LoVe HaS No LiMiTs.....

While Dad was polishing his new car,
his 4 yr old son picked stone & scratched lines on the side of the car.
In his anger, Dad took the child's hand & hit it many times, not realizing he was using a wrench.
At the hospital, his child said "Dad when will my fingers grow back?"
Dad was so hurt.
He went back to car and kicked it a lot of times.
Sitting back he looked at the scratches, child wrote
Anger and Love has no limits...
lol, sounds like a clone of me!!!!
nah just kidding, smoking n alcahol only :) x
as they said theres only a thin line that separates love and anger.
"Even if LOVE is full of thorns, embrace it. For in between those thorns there is a ROSE that's worth all the PAIN."
Lol, enjoy brandylady! Thankyou!Will do!
Sorry for hijacking......what was the post about again time again!!
"It is dangerous to be sincere unless you are also stupid."
- George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950)
The worst one was "ana raeburn" .. she was on Capital Radio for a while..
She used to "empathize" with every caller and had supposedly been abused, raped, taken drugs, smoked, had been an alcaholic, probably been to the moon and been part of a sinster cult..
i loved to listen to her..
this is me your speaking too you know!!!
the recovering alcaholic soon to be jumping off that wagon at breakneck speed!!!!!!! lol
Enjoy your ball, oops, forgot what this thread was about, sorry people,
we who hijack do so humbly apologise....
Lol, or, Dr.Who!.....theres a nice lady...woshecalled.....miriam stoppard! She's sweet and that woman off This Morning....wotsername......ummm...Denise something....shes sweet to!
"It is dangerous to be sincere unless you are also stupid."
- George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950)
I will have to be ever grateful after all he could have also said Dear Drearie oops meant Dierdre LOL
Guess my studies come to mind sometimes n get a little carried away :)
brandylady...britexpat coud have said Dr.Phil lol
"It is dangerous to be sincere unless you are also stupid."
- George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950)
oh my god!!! isn't she the old, ugly one!!!
ah well, ok then, perhaps your right, ....sob...
You're definitely Agony Aunt materia.. You could be the new Dr. Ruth of the Middle East..
hey take it easy, this isn't the thread for that sort of talk, think you need the lonely hearts thread.
you gotta love yourself, if you don't nobody else will!!!!
was unlimited! But now I end up with NOTHING! To the extent I dont even love MYSELF !
see guys theres the other face of the story and that teaches that not to F**k with your dad's car....HAHA.....kidding
supernurse, LOL! that would teach him a good lesson....
tell him if he ever does that again, he'll chop the other fingers off 'n all!
"It is dangerous to be sincere unless you are also stupid."
- George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950)
good morning to you.
I was saying that you learn more with actual stories or something that could happen or have happened. Made up stories don't have much impact.
Rizks---LOL..keep them coming! good day to you all. Cheers1
an example, maybe not the best one in the world but get the point.
Afaque, it infact teaches one how to read and write bogus stories in thier free time....
I think it teaches us to not jump to Anger, but perhaps look at the situation first.. Easier said than done.
ofcourse... and who believes in it? :-)
this story does not teach anything....its truly bogus
It's not a true story, but one meant to teach us about love and anger..
Its indeed Bogus, tats why i wanted to share it ova here ...LoL
this is bogus! how could a dad do that to a son? even maybe i got a Lamborghini car, i aint gonna hit my son like that...
thats a very wired example!
hi risks
very true love has no limit but anger it should be kept in limt coz in love having no limits will only give happiness but anger with no limits will only coz damage.
the short story on top made me very sad....:-(
Life is a mystery..... you never know whats next.....