Can any body on the QLL advice me regards this,
I had a Srilankan maid directly under my sponsorship, i was paying her 1000 Qrs as she was experienced, took good care of her as well, I sent her after a year so that she could celebrate christmas and new year with her family, now she refuses to return,its already 1 1/2 month since she left,i am stranded as my wife works too, and we have 2 small kids to be taken care.
What is the legal formality if i need to apply for another maid ? how do i cancel this maids visa ??
deleted this post myself - I didn't read the subject matter properly before posting ...
You must be so relieved you dont have to "babysit" your own Children anymore.
You can laugh at me all you like because I have Alzheimers, .......but at least I dont have Alzheimers
I am glad to write that my maid who had refused to return, is back with me.
The reson why she took such a long time is not very clear as of now, but i am happy that she called me up just on the day i was supposed to pay for another maid in the agency.
She saved me from a lot of trouble, and now life is back to normal.
PM - Try contacting SL Airlines. They have custom made and tailor made tours.
More info
I really admire your generocity. I wish all the good luck for you. Let me know when you will be going there. I will try help you as much as I can. If you are planning to go to mountains and see waterfalls, Tea estates etc. let me know. If you are going by the end this year. I will be there for a big wedding and we (Me & My wife) can show you around. You will get afree guide and free transportation.
On the subject issue she will never get a visit visa to come here as The subcontinent people are barred entry after 65 yeas. even buissness men.
Life will be really hard for her if there is not a reliable relative.
That's a fact.
Its like a chicken and egg problem :-)
@hashin, yes you are right, however, some people get back into the country with their visa before it's expired. So this is a secondary precaution.
It is not allowed to hire a maid from your own nationality:(
I've been told that the Government does not grant a maid visa for a person of your own nationality
ie. an Indian family cannot get an Indian maid
or a Sri Lankan family cannot get a Sri Lankan maid
this is to avoid people misusing the maid visa for other interests such as human trafficking
if this is true, then it is unfortunate for expatriates because some would find it much easier to find a good maid from their own neighbourhood...
for instance kvaseem, your profile says you are Indian... would it not have been much easier for you to get a maid from your village/town...
PM - She will be taxed heavyly if she send 500kg of Rice. SL cutoms are very nasty. If she is from a Remote area in Kandy with her own cultivation she still needs around 8000 to live. Considering she gets free medicine from the Kandy's Gov. Hospitol (Always they out of Medicines and Doctors prescribe the Medicine which the people have to buy from the private pharmacy.
I am not nasty to you. I am just annoyed how the outside world think of them.
It is not a Bed of Roses for ordinary citizens.
Avyway do you know which part of Kandy she is from? I ued to visit kandy regulary during my school days.
Do you want to see The Buddha Tooth in person. I have direct access to One of the influatial monk in Malwatta Chapter. He has the Direct access there:)
PM - You know nothing about the cost of living in SL. 1KG of Rice is Rs.110 (QR 3.67) now and still going up faster than Doha.
That's her decision and you can not do anything about that
"I gave her some money ($500 USD) and she told me it would last her a year."
B.S. US $ 500 = Sri Lankan Rs. 15,000. That will last for not more than 1 month for her. FYI a labourer's day rate is SL Rs. 700 (US $ 7). That's why you rarely find Sri Lankans working as labours overseas.
Good morning everybody out there, nice to see so many comments regards my problem, thank you so much.
Ya i did have a contractual agreement with this lady.
Her salary in the beginning was 600Qrs but was increased to 1000 Qrs in view of her experience, she was told that she will get a raise of 50-100 Qrs for every 6 months depending on her performance.
she was entitled for a ticket once in 2 years but was told that she will be sent every year.
We had also hinted her that we will take care of her only childs education back in her country and had suggested that she should get her admitted in one of the good schools.
She knew very well that we wanted all the good things to happen for her and we were there to support her in all possible ways.
