And we whine abt bans n such!!

LONDON (Reuters) - A meat company has been branded Dickensian after forcing its employees to clock-off every time they want to go to the toilet.
The union Unite has criticized the meat processor for "essentially stopping staff pay when they visit the toilet."
The company, based in Dumfriesshire, insists anyone wanting to be excused from the system has to provide medical evidence, the union added.
Unite, joint general secretary, Tony Woodley said in a statement on its website: "We believe these are Dickensian employment practices.
"It's outrageous that in 2008 workers should have to endure the indignity of clocking out for toilet breaks as well as other practices which we believe invade their privacy."
It has called on Tesco to force its supplier to end such a practice.
"Brown Brothers have refused to change its policy, but the union is demanding that Tesco the UK's largest retailer ensures decent employment standards within its supply chain," Woodley added.
"The workers at Brown Brothers are essentially having their pay stopped for going to the toilet. Tesco must do everything in its power to investigate these practices and put an end to them."
Nobody was immediately available for comment from Brown Brothers.
what a thought Britexpat :(
that they don't take time to wash their hands..
to stay at QL during my worktime....the problem is toilet is about 1/2 km before i can pee....=((( which make me opted to take Rani's bottle..... sweet=)
spanky to the BATCAVE!!!
spanky1423's picture
I finished and back home then ;)
There is a Resolution on the way to deduct the salary for hours everybody spend on QL during their working hours :)
and bucket on standby, no way I could hold it in if I gotta go I gotta go ...:)