Grrrrrrrrrrrrrr.... PERVERT ! ! !

Thanks...I already have a (female) therapist who does that.
I'm not being rude but would you please take your BUSINESS away from QL?
Discreet?...PHULEEEEZ :-/
From: needdriverjob
To: azilana7037
Subject: need me call me
Date: Fri, 15/02/2008 - 4:54pm
Ladies Call me now to book an amazing massage Day Evening Out calls only,Male Masseur available from 0600am though till midnight. Any woman needs... sensual pleasure....... available for you..........any time with you.....giver of more, no less clean discreet and satisfaction assured must be your place, or neutral ground married, bored, neglected, unsatisfied only external stimulation unless mutual agreement for more. lay back and enjoy .My massage technique is a mix of soft and hard pressure over entire body, using oils. I will be leaving you feeling fantastic. Your massage can be therapeutic or sensual…its upto ur wish. 1hr : QR.80/-1.5 hr : QR.100/-2 hr : QR.180/-……………………….Go..On……Pamper yourself You will be really pleased with the results.
Very Discrete……and ……..very Professional requireme2[AT]
I will do that
You are new here
now you go here click the link
I am new posting on the forum, but have noticed alot of these ads lately. I rec'd one a month or so back from someone wanting an older woman....sick I think...Don't they know advertising here will get them no where because we check them out.
I have seen a couple on Expatriates. com too and wonder how much response he gets. I beleive the name on that one is passion something or other.
Fricken idiot.
It's always the small things that make big differences.
it's possible to send more than one PM at a time.
I assume he's sending the same message every time with paste
I never used to get them either - dunno why it just started. Now I get the occasional 'are you married' or 'can I be your freend' stuff and this latest one. Oh I did have one a few months ago from someone who preferred the "older woman" lol
Maybe your ID puts of the would-be Romeos cos of the Qatari part of your name?
I never receive this kind of messages!!! my respondents want to marry me right away.. without even "touching" me externally, no internally...
Do I look and sound so serious??? No one dirty offer!!!… Damn it!!! I have to change the style.. to sound more... wild...
This Too Shall Pass.....
[img_assist|nid=71431|title=magic ring|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=|height=0]
How do these peeps manage to send to a list of names on this forum. I can't even work out how to send a PM to several at once who I KNOW, let alone find a list of random names to spew stuff out to!
I never rang .....
It was my PM actually! Mr. Paul, get out of my area! I don't come to Bahrain for business!
Now you have blown my cover !!
azilana7037 - Do you know the meaning of ladyboy :)
Does neutral ground include the bit of waste ground behind Toys 'R Us on C ring?
I don't mind...I told you before...I'm GAY too.
Life isn't about how to survive the storm, but how to dance in the rain!" - UNKNOWN
When a LadyBoy falls in love with you. he will stick to you like a leach :)
Who told you I do not sleep?
Did you hear about those who walk and talk while sleeping? Am one of them.
---mutual agreement for more.... huh?????
I wouldn't even touch you with a ten foot-pole...much less call...
You can bombard me with the PMs under different username...I still think you're a "L"(PICK YOUR WORD)...
Life isn't about how to survive the storm, but how to dance in the rain!- UNKNOWN
KH!! why you don;t sleep???
This Too Shall Pass.....
[img_assist|nid=71431|title=magic ring|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=|height=0]
"neutral ground"
Looks like he is sorting out a political dispute between opponents/enemies and is proposing the neutral ground. LOL
5X...MAN, you do have a problem...whehehehehe
From: mmsmedo
To: azilana7037
Subject: needme call me
Date: Sat, 16/02/2008 - 1:56pm
Any woman needs... sensual pleasure....... available for you..........any time with you.....giver of more, no less
clean discreet and satisfaction assured
must be your place, or neutral ground
married, bored, neglected, unsatisfied
only external stimulation unless mutual agreement for more.
lay back and enjoy
Life isn't about how to survive the storm, but how to dance in the rain!" - UNKNOWN
if you even call him, he will never show up...
This Too Shall Pass.....
[img_assist|nid=71431|title=magic ring|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=|height=0]
could it be a screw driver's job?
OK that's it! I'm outta here before my fingers get me into trouble LOL
yes, he's wanting facial re-arrangement.
I guess he is not massager he is a fraud and i think he want something else which he can openly tell or write here
hahahaha let him call me first.
Can just see you waiting for him, wearing nothing more than ladies underwear and a blush :D
the nutcracker suite to him daR
haha and how would you like me to test him for that
Let me know if he's any good, OK? ;D
some one PM him my cell phone numbe. rest i know how to make him dance.
I simply forwarded it to Qatari, with the following cover note. I found it really quite amusing actually HEE!
From: jauntie
To: qatari
Subject: Good afternoon, qatari
Date: Fri, 15/02/2008 - 2:09pm
hey! I'm no prude and, in fact, I had a bit of a giggle at this PM I received. However, that said, I wonder if you really want this type of PM wizzing around your lovely website. (I was particularly amused at the flagrant soliciting for sex by mutual consent )LOL
From: dohaking02
To: jauntie
Subject: needme call me
Date: Thu, 14/02/2008 - 7:19pm
Ladies Call me now to book an amazing massage Day Evening Out calls only,Male Masseur available from 0600am though till midnight. Any woman needs... sensual pleasure....... available for you..........any time with you.....giver of more, no less
clean discreet and satisfaction assured
must be your place, or neutral ground
married, bored, neglected, unsatisfied
only external stimulation unless mutual agreement for more.
lay back and enjoy .My massage technique is a mix of soft and hard pressure over entire body, using oils. I will be leaving you feeling fantastic. Your massage can be therapeutic or sensual…its upto ur wish. ……………………….Go..On……Pamper yourself You will be really pleased with the results. Very Discrete……and ……..very Professional requireme2[AT]
Dweller, Thats a nice idea.. Hope some one do that.
oh i have the bat do you want or should i wrap it for you and present it to you :D
works nicely knocks out 1 in just a second :D
This guy sent his picture to me ;)
I always get these type of PM's...
I wish i still have my baseball bat so i can get to swing it AT them....just a thought
Life isn't about how to survive the storm, but how to dance in the rain!" - UNKNOWN
thats why you locked your PM options so i never send you Pms :?
has been advertising under numerous names of late.
I suspect he has been blocked and comes back under another name and heading.
House Maid and apparently the driver one.
Needs someone to set up a massage and have a big bloke waiting for him