Are radars works while on power's brownout?

By Vivo Bonito •
the other late night as am tearing up the road to Industrial Area... all streetlights from Woqod till the Al Watan round about dont have lightings... twas folded up in darkness and drive so bad that the oppossing vehicles high beams are keeping my eyes look blindedly ahead my way... only then i noticed... are the radars working? as if where can those equipments sucks power? no power line can be noticed besides... are they back up with batteries system???
i just raised it for just curiosity... anybody comments from the technical minds?
UPS, uninterruptible power supply??? it maybe installed or not installed, working like a battery...and for the network, i think it is done manually, retrieving all the data, in this case the films, in the following day.
radars...I guess it must be due to the voltage.
Street lights require an high voltage...if the voltage drops under a certain limit they switch off....but the cameras require less voltage to function.
I guess there is no "data transfer network" the camera pictures are captured on to flash memory .....which are swapped.
Solar power, maybe?
"Fascinated with Supercars but can’t afford it yet, so I settle down for a humble Jeepney. Proud Noypi!"
No they are not working , because these cameras are the same as the other cameras next to the traffic light . so i think it is a network . working together stopping together ( Power wise )
and if the camera is working , the data transfer , will not work ( if they have a data transfer network )
I do not know , but that is how i see it