Experience at Doha Zoo (How animals are treated by the visitors)

Yesterday I visited the Doha Zoo with my kid. He was very excited to see the animals and the tricks played by the chimps after the entrance. After that I had a hurting experience!
He wanted to do what the other kids were doing. Believe me though I did stop him from doing, it was difficult for me to explain him why I was stopping him as not only other kids even the elders were doing what they should not be doing. Something which was disappointing; the way visitors treat the animals there!! The zoo officials have taken steps to ensure that the animals are treated well. They have also made clear fencing for the safety of the visitors & animals.
Though there are sign-boards saying not to feed the animals, the visitors throw food at them (popcorn, peanuts, ice-cream cones, biscuits and lots more). This causes commotion at the fence, specially for the monkeys. The monkeys try to catch what ever they could. The visitors need to understand that this might hurt the monkeys when they jump on the fence or try to stretch their hands out. This is also not the fair way to treat them. The officials have put the boards of not feeding the animals because they are fed with their proper diets and at proper timings. I think officials should be strict on what they mean with those sign-boards.
Also just imagine ill treating a crocodile!!!! I suppose the croc was so much used to the ill treatment that it did not bother what visitors did to it. Just to check if it moves or not, visitors were throwing empty paper glasses and plastic bottles at it... Really bad!!!! This really hurt me and forced to add this topic on Qatar Living.
me my family went there last Friday (after 5 years in Doha!). It was a family day, the zoo was full of families from different nationalities. The animals were great and gazed patiently to the visitors as we all exclaiming our excitement by watching them. The sad part, one deer was chewing a piece of empty pouch of Lay's chips.:( The poor deer, was too far away from our reach that we couldn't get the thing from his mouth.
Yeah, its now the parents who should tell their kids what wrong and right....provied they themselves know that
We went there on thursday afternoon, lucky to us, practically there is no one. The animals were quiet maybe because there is nobody disturbing them. But I did saw some empty bottles on top of the tiger cage.
Yes I do agree, too bad parents behave badly in front of their children while they are the one who suppose to teach the younger generations..
Très loin de gratin dauphinoise et nasi lemak..uhuhuhuhu
Yeah really Alexa - could start a thread saying "Experience at X Fast Food Place - (How the workers are treated by visitors)"
Be kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.
Yeah but who's going to teach the majority of parents what's right and wrong?
Be kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.
I think parents can teach a lot to their kids. Parents should take kids there and teach them what is right and wrong. The kids do talk about it in their schools. This might be a good help to the animals there!
schools could help to arrange programmes for awarness.
Maybe you can't blame the kids.... but you can blame the parents and the staff off the zoo....
After this I will not go to the zoo... i have neverbeen there because i just arrived here two months ago.... but now i will not go...
it will break my heart if i witness that.....
Good for you Mhurajpurkar !!! For teaching your child the right way and for this awareness... !!!!
Greetz J. :)
Life is nothing without friends.... :)
its really very harsh and very difficult to stop our own child bc in the zoo every one even a kid or young guy are doing this and no one from the staff can stop them.
most importent to educate our kids and young ones on this issu.
it seems like half the people in this city can't even treat other people decently so i'm not sure how much success you'll have getting them to treat animals properly.
"Even a stopped clock gives the right time twice a day." Withnail & I
Write a letter to the newspapers and see if they run with the story.
Yes that should be the main focus. Schools could also help.
However as I said, even elders did the same thing. I suppose they should be matured enough not to do it and stop their kids from doing it. I did stop my kid!
"Make a difference or make way"
The management has to do something about it.......cant blame the kids cause they have only that much sense.......maybe educating them might work....awareness....
Need to create awareness on how to treat the animals!
Good for you for raising this point. I was speaking to someone just last week who had also had a very upsetting experience there. What can be done?