manners of giving dawah

by Imaam 'Abdul 'Azeez ibn Baaz (rahimhullah)
from: Ad d'awah illallah wa akhlaaqud du'aat (pg. 37-43)
“The etiquettes, manners and characteristics necessary for the du’aat (callers to Islaam) has been duly explained by Allaah - the Mighty and Majestic - in many aayaat and in many different places in the Noble Qur‘aan. And from those necessary etiquettes are:
Firstly: Sincerity
So it is obligatory upon the daa’ee (caller) to have ikhlaas (sincerity and purity of intentions and actions) for Allaah - the Mighty and Majestic - neither desiring to show-off, nor desiring reputation, nor desiring the praises and the accolades of the people. Rather, the daa’ee should only call to Allaah seeking the Face of Allaah, as He - the One free from all imperfections - says:
“Say: This is my path, I do call to upon knowledge.” [Soorah Yoosuf (12):108]
And Allaah - the Mighty and Majestic - said:
“And who is better in speech than one who calls to Allaah.” [Soorah Fussilat (41):33]
Thus it is a must to have ikhlaas and to call only to Allaah - the Mighty and Majestic - and this is the most important ettiquette and the greatest quality; that you seek from your da’wah (call) the Face of Allaah and the Home of the Hereafter.
Secondly: Knowledge
To call the people to upon ’ilm (knowledge), and not ignorance:
“Say: This is my path, I do call to Allaah upon knowledge.” [Soorah Yoosuf (12):108]
So knowledge is an essential obligation in calling to Allaah. So beware of calling to Allaah based upon ignorance, and beware of speaking without due knowledge. Indeed, ignorance destroys, it does not build; and it causes corruption, not reformation and correction. So - O worshipper of Allaah - fear Allaah and beware of speaking about Allaah without due knowledge, and do not call to anything except after knowledge of it and having insight into what Allaah and His Messenger sallallaahu ’alayhi wa sallam have said. So it is upon the student of knowledge and the daa’ee to have knowledge of, and insight into that which they call to, knowing its proofs and evidences.
Thirdly: Mildness and Gentleness
From the akhlaaq that it is necessary to have - O daa’ee - is to be mild and forbearing in your da’wah, and being gentle and patient in it, as were all the Messengers ’alayhimus-salaatu was-salaam. Beware of being hasty, harsh and strict in your da’wah, rather be patient, mild and gentle. In this regard, some of the proofs have already preceeded, such as the saying of Allaah - the Mighty and Majestic:
“Call to the way of your Lord with wisdom and beautiful admonition, and argue with them in ways that are best.” [Soorah Nahl (16):125]
And His - the Most Perfect’s - saying:
“And by the Mercy of Allaah you were able to deal gently with them. If you had been severe and harsh-hearted they would have broken away from about you.” [Soorah Aal-’Imraan (3):159]
And His - the Most Majestic’s - saying, with regards to Moosaa and Haaroon ’alayhimus-salaam:
“So speak to him mildly, perchance he may take admonition, or that he may fear Allaah.” [Soorah Taa Haa (20):44]
And the Prophet sallallhu ’alayhi wa sallam said in the authentic hadeeth:
“O Allaah! Whosoever is a guardian over any of the affairs concerning my Ummah and he is gentle with them, then be gentle with him. And whosoever is a guardian over any of the affairs concerning my Ummah and he is harsh with them, then be harsh with him.” [Related by Muslim (12/212) from ’Aaishah radiallaahu ’anhaa]
So - O servant of Allaah - it is necessary upon you to be gentle in your da’wah and not to be harsh upon the people. Do not turn the people away from the Deen due to your harshness, ignorance, or other such behaviour. On the contrary, be mild, forbearing and patient; and be soft and pleasant in speech, so your words may have an effect upon the heart brother, or that it may have an effect upon the one you are addressing the call to. Then the people will better appreciate your call and invitation. So undue strictness causes people to become distant, not close; and it causes separation, not unity. Therefore, it is a must to be gentle, as the Messenger ’alayhis-salaatu was-salaam said:
“Indeed gentleness does not enter into anything except that it beautifies it, and is removed from anything except that it disfigures it.” [Related by Muslim (16/146) from Aaishah radiallaahu ’anhaa]
And he ’alayhis-salaatu was-salaam also said:
“Whoever is prevented from gentleness, is actually prevented from all good and excellence.” [Related by Muslim (16/145) from Jaabir ibn Abdullaah]
I apologize Qatari for such a long post. However I felt it was beneficial to the muslims who resort to slander and harshness when giving dawah;.. May Allah forgive us all and may we act upon knowledge inshAllah ameen.
