
I am Ben and i have just got a job offer with my wife in qatar.
Sallary is around 2000QR per month with furnished two bedroom flat, health insurance, tickets for flights and free education for my three children.
we have no idea about th cost of living in qatar or is there any activities for children there.
Also is it possible to ship my car to qatar or is it better to by from their?
Please advise.
Much apreciated
Khursheed: Salary is clear 2000 pounds. not QR
if it is QR 2000 / m, then never even think to come here,
M.Khursheed Uddin
Just a note from the career point of view. It sounds like you are doing well in the school where you are at.. Could it be possible to become a head master anytime in the future??
TBH I am not sure about your career prospects in doha if this is the situation. My husband also has an offer (in diff. type of job) and the salary is not very promising. However he is thinking about the position because working abroad and developing services is a huge CV point. As well as for other more personal reasons!
So we are considering his offer. But it may be that uprooting the family and working abroad will do very little for your promising career. So if that is a major factor.. and the pay is less then what you earn over here then I would seriously think about things before making a decision. If any of that made sense!
welcome mate .. hope you find something better...
Thanks Aisha and Ringohiqups for your advice,
After careful consideration i have decided to take your advices including other members of QL and some frind and family that it is not worth to take the offer. So i have declined it and dcidd to stay in the UK.
By the way Aisha Bedakant voor jouw advies.
please ben, i advice you to get a good deal before coming over here. seriously speaking, it is not a good salary offer you have ... i am here with my wife .. no kids and i earn 25000 riyals with a villa free and health insurance and travel tickets,etc . if you come here on that pay they have offered, you will regret it and want to leave in 6 months i promise you. be very careful before you drop everything in the uk and move over here, if you dont have a good deal... they will try to sweetmouth you and promise heaven ,... but i tell you my friend its all a trick to get you down here on a cheap salary , then you are me,out here, you are worth more than that, but they want to try get you for cheap.....
Reading your reply again, I see they offer airline tickets only for you are your wife....what about the kids. Are they not on this. Also they will provide free schooling for them at the school where you teach..... What if they/you dont like it. Which school offers this. P.s a friend of mine is a teachers assistance in a kindergarten and get Qr 5000.- p.m. no benefits. But then again a 2 bedroom flat for 5 seems bad! There are many schools that are looking for good staff and they are willing to pay well, so check them out.
Dit is advies van een andere Nederlander die hier woont.
That is a very good salary. I am getting only QR 5000 a month :(
It does not sound like you are getting a good deal. Are you sure that the school that has offered you a job is a good one. Does not sound like it to me..... Which one is it and we will tell you.
Thank you Pwb78, it is very kind of you
Yes the offer is for both of us, not for one. I still don't have a full idea about the healthcare, i am not sure if it is insurance or private hospital.
I also agree that 2 bedroom is pretty small for a familly of 5.
I will ask for 3 or 4 bedroom and see what they say.
I would say that is a really low salary if that is both of yours total. Am I reading that right or is that for each of you?
Healthcare - is that government healthcare or insurance where you can use a private hospital if you choose? We have "healthcare" as well but we rarely use the gov't facilities so it adds up.
I still think the 2 bedroom flat is just a terrible offer for a family of 5.
Be kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.
Thanks LuckyJinks and all the rest of the QL members who replied
I really appreciate your answers and advices, it is making me having a more clearer picture before making a move. These are the full facts.
I am a science teacher in a secondary school in London with a salary of £40000(pounds)/year (£2400 per month net), I have a management point with high prospects of getting promotted to a keystage position (ie more money) within the next 6 months or so. My wife is a teacher assistant in a primary school with a salary of £15000/year (£845/month net).
What I was offered is a teaching position for my wife and I in a good school in Doha. We were both offered the total of 14500QR= £2000
We were also offered a two bedroom flat, tickets (air fare) for only my wife and I, Health care and our 3 children get a free education in the same school where we teach. Does that look as an attractive package to you guys or not?
Plus my eldest son is finishing his GCSE next year and the school provides education only to year 13. What are the prospects for Colleges or further education like in Qatar?
Thank yooooooooooooooooooooooou sooooooooooo much for all the advise and discussion, it is really an eye opener. God bless
ammendments of the figure....yes you can come here with your family.....just do your job and show sincereness and after 3 to 6 months ask increase...what industry Ben? Are you engineer or what??
but come try to get your accommodation allowance, choose your own flat or apartment, apply for Qatar Driving licence then request from your company a car, after 3 to 4 months, ask increase of basic salary, increase on housing, increase on supplementary and other allowances....
When you feel satisfied, let your family come in Qatar.If your present life in there is already stable, maybe you need to think thrice.
You knew, working abroad sometimes its gambling. Not everybody working away from home experiencing better career. Some are lucky and some are unlucky. Some they have lucky charm and some have lucky jinx....
