comments here I believe are due to communal point of view.
Yes he failed to contain the violence. But then there are many examples in India. Any one forgets violence against Sikhs in Delhi? More than 3000 people killed. What happened to the case?
He has done wonders to Gujarat. Even Tata relocated nano plant to Gujarat. What proof is required than this?
If Qatar Govt welcomes him what is the problem for this people?
Winn, Modi was not fighting the so called war on terrorism as claimed holy by the US and west but he was accused of deliberately letting the things go out of control while a perticular community was being targeted by the miscreants
Geechebu: Could you please quote the source for above statistics?From what I have read , help arrived on the third day. Also that the police force themselves allowed and participated in the atrocities.
Blabla: Can you please explain what you meant by your "holy war ' comment??
“Live life so completely that when death comes to you like a thief in the night, there will be nothing left for him to steal.”
Some facts every one should know before throwing opinion…..people were misguided by pseudo-secularists media:
Narendra Modi called the Indian Army within 16 hours of the first sign of riots breaking out.
The Indian Army at that time was in a state of red alert on the International border with Pakistan, in lieu of the December 13th terrorist attacks on the Indian Parliament. The Army cannot just be removed from the border with Pakistan and be stationed in a situation to deal with internal unrest, and yet within just sixteen hours army units were air-lifted and brought to Gujarat. This was the fastest reaction by any government in Indian history, while dealing with riot situations.
Narendra Modi government initiated preventive arrests of over 33000 people across the state of Gujarat. Which government on this planet has initiated such a mammoth task of arresting people in such huge numbers even before a crime was committed?
Narendra Modi government fire over 12000 rounds of bullets for riot control, and over 15000 rounds of tear gas shells. About 200 people were shot dead by the police to control the frenzied crowds. It was the largest killing of people in a non-war situation by a police force in the world for riots' control.
Over 4000 indictments have been registered. Do you expect Narendra Modi to be a superman and prevent assault on each and every corner, when there was a huge out flow of public anger?
Geechee, your demand for equal treatment is legitimate. But people have different ways to look at crimes. Rulers of the countries you mentioned took these actions as part of their own security policies which resulted in killing of some innocents which many view as crime. In case of Modi, however, it was not a holy war by any means. He just allowed the brutality against a section of people out of his own prejudice. Modi is generally condemned for his non secular attitude. I would consider winning elections a clean chit for Modi if majority was on recieving side of the carnage.
But, then, the greatest virtue given to man by God is the ability to forget and move forward. Those who suffered in the riots can forget the event but cann't forgive Modi...
Give equal treatment to all than.....and below should not be allowed to enter here:
not a sinle person from Congress Party (Because of killings of Shikhs), non of US Army or US political parties (For killings many in many countries). Non of Maoist (for killing of many non followers). Members of China's rulling party for killing of innocent students protesting peacefully at Tinamen Square) Members of Royal Family of UK for killings of many inocent people in the world. List will become very long.
We are living in the world where every one is living in glass house so better to stop throwing stones and start living for better tomorrow forget the past and look forward for better tomorrow.
So you are waiting for Raj Thakre to order his supporters to kill Non-Maharashtrians?
FYI: One person has already lost his life.
I was replying to ur comparison of discrimination(maharashtra) with slaughter and mass murder/rapes.burning alive of innocent humans etc.(in gujarat) no way the two things can be compared.
Killing is killing, life is life, whether be of a qatari, a indian, a muslim, a christian or anyone. everybody condemns killing except few who support the killers like u are doing at the moment.
mass murders committed by him cannot be forgotten ever in the history of india. gujarat is progressing because of the gujratis, he is just taking the credit for the hard work of the people of gujarat.
So you are waiting for Raj Thakre to order his supporters to kill Non-Maharashtrians?
FYI: One person has already lost his life.
Let me clear you that I am not supporting any bloodsheds but I strongly believe that corrupted system and politicians are taking more lives than Godhra every day. You know recent flood in Bihar was due to corrupt engineers and contractors? You know that bad roads are taking more lives every year than we lost in war against Pakistan? You know that people are not getting food because of corrupt system? You know people are getting killed by bomb blasts blast just because of lack of political will to fight against terrorism and corrupt system?
Why riots like 'Godhra' are not seen in developed nations? It is just because of employment and development.
If you are talking about killing of people than you should be having courage to condemn all killings irrespective of country, cast, person, party, religion ( I already condemn Modi in this post for let Gujarat burn and let innocent people (sorry I can’t discriminate between Muslims and Hindus) get killed. because …… colour of blood remain same……sound of cry will also remain same……feeling of pain remain same……every where.