Maryum Umm Hasan bint Abdullah Alshabrawishi
hey buddy ru?
PH, keep posting,there r muslims in QL who would like to know more about islam
I love to have reminders of this nature, thanks PH....but i agree with DaRude, theres is a group specifically for muslim expats...which interested people can read if they are interested.....its a pity that no one posts there....
Also i agree with you PH..Red Pope should also have his own "Booth" group, where he can preach his christian beleifs and help people from his own booth...
pope don't you post all the time about christian beliefs?
And keep them coming as they are very interesting!
Those are my favorite verses in the bible.
Maryum : Umm Hasan bint Abdullah Alshabrawishi
Why can anyone worship their own God in privacy and in the confinement of their minds and heart? Yes, there is a directive by Jesus in that matter. Why do I have to listen to some other religion like I'm some pagan, maybe I feel the same way about you?But yet, I choose to respect your ideas and ignore your words.Because I choose my own religious path a long time ago. Everyone, once in their lives have their own moments of replicationand mutation. Causing shift changes in their inner thoughts and believes of Peace,Love and Religion. None is pure or perfect except nature.Red_Pope
I think that was a compliment you both made!!!!!!!
If you tell the truth you don't have to remember anything: Mark Twain:
Really means culture and religion
You guys should be walking bible
and we should be walking Quran
and other Scripture:
Taken from King James Version
"And as ye would that men should do to you, do ye also to them likewise"
(Luke 6:31).
Or the morst widely known Scripture taken from New International Version
"Do to others as you would have them do to you"(Luke 6:31).
If you tell the truth you don't have to remember anything: Mark Twain:
i love school....but errrr if its about religion....sorry, im out as well.. :P
[img_assist|nid=12867|link=none|align=left|width=|height=0]Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood.
You better be prepared for the test i am going to give you .
The religious period is over. Now I will put a test tomorrow on the content discussed. If anybody get below 10 marks, I will give imposition 50 times.
Transgression does come from arrogance.
one of the best sayings in the Bible...
Most folks are about as happy as they make up their minds to be. --Abraham Lincoln (1809 - 1865)
Well oryx Islam has established set rules on delivering that message. And this post is not for the non muslims.. but an advice for the muslims.
Born agains preach have a very different method in that they believe everyone needs to hear about Jesus and preach where ever they find a willing listener. The muslim preaches through his action of just being a muslim and practicing Islam.
I am and have never in no way am on here trying to give dawah(preach) to non muslims to believe in Allah or become muslim! Only to clarify the correct Islamic belief that many muslims have erred upon and falsely represent as Islamic!
Also this advice is for muslims who have clearly transgressed the limits on this forum and need a gentle reminder. Which will be beneficial to all the non muslims on this website!
Maryum : Umm Hasan bint Abdullah Alshabrawishi
You said
"the girl put this topic for people trying to deliver the message for
tips on how to gently do that and I cant understand why you will be so
upset about it.
"that does show your respect for those lines or words of Quran that you call them TIPS"
GO GO teach your religion to some one like you not me.
PH you are just a theological ventroliquist - there is nothing original
Thats better. Guess they have forgetten where did Bible come from. Like say realsom sign wow what a respect he got.
