Hey everybody,
I think the title of this post is more than enough, because I'm completely speechless.
Last night was amazing, everyone was amazing, I just wanted to thank all of you for coming and sharing that great time with us, and special thanks goes to KSA who happily hosted all of us.
I hope everyone had a great night, and arrived home safely.
but thanks again, anyway!
Seems like everyone had a blast last Thursday at Oabazeed's and Dragonfly's send off party!! ;)
Couldn't make it.. I was at another friend's send off party :(
╬ Jai Guru Deva ╬
sounds like you all had a wonderful night though and so glad you all gave the guys a good send off, congrats on the car Ksarat :)
Sorry could not make it
Life is nothing without friends.... :)
QL.... just a (very nice) way of live..... :)
oh yeah zyga as well is leaving...it was nice chatting with you zyga.
Jarreau, please for the nth time stop stalking me! :P (ok gone to do some housework, yawn)
"Quit hanging on to the handrails . . . Let go. Surrender. Go for the ride of your life. Do it every day." Melody Beattie
Life is nothing without friends.... :)
QL.... just a (very nice) way of live..... :)
Was a wonderful night buddy thanks a billion for organizing. and congrats for X5series.
And to rest Gang thank you for coming and making it a great night i really enjoyed myself with you all.
Zyga, Dragonfly212, Oabazeed
Wish you guys best of luck in future
Thanks Ksarat, I had such a great time. Oabazeed it was a pleasure meeting you. Too bad you and bella dragon are leaving.
"Quit hanging on to the handrails . . . Let go. Surrender. Go for the ride of your life. Do it every day." Melody Beattie
i think KSA taking his new BMW for a spin ... :D
..a fantastic night & as a newbie I was made to feel so welcome, you guys are the best & hope to be friends with you all for years to come!!
Love the car dude, smokin'!!
Press & hold the DSC button & see how many doughnut rings you can make lol
From one BMW owner to another, quality aint cheap, but the drive is worth every penny.
Torque 8-)
wondering where is KSA? busy cleaning up? Lol
lol to the indian shopping channel ... i never see any of those before.
cant blame alex junior he bored stiff ... :-(
Sexy car dude. Thx for a great night.........c you soon.
u left rather in the early side Alexa
Too late oabazeed ... if our computer crashed you WILL HAVE TO BUY US a new one ...
Dragonfly, I've got plenty of numbers last night, enough to keep me busy until I leave :P
but how come I missed your number, you were the lady dressed in that beautiful black dress right? :P
Azi, Novi, thexonic, smoke, thanks for being a part of that amazing night :)
I did not send any messages to anyone, but I recieved from many friends the same thing, it's a virus was sent by itself to many people, and it wasn't me, I hope you ignored that link.
I recieved it as well, but whenever I see a link to an .exe file I just ignore it it must be a virus.
good afternoon folks...i just woke up now :) it was indeed a fantastic evening with so many beautiful ladies that turned up to see ME lol ok so that was one wild night with like a million reasons to celebrate full of mixed emotions and its only with us bunch of QL folks that u can get that sorta feeling, happiness along with a lot of sorrow for you guys leaving us.
Oh well as long as i got my kisses outta the ladies im looking forward to some more hot and happening parties :)
Good Fortune always comes knocking at your door...when you are sh*tting in the toilet!! :)
Yes thank you Jaan, for being such superb friends to me and arranged the party for me and OAbazeed. I cannot thank you enough. and Thanks for everybody who showed up last nite. You guys are ROCKS.
OAbazeed, how many phone numbers you get from last nite???
Everybody is right everybody is wrong, it depend where you stand
So Oabazeed ... what time did you get up this morning? You left message so early on my FB ? lol
KSA ..The meano.. Your pending invitation s been tore and dumbd n the bin..
Not fairrrrrr
It Takes 72 Muscles to Frown...And Only 14 To Smile.
: ) Keep Smiling : )
It was really a great fun time. As usual hats off to KSA for organizing the party. I hope Mom & Dad are not wild on you for after effects at home.
Also, congrats on your new Car, I hope you have simply multiplied your chances of finding more girls :-)
It was the first time I saw your parents and I am really glad you have such a lovely couple as your parents. I envy you for that.
The wise person has long ears and a short tongue.
It was one great night :)
Who the hell needs pot when u got Cookie dough :D
And it was a pleasure talking to you too...didn't get the chance to when we met at the Rydges weeks ago.