Abortions for girls under 14 leap 21 per cent

Taxpayer footing the bill again !!!!!!
Gymslip mums are on the decline in England and Wales, where there has been a leap in the number of very young girls having abortions.
Official figures released today showed that 1,008 girls under the age of 14 terminated a pregnancy in England and Wales in 2007 - a rise of 21 per cent on the 907 abortions in that age group the previous year.
The increase in school age abortions comes at a time when the teenage pregnancy rate in England is at its lowest for 20 years, suggesting that very young girls who get pregnant are increasingly choosing to seek a termination rather than go through with the pregnancy.
Abortions rose overall last year by 2.5 per cent across all women, but the increase among schoolchildren was the greatest.
Today's figures are likely to stir up the controversy that surrounds the issue of abortion. MPs last month rejected calls to lower the upper time limit for a termination from its current level of 24 weeks.
Ann Furedi, chief executive of the charity BPAS (the British Pregnancy Advisory Service), urged the public not to judge women too harshly for falling accidentally pregnant, or to restrict the availability of abortion.
“Women try hard to avoid becoming pregnant when they don’t want to become a mother, or aren’t able to bring up a child, but unintended pregnancy still remains a significant public health problem," she said.
“Every form of contraception has a failure rate and sometimes couples can fail to use contraception properly. Women who are then faced with a difficult decision about a pregnancy need the option of accessible abortion care available to them as early as possible - and as late as necessary."
yes, I delivered a 12 year old a few years ago, these children normally come from the lower socio economics and usually their mothers have had children early too.....however, I'm glad to see that they've got the sense to have an abortion!
They should never be allowed to raise children, they are children themselves.
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a good idea, harry, I agree, and yes, I think it can have damaging effects. Infact if I am not mistaken even the first abortion can be dangerous, let alone number 99.
Rememberth atcle is talking about "gymslip" mums.. Some as youg as 13.
I don't agree with using abortion as a form of contraception at all, HOWEVER, I think the women inclined to use it as such should never be allowed to raise a child either.
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bloody ell must cost them a fortune......those clinics aren't cheap! Still, they're easier than bringing up a kid and cheaper and one can get it done in their lunch break! Ahhh....modern times...
The problem is that the number of "repeat aborions" is growing..
Some are treating it as a means of "contraception"..
I am no exper, but surely multiple abortions cannot be good psychologically for a young woman..
I don't agree with it, but thats my opinion, however, if it minimized the amount the Dole will spend annually to support these unwed mothers and their children, then hats off to those girls who take that decision.
its either, have the kids and the Dole pays for a lifetime, or abort and pay a one off fee;-)
UP UP and AWAY...................?????????
FLY off super nurse with ur constructive Ideas and opinions
I take your point.. my observation was one which I think applies to attitudes far further afield than just those of people in the UK.. symptomatic of modern day life in many places do you not think?
In respect of the fact that Qatar is (I have been lead to believe) a country where there are many expats from Britain, I think you might be hard pushed to avoid the references to Britain.. have you an issue with references to India? The Philippines?
I was reading Freakonomics and he says the crime rate goes down when the abortion rate goes up.
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I think thats a positive step.....at least they won't be sponging off the state!!
Pradeepnair.......do you have anything constructive to add???
All the day i can see some or the other topic Related to UK and many of the time its seen people replying to it just like it has happened in Qatar.
God knows whts happening in QL
Really true
Many parents must realize the issue.
The AdMan
4 ur advertising needs
call me
Agree compeletly FranElizabeth.
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I live and teach in an affluent, middle class community. Most of the kids I teach are from predominantly 'educated' backgrounds... Why then, do I have a 13 year old girl in one class bragging to her mates about her sexual exploits??
What the heck is she doing out in the evenings at that age anyway???
AAAAAAnnnnnddddd... THEN.. I get a letter home from my twins' primary school reminding parents that MAKEUP is not permitted!!! ARGH!!
My daughter went to a 6 year old's birthday party the other week and the entertainment was makeup, fingernail painting and hairstyling. What happened to climbing trees and Musical Statues? No wonder kids have to ket 90% of their exercise from a bloody Wii.
I suggest the only clowns these days are the self obsessed parents who are so involved with their own possessions and image that they are turning their kids into American Beauty Pageant types.. (Britney!!!!)
And then when it's all got out of hand at the grand old age of 13, they are too busy with their own social lives to take their children.. I don't know.. BOWLing or something to keep them off the streets.
Yes there does need to be more interest from parents, as well as less emphasis on sex in the British media.
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Sexual education is taught from an early age..lot of the time its experimentation with sex or peer pressure..
SG is right though...parents have to take a bigger responsibility..
I wonder if the rate would go down if parents had to pay for the abortions?
I think this is the result of the "practical" experiment of so called sexual education.................
damn you
Sexual education should be more widely taught.
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they want to be adult but they are still kids.
and its up on us parents to talk to them very straight and open about the risk of having s*e*x.
so i did with my daughter and yet she is 22,in a wonderful relation and in case she would become pregnant now...well i would be happy to take care of the little baby.