By Abdulrehmansajid •
HeY gUyZ!!!!!!!
JuSt WaNnA sEe ThAt WhO eLsE iS uNdEr 18 oN QL.........
GoNnA ColLeCt ThEm AlL AnD MakE a CoMmUnItY...:P
u CaN sAy ThE sEaRcH fOr MiNoRs... ;)
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I didnt even look at ur profile but uve just confirmed it... Good morning to u 2 :)
LoL Samya.....GM there !!!
Hmmm guess i have to edit my age in the profile ....LOL
Leave them alone Old man.... they are so cute talking about play station... :)
i m under 18... now you better get my PRize ...LOL
i m 16.male.doha qatar
yeah man .. m in mood of buying ps3 tooo.. but you know kinda problem of budget..... :P....... so majid right... how ya doin????? your intro???
yeh dude u r right thay really have some problem i also have ps2 u should also buy ps3 man its g8 online
uffffffffffffffff..... m getting sick of you all ..... if u r not under 18 why are you typing in it......GOOODDDD DDAAAAAMMMMMMNNNN
Just like flashing your keyboard on us..... lol
ps3..... na man ....well thx majid for appreciating under 18s here..... but i got a PS2
so dude do u have ps3?
o man the ball rolled now... m 14....:)
novi - careful now girl , they(yr eyes)may remain like that permanently...........roflol
life's too short so make the most of it, you only live but once.......
spicemom .... *Rolled eyes*
novi - yeah just ask her which yr was she born in.........heehhehehheheehe
life's too short so make the most of it, you only live but once.......
abdul - there ya go and so the 'ball starts rolling' so to speak.........:D
life's too short so make the most of it, you only live but once.......
never ask a woman her age ...
yoo i m under 18 dude whats ur age
yeah nadt i suppose it is ......then again it's the summer hols and most ppl are still away , gl abdul
life's too short so make the most of it, you only live but once.......
go easy on him guys, it must be boring for teenagers her in Qatar, although i must agree the caps and small letters are annoying to read, they must be worse to write..
ma son is under 18 but he aint on ql, SORRY
life's too short so make the most of it, you only live but once.......
no one came to the point...:S
what would under 18 find interest here? just curious...
I think I've discovered the secret of life - you just hang around until you get used to it. ~Charles Schulz
lol Supernurse....
novita77 thats so true, sad but true lol:)
and who told you this site is for kids??? there are no kids here.
only oldies vegetate in front of PC on QL Supernurse lol
omg my eyes are acting all funny now, stop it pls and sorry i aint under 18 no sirree i am not.......you prolly find them at yahooligans.........lol(just kidding now dont ya getting all upset)
life's too short so make the most of it, you only live but once.......
sorry, if I was under 18 I would be hanging around the malls eyeing up the no hopers and wishing I could buy cheap cider not prattling about on a computer!!!
lolz... why u guys getting sick of the text......i think only under 18s can read them..... thats why evry 1 above 18 having problem with that
where is paracetamol? I got a sudden headache ...
Kindly introduce yourself if you are an under 18....
thank feck for that cos us oldies would have real problems with those capitals and small letters! You're welcome to a community of your own!.....