Tryin too hard to pick up girls at the club??

here's something that will help u, learn the professional way...
Key to the VIP
if not, then just watch it to laugh at them, like I do.
here's something that will help u, learn the professional way...
Key to the VIP
if not, then just watch it to laugh at them, like I do.
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It's just easy to meet ladies here in doha. There are some websites where you can meet them secretly.
click here to see the list of sites
You can't teach experience
Spicemom, r u comparing girls with cars??? r u saying that we are suppose to check the girl's horn??? but they are humans not bulls lol.
Who the hell needs pot when u got Cookie dough :D
500 Q.R. will do all what you can't do
just try it man
Great observations there & learning all the time....!!
Torque 8-)
hmmm i found out that the first thing you do when purchasing a vehicle (in these parts) is check the honk. also found out that while driving at night do not switch on the headlights but switch on the interior lights instead(else what is it there for......capice??)
the indicator lights is only prolly used once a yr (like them tiny twinkling lights on yr xmas tree)>this is what i have gathered since i have been here(see, you learn somethin new everyday) checked that your horn works ok brandylady??!!
I've noted since coming to Doha that the horn is invariably used far more than the indicators...;-)
Good luck brandylady, what car & colour so we all know...;-)
Torque 8-)
spice you will be ok if you stick to the roads as I will probably be on the sidewalk ;)
torque, thanx for the advice, seen enough of the roundabouts to take care, free for all :)
err brandy just wondering around what time and whereabts will ya be driving tomorrow morning??just wanna make sure i aint at the same place and same time where ya'll be driving tomorrow- we dont need 2 dare devil lady drivers at the same vicinity now do we?>winks
happy driving brandy and see ya soon
Life is what you make of quit B******G about it.
...glad DH was right, I spotted it in a post of yours the other day & was trying to see which forum member had DH as their user-name.... ;-)
You see, us men can be easily confused when presented with subtely disguised bare-faced logic..!
Take care & go easy at the wheel, watch those bloody idiots on the roundabouts..., don't get me started!!!!
Torque 8-)
brandy u r most welcome :D
a coisa mais importante na vida é SHEESHA- "Sheesha man"
where you been hiding???????????
Darlin hubby it is :)
thank you my sheesha friend, nice words :)
Torque enjoyed talkin to you :)
No DH = Damned Hubby :)
Ban Spoon Feeding not Me
Brandy, I wish u all the best :D and congratulations upon a beginning of new life, hope it brings u success and happiness :D.
a coisa mais importante na vida é SHEESHA- "Sheesha man"
It definitely adds to life having good friends of the opposite sex.. ;-)
You already know Torque can talk lol!!
Torque 8-)
the intrepid explorer ;)
I always worked with men so I have a lot of male friends too, just makes life more interesting, though I must add DH is the only one I go exploring with :D
, very true! I love ladies company anyway (why wouldn't a guy..)& am fortunate to have many female friends in Dubai, discovering is what us explorers do... ;-)
got my licence and now hoping to get the car as my job is finally starting properly tomorrow :) thanx for asking, and tell your lazy friend to get his ass up and do his lessons :)
Brandy, my friend is excellent, he's suppose to start his driving lessons today, but seems like he's sleeping :P. How r you today?
a coisa mais importante na vida é SHEESHA- "Sheesha man"
torque, part of the fun is in the finding out though, discovering each other, don'tya think :)
Thexonic, for sure I will try next time, hows your friend??
...& even reading books like 'Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus' as good as they are, don't give us the keys to unlock you ladies.....well, not every time heh?!
If you girls are confused, we're on a different planet...;-)
Brandy, u didnt try it that day :(, u gotta try it next time.
a coisa mais importante na vida é SHEESHA- "Sheesha man"
my main sheesha man :)
Brandy u should work as my legal advisor :D... Dracula doenst need any help since his new song is coming up lol. Brite, I dont think u went wrong anywehre, u will get there, it just takes time ;)>
a coisa mais importante na vida é SHEESHA- "Sheesha man"
So, I should bring the Club and the flowers.
Have a change of clothes.. Probably wear the tartan trousers and the shirt / tie and keep the silk shirt, medalion and white skin tight trousers in the bag..
Try one approach, and if that fails do a quick change and come back...
Sounds doable!
right here it is, just to stop your confusion, some days we like the soft sensitive approach, other times the macho strong approach, now then, it is down to you men to know and realise which one is apt at the time :)
confused still???? yeah me too :)
I don't know who was funnier.. The contestants or the pannel..
Vote please :
lol, brandy!
me and britex we are confused!
just following your advices! :p
the flowers are better and softer than hitting in the head with a club :)
Britexpat, am sure you are fine the way you are
Now I know where I've been going wrong...
OK, so, I'm nearly there.. Just got to get rid of the pot belly, gain a little muscle, lose a little on the IQ front and ofcourse remember the intro line..
"Hi Ladies..I was going to wear that tonight""
But what if she's wearing a halter neck ?? No, Its OK.. I have one..
Cave man is the traditional style of picking up the girls in the club, classics i tell ya :D... like flinstones :P
Norton Anti-virus cant keep draculas and T-viruses away, "G-lik" can ;), get yours today :D.
lol, time i'll try to hit you in the head!
Soooo romantic!
如果您認為我是母狗! 您應該遇見我的媽媽!
it will be a club where all the men, hit the women on the head and drag them back to their caves ;)
Yeh, there are some idiots around. Lets face it, they must have had a screw loose to let someone film them. At least their stupidity gives us a laugh!
But what the hell is the Caveman Club? Is this another place for a good laugh?
lol i believe the caveman works the best.
Norton Anti-virus cant keep draculas and T-viruses away, "G-lik" can ;), get yours today :D.
need a lesson on how to recognise a man on the pull when they see one :)
"Caveman club" works best ;)