change of sponsor/company before 1 year

dear friends
Is it possible to change sponsor/company before 1 year at any time ,if they are ready to give NOC.I just arrived in Qatar and not satisfied with the current salary.I am a govt employee in India and I take 5 years leave and arrived here.So I need a better package.Here I am working in my uncle's company.So please give me a good advice.
"There is no time frame for seeking transfer of sponsorship."
Don't give misguided answers for these people. To change the company you must serve your original co. for min.of 1 year
There is no time frame for seeking transfer of sponsorship. If your company is willing to give you change of sponsorship, you may find a job elsewhere and you can transfer your RP. since you are working with your Uncle, it seems you have fair chance.
Chnage of sponsorship is possible only after the lapse of two years from the date your RP was stamped for the first time under your present sponsor.
However, in the interim, you may request a no objection certificate from your current employer, have it attested and approved by the ministry of labour and you would be able to work for another sponsor.
if your company is ready to give noc,why not