Iphones just got so simple to unlock its the click of a button...
Ok everyone... i just recieved my iphone and there is a new program out there from ziphone.org that allows you to download the program for free and install the unlock in just a click of a few buttons... and bam... everything works... thats it thats all you do...
well first you have to upgrade your iphone to version 1.1.4
then download ziphone...
then make sure you have .net framework v2.0 from microsoft...
after all these things are downloaded...
run ziphone and click the box that says you want to unlock your phone ... then let the program do all the work for you... simple as that... i just called my house with my iphone... woooo whooooo...
its pretty sweet...
haha. :)
anyway, im glad you got your iphone now.
welcome to the family. ^^
also if you are iphone and ipod touch user :
just PM or SMS me first. :)
i agree with you on your post hahahahahaha
it is true many people get nervous or just dont pay enough attention to the whole thing so they end up leaving a step off or doubling up on a step...
so yes it is still good to have some one else do it if you dont know how...
just hanging out and watching dvd's with helen keller... kind of a quite night.
thatguy, you are correct, that is very easy to use. :)
but qatman is also correct. many software can be use to unlock iphones. etc etc. version also available for for MAC.
but try reading some post in some threads, many got problems because of misuse of program and it is infact a USER'S ERROR.
actually, i got 3 phones to be fixed today.. they got "no wifi" now because of misuse of zphone. they tried to restore it and use again the program but still the problem are worsen.
the main problem is they have no precautions or reading first before doing something.
im talking not about you because i know and you actually said that you are nerd and good at this, but how about those who cannot understand even simple method? eh?
also if you are iphone and ipod touch user :
just PM or SMS me first. :)
heck i can even post a comment below the link that says... i will charge 50 percent less than anyone else to unlock your Iphone... because im that nice hahahahahahahahahahhahahaha
because ever since apple said they dont care who does the source codes for the iphone... it has become as simple as a click of the mouse to unlock these phones... sweet stuff...
just hanging out and watching dvd's with helen keller... kind of a quite night.
You should make it your mission to post a link to this thread on every 'unlock iphone' advert that's posted from now on. Go on, do it. It's your destiny.
why would i want tech support... im a nerd by nature... and if you buy a phone for the camera... you might have a screw loose...
no phone camera will get pictures like that... for atleast another 5 years...
and if your worried about repairs... stop dropping your phone
and you can always send it back into apple... and they will fix it if something is really wrong... granted you will have to pay for shipping... but hey if you want a really good looking phone... that keeps you on the internet were ever you go... and keeps your emails in your pocket and your location in your hand... then the iphone is much better than the blackberry...
which i also have an unlocked black berry... but not that impressed with the black berry... its loaded with to much crap and to many options and way to many menus
just hanging out and watching dvd's with helen keller... kind of a quite night.
every thing from my phone to my websites to a gps unit... i mean there isnt a thing this phone cant do... so i love it
GPS in an Iphone? Duh?
And how does the outdoor photos look after dark/sunset....on the itsy-bitsy 2MP camera?
And the Worst is its not supported here. No Tech Support. No Repairs. Period.
There are many other unlocking solutions as well. All are simple and easy to run and Yes and it Cannot get more simpler than this. But the problem is sometimes things don't work and this is where the skills to troubleshoot and understand the problem are required.
I am having my eye on Garmin nuvifone. Its due end of this year. GPS with a phone, not other way round.
let me guess... you dont have one so you dont like it hahahahaha
just kidding...
im a techy so i love things like this... i love being able to have complete acess to everything all at once... every thing from my phone to my websites to a gps unit... i mean there isnt a thing this phone cant do... so i love it
just hanging out and watching dvd's with helen keller... kind of a quite night.
You are trying to screw all those people asking 100 QR for unlocking iPhone.
Good work. Thanks.
PS. I still dont like iPhone
oh and if you dont believe me... go to
and read about it
just hanging out and watching dvd's with helen keller... kind of a quite night.