Is Carrefour a supermarket or what?

By marhabtain •
Quite a difficult one to discuss but does anyone know the answer to this age old question. I think its blue merde r to shop there u c. Has anyone seen the Cannes awarded film - Carrefour the return to Carrefour ! Or maybe Carrefour 3 when all the shoppers had nervoous breakdowns. Have u seen the price of le Brocolli?
Some of the merchandise in Carrefour is cheap, some quite good. You really need to research before you buy. I usually look for online reviews before buying anything expensive there. If there are no reviews to be found, at least stick with brand names you know and trust.
I'm with you about the parking, though. It seems like so many places here have underestimated the city's growth and the need for parking. But I've seen the future of Doha (i.e. I've lived in Dubai) and can tell you it will only get worse. Get used to it.
We live next to the Carrefour at the City Center. It sells sub par merchandise. Of the 4 things I have purchased, 2 phones, 1 entertainment center, and a GPS, I have had to bring back 3 of them. And I need to bring back the other phone as it also does not work correctly. Parking is horrible, and it takes me over an hour each time I bring back defective merchandise. One other thing. If you cannot find whatever you are looking for at another Carrefour then dont try and get something at the City Center after 4 pm. The lines are long and it is very frustrating.
I was about to buy a phone which I saw in Carrefour City Center a few weeks back.. since I live next to Villaggio I figured to drop by the Carrefour there and purchase the same phone.
Unfortunately, the phone which I wanted to buy was +100 in Villaggio! That just confused me hey. So, now I'm going back to City Center Carrefour to buy it -100 the amount.
╬ Sotally Tober ╬
Don't misguide people. You can get everything under one roof in SAFARI Hypermert :)
Ban Spoon Feeding not Me
Don't wait for the last judgment it takes place every day.
"Albert Camus "
Carrefour is awful.
its a cultural center for their reviews, a food shop for their choice, a furniture shop, hi fi shop, it's a saturday afternoon place to hang when bored, its everything!!!!!
as bleu is saying it's a hypermarket,so no need to go to various places to shop, one place and you get all you need so gain of time, but i hate it on week ends !!
voila voila ,but the brocolis mon cher , scandaleux :-)
but I shop in Carrefour quite a lot and know where things are so no complaints
non, c'est un hypermarché.