She refused to return initially on the pretext that she has met with an accident,her family members had sent her into coma for almost 10 days,this was the time when she refused to come on the phone, enough time was given to her in order to recoup inspite of me knowing that she was fooling around.
When she started speaking she wanted me to send money in order to cover her expenses,i sort of got a hint here that she was takin me for a ride, i didnt budge this time and told her she would get all the money she has spent on her treatment provided she returns back.
Her ticket was rebooked and she was supposed to come on the 31 st jan, and she failed to show up at the Airport and didnt even bother to call us and inform which is a clear indication that she doesnt want to come.
My wife is yet to beleive that she can ditch us like this, it is a very horrible feeling when you have been cheated by a person whom you have trusted for one whole year.
We would have not felt so much if she had finished her contract of two years, or if she had given me enough notice to arrange for another maid.
What hurts me and my wife a lot is that she took undue advantage of we being nice to her, we never treated her like a maid she was more like a family member.
Any way i am forced to do the baby sitting till an alternative arrangement is done, i will be going to the immigration to cancel her visa tomorrow, and i hope i will be able to get a new maid at the earliest.
to stop the person from entering the country again, her visa should be cancelled... having her photograph put in the papers would serve no purpose... in fact the whole problem is because the lady does not want to return to Qatar... so the problem of her trying to get alternative employment does not arise...
I am sorry... but I really find this system of putting people's faces in the newspapers very demeaning...
I agree with you red_pope, sadly there are some people in the world that are just pure evil. I agree, whoever treats their maids with disrespect is nothing but scum because they're human at the end of the day.
As my father once told me when I was young, nobody wants to do your laundry, not even the maid, she does it because it's her job, but don't forget to say thank you.
On a side note, you can't avoid the fact that renee insulted me, my culture, my nationality, and my bum lol.
@hashin, I suggested what I suggested because the visa was just renewed and if the person tried to enter the country, she'd be an illegal immigrant if the visa was not cancelled or not cancelled in time.
Amnesia and Rene
I apologize for my comment on" traveling plans", I was trying to insinuate "Hurry up".
But I do hold you both liable to every word you annotated in this forum.
I don't take no side on both remarks from Amnesia and Rene.
But there has being atrocities committed against Maids or labors and we can't ignore the past.
Until Qatar changes some of their Draconian Laws of work Visa requirement, more effective labor rights and housing rights issues, there is always the pessimism and lingering thoughts about it.
Both of you, Rene and Amnesia have exchanged some constructive ideas about each others views.
That is Fine and know lets move on!.
Could we signed a Peace Treaty?
The Red Pope of Qatar Living
I have seen a twelve toe stripper, I have seen one breasted stripper, I have seen a brainless stripper, but never in my life a one legged stripper! Quentin tarantino-Planet Terror--
You are all over the place... did you even bother to read the post properly... this is not a case of the maid absconding in Qatar, this persons maid has returned to her own country and does not want to return... what you suggested would have been relevant if the maid were adsconding in Qatar... which she is not...
This is what happens when countries like Qatar apply unfair working laws where people have no rights !! You'll see it happen more and more unless these laws get changed!! But how likely is that?
'Our freedom is but a light that breaks through from another world'
My apologies Amnesia.
here is that those who make the rules, the rules dont apply to them. Atleast PM I have no favorites and I havent made any relations on QL.
Mullah KnoxCollege
since when have you seen Amnesia being anything but kind (never). She always tries to help anyone who has a problem. As for Renee, well no comment, her posts say it all.
I don't need to be a brain scientist to know that you'll agree with anyone that seems to target me.
To reply to you though, I suggest that they put her picture for those that are illegal immigrants.
Going on vacation wouldn't make me an illegal immigrant.
If we all want to act stupid now I could reply with
"I have a suggestion Knox that next time you go to the toilet I would request your employer to publish your picture and your details in the classified section of the Peninsula stating that this person is currently on leave if you have any claims kindly contact us".
