Skin color spells the difference?

On some occassions, I see here that people refer to skin color as a gauge for getting a better paying job. I would presume that when you say you're white you are a citizen of the US, UK, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and perhaps give and take a few of the EU countries. Well, my issue is that paying someone more just because of skin color is ridiculous, to say the least, and plays on that subliminal 'inferiority complex' that has been forced into peoples mind thru the media or whatever subtle means they have employed. Well, fact is, these race are not 'superman'. Just like the rest of 'us' they are not impervious to anything. They don't have the franchise for great minds or anything great. The list could go on ad nauseam. What's your beef?
QT...that would be more sensible thing to do... not unless you up until the end..
[img_assist|nid=12867|link=none|align=left|width=|height=0]Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood.
Mis-Cat, I beg to differ. there are a lot of those you have mentioned getting a better pay even if they don't have a degree. i've seen an asian (having a Bachelor of Science degree) and caucasian (only a high school grad) of both grade ad job title, but the caucasian are getting a better pay. and not to mention that the first one is more produtive than the later one
- live your life as simple as you are
- money doesn't create man, but it is the man who created money
- don't do what others say, just listen to them, but do what you feel good
It is a bitter truth. everybody says about equality. but every employer wants to see some fair skins and blonds in the office and to retain them, they have to pay big.. (slightly kidding too)
Not agreeing about skin colour but i was shocked that when I had to go for the fingerprint and CID clearance because I have UK passport, I went into the VIP area whilst my colleague who has SA passport had to go into the general office. That was 2 years ago, maybe things have changed since then. By the way, my SA colleague is white.
I think you're right. I better go before I get dragged into another of "those" topics!
well alkhormom thats societal stereotyping...what can we do?
I think I've discovered the secret of life - you just hang around until you get used to it. ~Charles Schulz
It does have more to do with education. Some one who has been educated in Aus, USA NZ, Canada or the more prominent EU countries, will have a degree by an internationally regognised instituation and there fore an employer can expect a better level of produtcion and before you comment on the fact that it would seem that the lower paid people are doing more work, my experiance has been they seem to be doing more work with out nesissarily getting more achieved, for example I will try to get my work done as quickly as possible through out the day which sometimes leaves me with times were i have nothing to do but cruise the internet what ever, but i have found that certain other nationalities in my exact postion will drag these tasks out over the course of the whole day just to make it look like they are working harder.
.... "you'll find that if you come from a country where unemployement is
low, the currency is strong and the standard of living is expensive, to
move country you would demand more money. If you come from a country
where unemployment is high, the currency is weak and living expenses
are relatively lower, then you would probably accept a job that pays
(Simple economics)"
am confused why then would a first world citizen/pp holder or wannabe opt to come to a lesser (figuratively) world and demand so much more when most of the time they only have a hi-school diploma as their portfolio?
another nagging irony...also what is the difference between the secretarial experience of a first world pax (FWP)and an asian (for example)? in most cases, i have encountered the FWP or wannabe will have more chances even though she has only 2 years job experience vs the asian with 10 years.
Simply Ironic!
its not the color of the skin and also not because of them having a better education, it is rather more of your passport
- live your life as simple as you are
- money doesn't create man, but it is the man who created money
- don't do what others say, just listen to them, but do what you feel good
another soon to be R***** issue.. no comment... :)
just want to greet you all good morning irregardless of your skin color..
[img_assist|nid=12867|link=none|align=left|width=|height=0]Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood.
yeah agree, skin color is not an issue. that is the reason why some arab or even asian go to Europe, Ausralia or Canada, then when they get back to ME they change their passport and the nationality also. Its one way of getting a very attractive job package!
I think I've discovered the secret of life - you just hang around until you get used to it. ~Charles Schulz
I agree with you, I didn't see your msg until after I posted mine!
you should not mentioned the skin color cos is ludacris. its all matter of the Nationality and education backgroud thats the whole idea. They think the first country like Canada, America, Europe, Australia and NZ have more better education system in place therefore they think the graduated must be with good knowledge and skills to carry out the jobs. So is not about the skin color at all. How about the Afro-American, Chinese-American, Indian-American thats hold American passport, they got same paid like the rest of American.
Everybody is right Everybody is wrong, it depend where we stand.
I have to disagree with you, it's often not the skin colour but rather the passport you hold. You'll find that if you come from a country where unemployement is low, the currency is strong and the standard of living is expensive, to move country you would demand more money. If you come from a country where unemployment is high, the currency is weak and living expenses are relatively lower, then you would probably accept a job that pays anything!
(Simple economics)
Unfortunately Western degrees are also more favourable to employers than many others.
Take my example. I am of oriental origin, but hold a British Passort and was educated in the UK. My salary is on par or higher than many of my "white" counterparts (I'm not showing off, just making a point)!
So, although I'm sure it does happen, I find it difficult to stomach the idea that colour has very much to do with it, and believe that if it does occur, it is minority of cases and not the norm!
well thats whats happening!!!! doesn't matters how much you debate on it. sorry to say...