3Com ADSL router

Hi guys..
i have a 3Com ADSL Router OfficeConnect, dunno but its strange it just doesnt seem to connect
It has the proper settings pppOe---8/35 LLC also tried VC MUX, user name and pass
dunno it just isnt able to connnect..is anybody having similar issues?
AND, it was working like 10 days back, i have had this router for almost a year now running rock solid.The only thing thats changed is i shifted my residence.THat shouldnt be a problem though.THe Thomson Speedtouch router works fine, why has this stopped working suddenly?And just to give an idea, i thought my routerh ad failed, but very recenly another of my friend complained of this exact issue, his 3Com router stopped working for no reason.Reset just doesnt make difference, apart from the setting going bham.
I am not sure, but cud it be because that Qtel did some upgrading somewhere, that makes this routers imcompatible with ADSL now?i have the 640K connection btw.
can anybody comfirm that its working as of now?...
I don't have but had configured 3 from my customers.
Adsl connection needs the following:
PPOE type 8 and 35
after that you are ready to configure.
next you are required to have your username and password given/provided by QTEL.then after all these you may change or not ur password..
hope it would help you
spize do u have 3com router?
There is nothing wrong with the QTEL, just retry and rematch your settings from the connection type.