This could only happen in the UK!

A NEW support group for convicted paedophiles is being funded by the Government.
Circles UK has secured £164,000 a year from the Ministry of Justice to help sex offenders “reintegrate” into society.
The charity said the taxpayer will pick up half its bill.
Its initiative aims to “manage those who have been convicted of sexual offences as they return to the community in a just and humane manner”.
Volunteers liaise with offenders every week and report back to their probation officers.
There are currently 8,000 sex offenders in UK jails. Justice Minister Maria Eagle attended the launch of the charity in London yesterday to outline her support.
A spokeswoman for the Ministry said it was partly funding Circles UK after two pilot projects were deemed successful.
Circles UK was set up to “enable trained volunteers and criminal justice agencies to work together with the aim of no more victims”.
The target for 2008-09 is to maintain five existing Circles groups and set up four new ones.
Yesterday, 100 experts in dealing with sex offenders attended the launch.
They were told of paedophiles who had “benefited” from the initiative. One, known only as Peter, has convictions for sex attacks on children.
Three months after his release from jail, the 61-year-old, who was deemed “high risk” by probation, was found with three girls in his flat at a probation hostel, one just six.
No new offence was said to have been committed but Circle removed him from the hostel, found him work and “monitored his mood”.
Then he was found pleasuring himself in a park near a school.
Circle “reformed” around him to provide further monitoring.
The organisation’s briefing notes admits: “Although we cannot be sure that he has not reoffended, he has not been reconvicted as such.”
Just to make sure.
They'd do that for us, the pedophiles would fcuk each other to death, the pyros would burn each other up, etc, etc,
I thought all criminals from the UK were sent to Australia, oh wait, wrong century ;)
On that thought, I don't think the UK has a monopoly there. Maybe we can set up penal islands (one for pedophiles, one for arsonists, etc, etc.)
Guantanamo...good place
If you see evil in others, it is actually the reflection of your own evil feelings
So long as the scumbags die.
The costs are prohibitive.. mental patients cost even more I suppose because of the specialist help needed.
The best option for murder, rape and assault on a child is death by lethal injection..
We all have choices to make i guess.
Yes I know the arguments. It's a moral thing, what can I say, I don't believe in killing people.
I once read some where that it costs 100,000 GBP a YEAR per criminal to keep them in jail. Think what that money could pay for, more nurses, Police etc
38p, done and dusted.
Well everyone knows my stance on the death penalty, but more severe sentences defintly. We'd lock away someone in a mental institution for life for less then this.
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be brought back, and bloody soon.
Rehabilitation is impossible in almost 100% of the cases. They should be locked away for life.
You are right but the never ending danger of them repeating is there this is well known. Rhabilitation I think is difficult.
to have all these 8000 or so exterminated.
Castration rarely works, for many the "joy" isn't actually sexual it's mental.
Bunch of sickos.
Castration? They still have hands....
The best idea would be to castrate them as they do with cats and dogs.
The real problem isn't with what this group is trying to do, I think it's admirable as most people wouldn't even try and touch these people with a ten foot pole. The REAL problem is leniant sentences for repeat sex offenders.
In fact, death is too good for em, make em suffer torture first.
Again, its the bloody do-gooders who think they now it all. What they dont know is that the majority of the Brit public want to see these twats either locked up or finished off !!
This stuff really pees me off !
disgusting.... this is what my tax was funding ... ugghh
That would be fine if the monitoring was carried out in a proper and controlled manner.
I am all for rehabilitation, but risking the safety of even a single child with these types of schemes is a no-go for me.
Well if they aren't going to give these guys longer sentences, I guess this is at least a start in monitoring them.
Sick and disgusting!
Maryum : Umm Hasan bint Abdullah Alshabrawishi