car inspection in alkhor
By firdausmirza •
morning people...
can anyone let me know when is the car inspection in alkhor open for private cars? í mean for saloon cars not trucks...from what i've heard is that it is 3 days for cars and the rest for trucks and busses..but im not sure of the day.. please anybody let me know...
what is the excat location in alkhore ...
thx for the information..appreciate it..and the inspection is done, over with..
i dont mean everyday, of course on weekends they are closed especially friday? :) i think.. hehe
Cheers, Austin
my sister had her car inspected in al khor, and what she did was leave her car parked behind another car thats already parked there, because this is the que and at 7 am the next morning, the car inspection will open, and these cars will drive in based on their que line. then they will take a number. for females there are no que, you only tell the policeman you want to inspect your car and they will take the females for inspection first even though the guys were already waiting before the ladies :P yaayy..! hope this helps.
so it opens everyday for normal cars, at 7 am. just make sure you park you car from the day before :) or come really early at 6am or something and wait infront of the gate.
Cheers, Austin