If oppurtunity knocks, open your door because maybe it will only knocks once.
I second Novita. No verbal assurance by any damn school principal is enough. Have a confirmed admission receipt & then only ask for removal of ur children fm their present schools. I have 1st hand experience, had a tough time for more than 3 months in Doha in 2007 for admission of my only son. Imagine 3 in ur case.
If your salary will be QR. 2,000 only that is too low. Im single and im earning QR.3,000 but still not enough. Eventhough they will give a benefits for your family it will not be enough to survive, regarding activities for your children, they have here ,but not like in any other countries.
dont uproot the kid/s unless you can find spot in a good school in Doha.
I would not move here to live in a two bedroom flat with 3 kids. Not worth it. Don't settle for less than a 3-4 bedroom villa - stand alone or on a compound.
Also - places in schools are very hard to come by. Waiting lists (long ones) are the norm. Check availability.
Be kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.
You could live on the Qr 14500, but what about transport and the living conditions. You really do not want to live in a 2 bedroom flat with 3 kids. Believe me. You can not go out here to play etc most of the time cos it is too hot. Get a bigger flat. Your family will be crazy afetr a while..... Believe me I am a mom.....
He is asking for cost of living. Flat is his choice and he would decide.
Observer: Good that u got up soon. never underestimate QL. even in ur sleep people are helpful here. hehehehehe
Sorry guys
I am really sorry, it seems i have dropped a bomb shell in QL.
I didn't think that i will get a reply straight away and went to bed, as som people gussed it right.
I hav misled everyone, my apology. instead of writing £2000 (british pounds) I typed 2000QR, hence the confusion.
Our salary in QR is 14500, with th following benfits: Fully furnished 2 bedromm flat, healthcare, tickets for my wife and I, free education for my three children.
I am positive, these are the right figures. Please advise, i hop this time won't be any confusion, and thanks very much to all of you who replied to my message.
nobody mentioned him abt the law. I think one has to have a min. salary of QR4000 to get the family status. So, he surely has missed a 0.
Observer: where are u - sleeping ???
oh my god !!!! ben ! ben ! ben! you are causing a whole lot of problems for our QL members.... just wake up mate and answer our questions quickly before you sign that contract... for some qatar firm. pity old boy ... you will be stuck when you get here with 2k salary.
uhuh i forgot the time diff between holland and doha..........blimey >rolls eyes
life's too short so make the most of it, you only live but once.......
You can't teach experience...
is in Holland and probably still in bed
we are anxiously for yr clarification Ben , are you in hiding??>looks around for ben
life's too short so make the most of it, you only live but once.......
maybe you are missing another 0 there....hmmmm, 2K for your family will be a alone will be an issue for your family of 5.... kindly verify the missing 0..
[img_assist|nid=12867|link=none|align=left|width=|height=0]Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood.
hey QS -me is good today , yah gonna prepaer DH bfast in a bit he leaving for work soon....>all taken care of
life's too short so make the most of it, you only live but once.......
how are you doing today?... QL AGAIN??? go go cook for your husband before he came back from work!!...
This Too Shall Pass.....
[img_assist|nid=71431|title=magic ring|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=|height=0]
hehehhehehe now are we just being nosey or plain concern for ben??
life's too short so make the most of it, you only live but once.......
Hi Ben, if you're not sleeping or driving plz reply asap, alotta people are very keen to know if you missed the very very important "zero"
As mentioned before I think you missed out on a zero. That would be an ok salary. However you have 3 kids and a 2 bedroom flat????? Pretty crowed no? Ask for a min. 4 bedroom place. All the other benefits are standard and ok. Just make sure re the salary & housing....
Good luck
in 2000 u are only gonna live by air and water. forget about bread butter. U might even have chicken only on christmas or on new year eve.
yeah, for the Science Teacher it must be 20,000
This Too Shall Pass.....
[img_assist|nid=71431|title=magic ring|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=|height=0]
that's what was my thought... who come someone with the salary 2000 get provided with the 2-br appartment.. unless the company is cheating, and make promisses.. but once he is here, they will put him in some... you guys know...
This Too Shall Pass.....
[img_assist|nid=71431|title=magic ring|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=|height=0]
you must be a num skull if it is 2000 ..... here you cant even survive a day on that ...pls dont even do it if it is that low, but 20000 is ok.. and dnt bother shipping ur car here, cause it is easy to get a car loan and buy one here.(new or old)
it must be QAR 20,000/- Twenty Thousands Qatari Riyals
I think he is missing a zero. with 2000 one can never get a two bed room apartment plus other benifits
Ben - did you mean QR2,000.00 or QR20,000-00??the first is too low the latter sounds better with the high cost of living here
life's too short so make the most of it, you only live but once.......
I think 2000 is too if you have exp any nationality will get a min of 4000Qr.moreover you will face trouble when you apply for loans.