Homesick ??

I am here for 1 month and already feeling homesick. is the money only thing for happiness. limited social life; kids at home watching idiot box. no personality development for the young childrens. only malls to go to but how many times???
atleast my limited experience in doha is same. how has been your experience?? choosing between good and healthy family life with good growth of children or money!!!
As expats you tend to fall into a cycle. Three months at your new destination and the honeymoon phase is over. Then comes the homesickness. You will have up's and downs as it never really becomes home.. or till you move to your next country and it all starts over again. Just hang in there. Find the best in every situation and live your time out here. Don't look back once you have moved away and say... "we should have done.... while in Qatar|"
me too, i'm home sick. i miss my family and friends back home.
"If at first you don't succeed, destroy all evidence that you tried."
but somethings in life aren't worth improvising, LOL.
Novita - brunch - to be confirmed...
LooL thexonic .......
*blink blink yawn* did someone call??? ah nvm, goin back to the dream world...
thexonic WAKE UP dude ....LoL
lol DaRuDe ... be gentle with your lady member OK?
I'm country sick, why can't i just go to a beautiful country and live on top of a mountain full of greenery and water fall next to it... or go to Maldives and live in one of those huts made on water with glass floor to see the fish in the sea...
lets see who hangs who next time we meet be ready now gal :D
DaRuDe ... shut up :P or i will hang you .... oooops ....
No problem Voyageress ... it is still few months away.
I am not 100 percents sure, but i think we going to see each other in a week time on Friday noon for brunch.
ok lit a fire in your kitchen and bang your head with a baseball bat you will see them all in your kitchen stars darkness plus fire :D
That sounds like fun!! I love a fire by the sea, the stars, etc. Haven't got the 4x4 yet so will let you know when we're fully mobile, LOL!
voyageress ... if you have 4X4 you can tag along with us to the inland sea. Do some dune bashing, camping, bon fire by the water.
We always going in convoy, the more the merrier ...
Am confused cos your profile says you joined QL over a year ago! I think those of us who arrived in the summer are homesick because it's too hot to go outside and we're feeling cooped-up because we're used to an outdoor life. We arrived just three months ago and I miss going on hikes, playing sport on the beach, cycling along the country lanes, etc. but I tell myself that when Qatar weather is cooler there'll be loads of things to do outside too... Also, the money here isn't great - I left a beautiful home behind and wasn't expecting the rent to be so extortionate here...(most companies have NOT increased their rent allowance by 300% in the past two years to keep apace with the local rates!!).
When I first arrived I was so homesick. I looked for a job but now don't have one. Why not go for a walk along the Corniche or go to Doha Zoo, or things like that. Me and my husband married just before we moved here so it was twice as hard for me to settle in, but I do things t keep my mind occupied. Things will get better.
The things I miss the most are Tesco and Woolworths were Iworked for ten years!!!!
I only get homesick when i go to B********* CARREFOUR....gosh do i miss sainsbury or what...:(
sometimes i forget to be homesick... =))
never homesick coz my daughter is here with me... :)
ohh, Dude...the "idiot box" thing just made me homesick-my mum always calls it like that :o)
If you're looking for a problem, you're probably gonna find one.
Two choices HomeSick or Money Sick ?
"Drink Beer Save Water"
me is office sick now adays