The solemn blessings (beatitudines, benedictiones) which mark the opening of the Sermon on the Mount, the very first of Our Lord's sermons in the Gospel of St. Matthew (5:3-10).
'its your [our] obligation to deliver the message no matter how someone else will feel...once you deliver did your obligation.'
that is exactly what born again Christians do and i always seem to get stuck next to one a plane ........:(
yup let those who are concerned comment and let the others ignore...Habibah was sincere about her post and some folks started shouting.
and I find this post really usefull atleast for me, and sure there is other members who find it beautiful so no need to have objection with it and if you do, ignore it.
May Allah reward you for your efforsts sister...
********************************************************* Blessed are the geeks, for they shall Internet the earth!
My child come i will show you teach you and tell you how to respectr what real islam is.
I have faith i dont make it a joke like you guys i have respect i dont get to play with its words and get them insulted by there like you. In fact i am ashmed for having Muslim brother like you. who made the Islam a joke a piece of decoration Quran up on selves or in back of seat or hanging in car or putting the Holy book on ground where.
You guys are doing your exhibition that i am a muslim and i do this and that. no true muslim doesnt even speak out what he does. coz its all btwn him/her and Allah. NOT THE WORLD AND HIM AND ALLAH.
Go Learn ur self then come teach me when you get you master degree in islam you are still a KID KIDDO ok.
the problem is that PH has been forcefeeding everyone on here every day and with only half of what is supposed to be from Islam. Anyone can cut and paste...Shall I cut and paste from the Bible and the New Testament?? Would you enjoy having that on QL?
Most folks are about as happy as they make up their minds to be. --Abraham Lincoln (1809 - 1865)
Just let the Muslims on QL, who are interested in the thread, post on it and discuss it amongst themselves, this way there shouldn't be any argy bargy, right?
Let's see, shall we .... :D
Keep blessing each other am out.
Darude it sure shows that you are against Islam [if you are Muslim, may allah redirect you to the original path] to your objection of this thread...there is nothing wrong in this thread..
the girl put this topic for people trying to deliver the message for tips on how to gently do that and I cant understand why you will be so upset about it.
********************************************************* Blessed are the geeks, for they shall Internet the earth!
May God bless you and your family with good Novita InshAllah Alahumma ameen.
Maryum : Umm Hasan bint Abdullah Alshabrawishi
God Bless You PH ...
realsom even I have done this without realizing my sins..
i.e. argueing to defend myself against insults
Or trying to clarify what the correct islam is!
But what I found is that I am not capable or knowledgable enough to do so.. and need to work on my dawah skills in this manner.
Alhudmullilah I have an excellent teacher who has mastered his techniques in this area and reads my posts and then advises me about them. and corrects me! MashAllah He is proof that dreams do come true and Islam is the true religion because of his manners. May Allah reward HIM >
Asalaamu Alaikum rahmantullah barakatahu
Maryum : Umm Hasan bint Abdullah Alshabrawishi
‘’ A believer is like a brick for another believer, the one supporting the other’’
When will you prove those line to me??
Or is there some new Edition of Hadeeth or Quran coming from your side.
I do have issues here. You are right.
I still need PH to prove me her lines are from Hadeeth or Quran and she knows that very very well. she might have forgotten but not me.
she mostly claims here words or actions are from Hadeeth and Quran which 50% are ok but rest NOOOOT OK.
If any one of you need Hadeeth translated in English all of them i will provide you. and then try to match Princess Habibah words with Hadeeth The self proclaimed Master in Islam.
ah so Pathetic
Alhamdulilah keep up the good work sister...its your [our] obligation to deliver the message no matter how someone else will feel...once you deliver did your obligation.
May Allah forgive me for spending my valuable time non sense argument with some people on this site.
