Seeking out anyone named 'Aju'...

Hello guys,
This may sound like a strange request and i guess it indeed is. I would like to get in touch with people in Doha who answers to the name 'Aju'.
If your name is Aju or if you have friends named 'Aju', i would like to gt in touch with you/your friend. I assure you that this is not a con job and is a genuine social experiment.
If you could PM me yourself or on behalf of you friends, I could explain further. Thanks for the help. Any references you may give me, including e-mail addresses and phone numbers will be strictly confidential.
Once again, thank you for your time and patience.
P.S: After a year and 10 weeks, i crossed the 1000 point barrier. Now, my points read 1001. So glad that my first thousand came off a good cause...
my hubby's nickname is aju ...can i know vat this is abt?
Yes..!! this is Aju..
tell me y u looking for me..?
It was done with Dr. Aju's permission
Greeker, I know someone called Aju, I'll send you a PM.
I know one Aju. He's stayin in bAju vala ghar. He eats all time kAju( cashenut ). I once told him hatt bAju.... LoL
What did you study together? When, where?
I know one Aju. He was my classmate.
Dr. Aju Abrahim
Consultant Psychiatrist
P.O. Box 550
(Mod note: Please do not give out phone numbers through the forum. It can be PM's if need be. Thanks for being a part of QL)
Be happy in the knowledge that it is one of the best names he could have hoped for.
hey greeker,
my small brother's nick name is Aju. well wat is with Aju?
LoL Darude
Sorry Greeker spelling mistake... thanks for correcting it .... Cheers !!
Johny - thank you.
Rizks - its cashewnUt, not cashewnet.
Darude - who is he? Could you PM me?
Thanks for the replies guys, although it may not have always been the answers i was looking for.
I only know Aju Panday lal Srikant hariya
Greeker i know about KaJu ( Cashewnet )...LoL
"Imagination is more important than knowledge"