Offer? What do you think?

Hi all,
This is my first post and have "lurking"
on the site soaking up the information and learning a lot. I
would like this is a great site and kudos to the individuals who take
it on themselves to assist others. I am now in need of assistance.
am due to fly out to Doha and meet face to face a few of the executives
for a whole round of interviews. This is to occur next
week. This is a senior audit role with a financial
institution. They have told me in terms of package that they do
not split up the housing dlights home accomodation etc.
First question, is this normal or unusual.
the monthly salary (including everything ie. accomodation etc) is
around 51,000. I will come over here by myself and leave my wife
and three kids in Australia. Obviously, I will need to send them
money to pay the mortgage and I will need to live here.
The question is; is this market acceptable rates for a senior audit executive position.
thank you and will let you know how I go.
have said to me. That since they are paying for your trip out
there. Things are looking more on the positive than the negative.
Your thoughts
SBBLACKANGEL - have a safe flight and good luck with the interview.........
life's too short so make the most of it, you only live but once.......
Hi all,
Thank you so much for your support. Based
on the reading I have here, the $ are good. But each circumstance
is different. I must say i felt very reticient posting the
details here, because people may perceive me as greedy. But all I am
trying to do is get my family ahead and give them the best.
I will be flying in on Sunday for Monday interviews (7). I will
walk around and get a feel for the place on sunday. Big weekend
next week
I like your wrap-ups, you have a way with words, simple and yet to the point. As you know, i don't go for one liners. People helped me a lot in heersthe past before i got here and now i like paying back a bit. I hope things are good with you too in Mesaeed. Cheers.
the offer is really good
"To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment. "
Ralph Waldo Emerson
do consider what Alexa and Moudir said. Nothing much to add for me.
@Moudir ... wow ... you are one of the really old posters and still coming back checking on QL. Hope life is well on your side.
if it is a good offer or bad offer it all depends on your current situation!...
are you at least doubling your NET income? If not, it is not a good offer, if you are doubling it, it is ok, if it is approaching 3 times of your current income then it is very good offer.
that is the ruleee...
if u ask my opinion u have to at least double your net income to come here and leave behind your family and beautiful aus, etc...
good luck mate...:)
dnt waste time..very good offer..
i think i've given you my thoughts. When you visit the place you will have a better understanding of the situation. If the offer was made by them without your input, you can improve it a bit, by adding up the numbers that i gave you. I forgot to add, there should also be an allowance for freight for first time arrivals, for spouses. I'd be surprised if you would get a management position just right off the boat. This is the Gulf. There are different Asian cultures here, and the approach with people is different, and i'm saying this without knowing what your roots are. Normally you would get promoted to a managerial position after a few years. But i don't know what your specific job description is. Good luck.
Hi Moudir,
Thank you for your positive feedback.
really looking forward to new environment. Yes it is going to be
extremely difficult without my family and kids. No support
network and no friends in this new environment. But I am looking
at it as a challenge. This is one way to advance my career.
This will the first time I will be working in the gulf.
I will have people working for me. Given the above comment you
made about the management position, what would be your
expectation. Really interested in your views.
most important thing I will be assessing in my trip next week, is the
people I work with. The money factor (although good) will lose it
asesthitc appeal after 2-3 months. So the people are important.
First of all i would like to congratulate you for a good introduction, nice presentation, and a good way to ask your question. You should be a roll model to all others who ask the same kind of question. You do not deserve answers like, yeah man take it, or you're so lucky, or i make one quarter of that...
Here is my answer to you. It is easy for me to say this because i was recently discussing the same issue with a friend who is moving to KSA. A professional with 20+ years of experience, " with no school age children ", should cost his company between 55K to 60K+ QR. This will include his salary, housing, furniture allowance, car, 2 tourist class air tickets/y, medical & dental. You can do the math yourself being an auditor, a villa is about 15, salary is about 35, car is 3, then add the rest. If it is a management position, i.e. people working for you, then it should be more. Business class traveling; extra. Schooling for kids; extra. Bonus; extra. End of service benefits; extra. You're number is very close. If you cannot improve your offer, but you like the environment when you visit, you will still get the higher number next year. For a job, the bottom line is not only money, but it's about the people that you're going to deal with; very difficult to find out during a short visit, but good luck anyway, i hope this helps.
Its a good deal but it will be awfully lonely here without your wife and kids...
They said this is a total package. Do you think this would be a deal
breaker (if they do not supply the car and annual flights). I
believe medical is included, will need to see the fine print.
Cheer & Thanks
It should be a good offer by the standards i have read on QL
thanks mate, so is is a good offer. I'm from Aus
Dont Wait...........go ahead
"Drink Beer Save Water"