Chat Room for Qatar Living

hi everyone,
Good work n great site..keep up the good work
this is my first suggestion, just wondering, if the moderator or the webmaster can find out a way to have a live chat on
by chat, i mean, for e.g. if someone is looking out for a house, n there is another person willing to rent out would be the ideal deal
given the circumstances in qatar, im sure everyone would agree to this suggestion
hope it works out
take care..
Loy Ferns
This topic has been discussed many times before. Please search the forums
i am happy on this site without going anywhere else
lol... this site has been up for 2 years dont any of u think Qatari is aware of it?
"Be Like a Flower, Which gives off it's fragrance
even to the hand that crushes it.
Yeah! How about a channel in IRC, or maybe a channel in Yahoo Chat? Or maybe something web-based!
"Live life with Loose cash but nothing to Lose" - Rusty Ryan
Wow gr8 suggestion.
Qatari what do u think about it???