Oh and what about the people in Africa who are starving? Why don't you think about them?
See? We can all make comments that have no relevance.
I dont see anything wrong with Renee's comments and also with amnesia's comments. Both have the right to express their opinion.
I have a suggestion amnesia that next time you go on vacation I would request your employer to publish your picture and your details in the classified section of Gulf Times stating that this person is going on leave if you have any claims kindly contact us.
but if you contact Qatari, I'm sure he'd take care of things...most likely he hasn't seen this post yet...personal attacks aren't taken lightly by him.
I know scarlett, it just just that lack of respect, ignorance and assumption are a bad mix, especially when they're wrapped up into one person (or a group of people ;) )
I just don't understand why our admin allows such people to flame others and stir up trouble.
chill..consider the source and ignore her. Hatred and ignorance of that level isn't worth your effort because she is never going to change..she loves to stir up trouble and slam people..its very obvious from almost every one of her posts...
Everyone on here knows what you are like, so don't take her ignorance seriously.
Woah Renee, you are a total hypocrit and I'm embarassed to be on the same forum as you.
You say "How do you know that she wasn't treated well?"
However you have proven that you really are slightly insane. You said
"Your biasm in this place is incredible—why not post pictures of Qatari men who rape and physically abuse their maids? Why have you not suggested this???"
You said "But we won’t worry about the physical and mental abuse that maids are subjected to in Doha will we amnesia, by so called muslims?? How do you know she was treated kindly?? You don’t!!"
Are we assuming again, I do care, and people who abuse their positions towards another deserve no respect or empathy from me. Where's my respect from you Renee? As human to human?
Finally you said
"Look in your own back yard before you ever, ever start to criticize others.
You are a disgrace with comments like that but obviously to arrogant and immature to even bother with really. Shame on you."
Are you freaking insane?! My reply was to ensure that this person did not work illegally. I said "I also suggest that you mention it to the newspapers so that they can post her photograph and id info so that she doesn't work illegally anywhere else.
Sadly there are alot of cases where maids come and then abuse kindess."
Where's my criticsm? There ARE ALOT of cases where maids come and abuse kindness. There are also alot of cases where people abuse their maids, but that was a totally different subject. Just because something doesn't say something, it doesn't mean they don't think about it.
Perhaps because this isn't a subject about rapists. There was a thread about such a subject where I DID SUGGEST THAT THEIR PICTURES BE PUT IN THE NEWSPAPERS.
In the future I suggest that you do not go ahead an insult people because of your own twisted mind. You are just as bad as any other person out there. You don't know me, nor do you know the effort that I put into making sure that Qatar is a better place. I regularly donate to charities, set up a special fund to aid labourers, am fighting to bring Qatar's laws to the public for easy access, regularly discuss with the Human Rights Authority to make information easily available to the people, and so much more.
So I tell YOU, stop acting like an ass. If you are from the type of people that we let into Qatar then I agree, we do have a problem, Qatar is obviously letting just about ANYONE in. People like you make people that actually give a damn, want to give up.
@red_pope, I'm not on the forums 24 hours a day. So if I don't reply to someone within the hour it doesn't mean I've got 'travel' plans. (although I do travel alot).
With a name like red_pope you should be promoting peace not egging people into arguments.
she already is
Renee I am thinking of nominating you for being the most outspoken and fearless female member of QL
I want to read Mr. Amnesia defensive posture when it comes to Mr. Rene comments.
I guess suddenly some one, had travel plans again.
The Red Pope of Qatar Living
I have seen a twelve toe stripper, I have seen one breasted stripper, I have seen a brainless stripper, but never in my life a one legged stripper! Quentin tarantino-Planet Terror--
I have had many friends in Qatar who went for vacations and never came back. Reason is that the employers tend to delay their employees departure from Qatar for one reason or the other. Sadly there are no penalties for the employer in the law and the law is very employer friendly.
I have yet to come across an employer who has been punished for delaying the hard earned salaried of the labourers and worker.
