:: SoLAR Eclipse on 01st AuguST ::

Solar eclipse to be visible in Doha on Aug 1
Published: Monday, 21 July, 2008, 01:57 AM Doha Time
MANAMA: A partial solar eclipse will be visible in all six countries of the GCC, including Qatar, on August 1, a Manama-based astronomer said.
Bahrain News Agency (BNA) quoted Bahrain Astronomy Society Chairman Dr Wahib Nasser as saying that residents of GCC member states would be able to observe the partial eclipse between 1:43pm and 3:01pm, after Friday prayers on August 1.
He reminded the public that they should use proper observation equipment to protect their eyes and avoid any potential harm to their retinas while watching the eclipse.
According to the astronomer, the eclipse means that the new moon of the lunar month of Shaaban would be visible on August 1 evening. This means that the lunar Muslim month of Shaaban begins on Saturday (August 2).
Accordingly, the first day of the holy fasting month of Ramadan will be September 1 and Eid al-Fitr will be on October 1 (Wednesday), he added. – QNA
Hmmmmmmm........ Watz so kiddo in tat ??...LOL
Rizks - Don't talk like a school kid.
Charan .... guess the above waz also posted 4 Trillion timez B4 ....RIGHT ???....:) LoL ...
CheerZ !!!
you must usr proper eye protection
hey thanks for the info. Look for forward for the eclipse. Long time i dont see one.
Live, Laugh, Love and Get Laid.
I predict a high number of people with eye complaints visiting hospitals on August 1st!