But the way he administrating Gujarat afterwards is really superb and has not given a single chance to raise finger against him or question his policies.
u cannot compare maharashtra with gujarat. in maharashtra discrimination is taking place (which offcourse is wrong) but in Gujarat mass killings took place. Relating both is like relating sky and water.
@winn: i agree with u, ideology of someone is not printed in his passport to be rejected but its sad to see that the mass murderer has supporters who support/justify his killing of innocent human beings.
He should be hanged ......
Very balanced analysis but if you have noticed....the same thing is happening in the state of Maharashtra right now..... state Police reamin inactive.
Why no one is blaming CM of Maharashtra for attack on UP-ites?
Why Human Rights activist are silent? Because its' a case of Hindu against Hindu?
Becasue they will not get attention of international media?
Why central government is not taking action against CM of his own party?
Why Election Commission and India's constitution allows parties to play 'Devide and Rule' policy to get votes from certain cast and community?
Why India should have different laws for different casts?
SmartBuddy: I understand your outrage, but your 'sick person-sick ideology' comment is funny at best. Where did you evr get the notion that a person's ideology is a criteria to allow him to work in Qatar. Anyone who is ready to work his a55 off for a pittance is welcome here...dont believe me? Hav a look at the construction industry.
“Live life so completely that when death comes to you like a thief in the night, there will be nothing left for him to steal.”
Ruled by Lion, who killed thousands? Just imagine to be a son whose mothers and sisters are raped in front of his eyes. I am surprised a sick person who supports such sick ideology was allowed to work in Qatar.
Ruled by lion who brought humanity to shame? Such lions are better caged (jailed) for rest of their lives so that others are safe.
When you can forget can forget USA.....can forget China.....Russia....UK.....and many more because history is always written by winners.
Progress is the way of life and it's the only way to leave behind all such hatred.
I am not admiring Modi because of his so called fascist ideology but as leader he stands very tall compared to other politicians.
It is always better to be ruled by one lion than 100 rats.
To start with, what happened in Godhra is a matter of national shame and an insult on humanity. yes, Modi is extremely communal too. But I fail to find a single political party/candidate in India that has not played the relegion/caste card.
The blame for the riots cannot be placed on one man alone. That would be escapism. It is the cross of the whole society to bear. The environment that has fostered distrust, contempt and intolerance between communities did not spring up suddenly during the rule of this man. It has been the curse of the land for decades. But yes, he is defenitely guilty of using it to further his purposes. He is also guilty of not facilitating the rule of law during the riots. (Accounts say police took an active part in it)
As for planning and perpetrating, I am yet to find a judgement by the judiciary against this man .
As for reelection, the people of his state only had a choice between an open and 'honest'(!) criminal and dishonest, weak and opportunistic opposition parties. The factor of administration and trade and commerce weighed heavily on his side and he won.
Also, the fear of a backlash in case of a Congress victory is also said to have played a major role in his re-election. Eventhough he has done good things in administration and infrastructure, At the end of the day, he will always be remembered for the carnage more than any development.
“Live life so completely that when death comes to you like a thief in the night, there will be nothing left for him to steal.”
I am afraid u r doing wonder by copy and paste tools.
Do not try to read betwenn the lines, it leads to wrong notions!
As far as Murderer Modi is concerned he is not an accused rather a convict in his capacity of the CHEIF MINISTER OF STATE. Try to read some provsions of indian constitution..... you would get the flavour from there. in this effort if you need any assistance then let me know....
Modi is not under trail in his perosnal capacity rather on his capacity as the CM of state where state sponsered terroirsm were planned in naked way!
Read recent comments of Supreme court on Modi.......
But i know you would never ever adhere to ot you know why........... beacuse it seems that u r from same mentality like Modi is!
Think like a man of Action..........act like a man of Thoughts!!!!1;jsessionid=ADB4E45DBD7B1578DF5B1436AC255A50?articleID=128767
In this short Hindi video clip (below is it's URL) you can listen how Narendra Modi replied to Godhra related question in the interview with Etv Gujarat's Dellhi bureau chief Mr. N.K.Singh.
Blow the damn loser..........
What more conviction u want when Modi's own people on Camera exposed him and told the reality of Modi?
Such people are a disgrace to Humanity and a black spot to any country. If u support him so much, why don't u go back to Gujarat, the most developed state etc etc...???
As far as Narendra Modi is concerned……. Who the hell are we to convict?
I am a lawyer by profession and know very well the Political version of any story! Let the laws of land to decide who is a culprit. Under any set system of natural justice in general and Indian legal structure in particular, accused is innocent until proved guilty. There is a clear difference between an accused and a convict! So we must refrain from pointing one as Hitler before conviction.
Checked! so what? what conclusion should i draw thereto?