What's the truth? you said single guy can't have maid and now you have wife and kids?
It's great to be loved!
I had a wife...
And I had a kid...
Shes 21
So I qualify big time...:)
You can't teach experience...
You don't need a maid you need a wife and kids first, before you can apply for a maid!
It's great to be loved!
I would get a maid...
But no...single guy can't have maid...
Oh well...
You can't teach experience...
With us! we had enough problems and troubles that maids causes, But when it comes to think that they will get into trouble or cause of their imprisonment because of us is not our aim. We believe in good and bad karma. anything you do with other people comes back to you in 10 folds. No matter what troubles they bring us we just let them go and find their new faith somewhere else.
It's great to be loved!
Should'nt there be some accountability from the employee's side, especially when the employer already renewed the visa ?
I can't wait for their response....
The Red Pope of Qatar Living
I have seen a twelve toe stripper, I have seen one breasted stripper, I have seen a brainless stripper, but never in my life a one legged stripper! Quentin tarantino-Planet Terror--
amnesia said I also suggest that you ...
I also suggest that you mention it to the newspapers so that they can post her photograph and id info so that she doesn't work illegally anywhere else.
Sadly there are a lot of cases where maids come and then abuse kindess.
>> But we won’t worry about the physical and mental abuse that maids are subjected to in Doha will we amnesia, by so called muslims?? How do you know she was treated kindly?? You don’t!!
Your biasm in this place is incredible—why not post pictures of Qatari men who rape and physically abuse their maids? Why have you not suggested this???
Could it be that you’re so obsessed with this place that it overshadows your judgment??
Your comments are uncalled for as if she has committed this horrendous crime and deserves to never work again.
Shame on you, but you are half Qatari after all with a silver spoon up your as# so what should we expect!!
Look in your own back yard before you ever, ever start to criticize others.
You are a disgrace with comments like that but obviously to arrogant and immature to even bother with really. Shame on you.
PM, you really need a break from Doha dear with such distorted views. Where has you compassion for desperate underprivileged people gone? So wrong!!
Yeah your right...
I'm just to generous with my money when it comes to the TCNs...
One day I won't make as much and won't be able to help...
So I do it now while I can...
You can't teach experience...
you mean labour contracts.... the contracts that mention that the employee has the right to terminate the contract with one/two month notice...
But wait... isn't that what the maid has done by refusing to return?
All right but if he really wants her back...
Give her an incentive is all I'm saying...
You can't teach experience...
kvaseem hasn't said anything about a contract...
which some highly educated people unfortunately havent been able to grasp. In the modern worls You cannot force anyone to Work.
But you can force people to work as long as they are your slaves and you are the master.
Looks as if some are still living in the time of slavery.
Offer to double her salary...
Who could live on 1,000???
You can't teach experience...
kvaseem, I can see your problem, your maid said she would return but she never did. You need to go to the immigration and have the visa cancelled, can be done in a day...
As for some of the posts... 'abuse kindness', 'she took advantage'... why are people speaking like slave masters?
She has returned to her home country and is up to her if she doesn't want to return... there might be so many reasons... she might have children of her own... she might have family problems...
I believe, there is more to said, to the story of the maid.
Too bad she refuse to come back, you might as well get accustomed to use the broom, vacuum and the mop with the bucket. Defiantly you going to feel like a maid for a while....
The Red Pope of Qatar Living
Do not invite death by the error of your life, nor bring on destruction by the works of your hands; because God did not make death, and he does not delight in the death of the living. Solomon
I also suggest that you mention it to the newspapers so that they can post her photograph and id info so that she doesn't work illegally anywhere else.
Sadly there are alot of cases where maids come and then abuse kindess.
But i was told there is a time gap of 6 months before i will be entitled for another maid, any idea on this matter?
I just renewed her visa before she left and it is for one year.
If this has been directly under your sponsorship, go to immigration and cancel. Then you can apply the same as when you took this maid.