complete change in my job...
Hi folks, I just had to share this...
I have a Bachelor of Science in Engineering and worked in the R&D for an
electronic company since 2004. But I'm a sports fool, and my job never really
satisfied me. Butit's well paid, 5 mins with the bicycle from my home, in everything was really close (family, job, friends).
But in January I decided that it was my last chance to head in to adifferent
direction. I applied for a place at the International Academyof Sport to
complete a Master degree in Sports Administration.
This years' class included an olympic gold medalist and some
national champions, so I did not really believe in my chance.
The suprise was even bigger when I got the email today that I my application
was accepted. The only take 30 students each year from around the world, and
only 5 Swiss Students.
It's a huge challenge for me, something completely new and in English (not that easy for me as a Swiss guy)!!!
But I'm really looking forward to next year, can't wait for the class to start in 2009...
That's all :) I'm just really happy now...
wenn d Sunne magsch,d wärmi und de Orient,denn wirds cool.
ich bi au no do im moment,chume de änds jahr.Oct,Nov oder Dec.
vilech gseht mer sich mal.tuet immer guet sich mit landslüt z underhalte.
*When hands reach out in friendship, hearts are touched with joy*
Dont you think its too much to ask? If that is your dream...then impossible as you are a non
Well, how about becoming the minister of sport of Qatar? LOL :)))
@Swissgirl: Pha, Luzern...da lobi mir doch Bern :) Bi no nid in Doha, ga vom 13-18 gspannt wies wird.
Congrats for following your dreams...and getting an admission in a prestigious Sports school. You will come out in flying colors ……all the very best!
bisch du de scho in Doha oder no deheime im schöne Bernerland??
Wobi Luzern natürlech no viu schöner isch.Gell!!!!
*When hands reach out in friendship, hearts are touched with joy*
lol :) thx
and to swissgirl39: sicher, rede ds töifschte berndütsch wo me sech cha vorschteue :)
ok thats very good and cool news.
mabrook to you buddy.
good luck and all the best from Swiss.
by the way,do you speak german?
then take this:
vili lieibi grüessli usem kanton luzern.du schaffsch das.
vöu glück.
he heee.
*When hands reach out in friendship, hearts are touched with joy*