********************************************************* Blessed are the geeks, for they shall Internet the earth!
Yea i dont like her
any problem with you??
syamsat.. that is a very good advice.. thank you. InshAllah I will try to make it simpler next time or in another thread..
One problem which I face is that if I make it simple.. muslims will attack it as my own opinion and writing! So I will make it like this first.. and clarify on another post if more people would like a better understanding. InshAllah..
For your convenience..
1.) means to be sincere of your intention (I.E. when one preaches they do it for the sake of Allah and the ummah by following HIS guidance.
2.) Knowledge is very important. Because alot of people love to talk about Islam do not know enough about the subject or have not gained a proper understanding! (and this is why we have alot of people such as Daisy khan talking about islam in the doha debates)
3.) The caller should have mildness and gentleness his his call. He should not be harsh or push people away from Islam by insulting them and their intelligence!
This is only 3 out of 7 methods of preaching Islam (giving dawah)
Maryum : Umm Hasan bint Abdullah Alshabrawishi
DaRuDe if she is posting something you don't like, just ignore it and do something else, rather than turning another nice post into a useless conflict.
Start practicing here join the group and lead it.
He (sallal-laahu alayhi-wasallam) said:
‘’ A believer is like a brick for another believer, the one supporting the other’’. (Muslim)
And he (sallal-laahu-alayhi-wasallam) said:
‘’The similitude of believers in regard to mutual love, affection, and fellow-feeling, is that of one body; when any limb of it aches, the whole body aches, because of sleeplessness and fever.’’ (Muslim)
Maryum : Umm Hasan bint Abdullah Alshabrawishi
Dears,,We accept truth in any form. When you are telling something new to us, you have to pass the info in a simple and easy way. The essence should be visible. I too tried reading the long post, though it is intended for Muslims, to find some knowledge. I wish you will be more presized in your next posts, so other can also read it and get some knowledge.
Thats calling show off exhibiting nothing else.
Guess only you and PH are the one muslims left on this globe rest every one is with out a religion.
Oh guess i think i should call the mosque Mullahs also tell them that this world wide web will be easy for you guys to start preaching why trying to knock doors.
Dunce head.
Darude Islam is part of my life there is no place I cant discuss about it , I dont believe the idea of separating religion from other things...because Islam is a way of life not a religion for me.
If Novita isnt Muslim she can respect this topic without writing "yawn" because there is many other members who finds this topic interesting. I think this is not a good manner...I havent seen a good manner of her towards Islam.
QL is democracy everyone can write what ever you want, if you dont like a thread just ignore it but dont comment with useless writings..
********************************************************* Blessed are the geeks, for they shall Internet the earth!
well I can understand.. as she is not muslim. Although doesn't suit her normal posts which are very kind and therefore much more powerful.
However, I am sure that novita can appreciate good guidance to muslims on how to conduct themselves with kindness. As she is a good example of someone who is not usually harsh in her manner!
Maryum : Umm Hasan bint Abdullah Alshabrawishi
You may part to other islamic site and discuess what ever you like and clearify you doubt about Islam the the lack of Knowledge about Islam that i do see in you both.
habibah dont worry about Darude's comment its the behaviour of many other members in this site...that think its boring to talk about Islam...see novita she is yawning..
********************************************************* Blessed are the geeks, for they shall Internet the earth!
*big yawn*
Darude.. why would you ask the administration to lock something which is beneficial to the muslims..
and if followed would make this site a better place to discuss and chat about Islam.
Alot of muslims become over excited when talking of Islam. Myself included and this is an excellent reminder for us all!
May Allah forgive our sins and rectify our affair. And protect us from those who do not wish for us to seek knowledge and correct ourselves and advise each other. InshAllah Alahumma ameen.
Maryum : Umm Hasan bint Abdullah Alshabrawishi
Made Islam a joke.
Princess you better stop.
Thats not really a way of preaching.
Still if any one has doubt about anything they sure do know where to get guidance from .
I do request the admin or mode to lock this topic out.