Try to find the root of problem rather than superficial understandings! Trust me it is very fatal!
Think like a man of Action..........act like a man of Thoughts!!!!1
Check it out the list
As far as terrorism is concerned……. Who the hell are we to convict?
I am a lawyer by profession and know very well the police version of any story! Let the laws of land to decide who is a terrorist. Under any set system of natural justice in general and Indian legal structure in particular, accused is innocent until proved guilty. There is a clear difference between an accused and a convict! So we must refrain from pointing one as terrorist before conviction. And the data reveals this fact 98% of these so called terrorists are acquitted by courts! Who is to blame for this? What about their rights and dignity?
And one more question……… why this bomb blast only occur on eve of elections! Any answers?
Think like a man of Action..........act like a man of Thoughts!!!!
IF you are advocating human rights than any American President OR American Army should not be allowed anywhere in the world know the truth so I am not writting it all in detail
standing tall on corpses? Infrastructure packed with blood??
agree with smartbuddy
Developments and GDP can not be attributed to the genocide and slaughter! They may be regarded as other side of a story but reliance on the same can not be attributed, no matter whatsoever the reasons are?
Modi is a well define criminal and under any civilized society such persons are not entertained. I am afraid to see your analysis and you would not differentiate on grounds of religion but I would! My friend how one can forget that Muslim pregnant women were subject to rape and then assault on their unborn babies? How can you justify these nefarious acts which were executed on behalf of Modi and the the top executives of the sate explained it to the world, for instance Harsh Mander. I am sorry developments in terms of economy can not be at cost of human dignity and rights as well!
Modi is a real fascist and deserves condemnation from all segments of society.
Re voting structure and mandate I would request you to please verify the actual voting percentage in last Gujarat polls or even that polls which were held just after genocide, data reveals that majority of voters were against Modi, even he won due to numbers game and division of other votes. FYI read an article “the other side of Gujarat victory” by Vidhya Krisnamaurthy of the Hindu newspaper; you can search it on Hindu’s website and shall get all answers of falling democracy!
Modi deserves punishment not appreciations. Several times he openly violated Indian constitution! And the guardian of the state is himself a criminal and violator! Something that we have never anticipated from a guardian! Isn’t ironical?
Land of Gujarat deserves salutation as it produced many eminent personalities let aside others, but Mahatma Gandhi! See the contrast between Gandhi’s Philosophy and Modi’s Ideology.
Think like a man of Action..........act like a man of Thoughts!!!!1
"National consensus is required to isolate such people, groups and the so called intellectuals supporting these elements (of terror) in the name of protection of human rights," Modi said in his address at the National Integration Council
for another tragedy to happen.......breeding ground for criminals.
Gujrat will never prosper it will rise and then fall
When did Qatar started allowing modern day Hitlers in their land? Modi was responsible for killing of thousands of innocent human beings, he should not be allowed in Qatar.
No doubt, he is a demagogue, who let Gujarat burn and let innocent people (sorry I can’t discriminate between Muslims and Hindus) get killed. But one can’t ignore the fact that today Gujarat is flourishing. It stands fourth among the states that contribute most to the national GDP (about Rs1.03 trillion).
It is one of the most attractive destinations for foreign investment in India and it is on Kerala’s path of providing education to everybody in the state. If one says that it is all due to the resilient people of Gujarat who are making all this possible, then one can’t blame him for any mishap in the state.
Rajeev Gandhi foundation has declared Gujarat to be the best-administered state in India.
India Today, on the two separate occasions, declared that he is the most efficient Chief Minister. These things became possible only because he is successful in giving clean, effective and progressive governance over last five years. Outside Gujarat everyone may like to hate Modi but whoever visits Gujarat once, can’t stop praising its road, infrastructure etc.
I believe that in a democratic and dynamic country, masses have the last word and masses always override media and other speculations. The truth will finally dawn on the people.
Modi is the worst leader ever India has produced! I think he should only be compared by Nathu Ram Godse, a fascist who murdered Mahatma Gandhi.
Modi is a criminal of killing innocent muslims in Gujrat. He sponsered terrorism on behenst of State machinary. How can u say him a dynamic.
If it is true that he is coming to Qatar this would be a great irony for this land!
Think like a man of Action..........act like a man of Thoughts!!!!1
Geechee, you are mistaken. wait and be prepared for least welcome responses. He is a culprit of human rights violations after Godhra incident. I don't think Qatar should allow this guy in after US denied him visa.
Most Welcome ! Na-mo
He is the only dynamic politician and leader in India presently. All other politicians are 'headless chickens'. Only CM who is confident to win next election and need not have to take shelter of Political Drama like Amar Singh, Mayawati, Raj Thakre and Mamta.