See How worth is a dog!

By James bond •
News Artical : 30000QR Reward for safe return of a dog
I was astonished when i saw this article today morning in the Gulf Times, I feel its kind of a extreme incident considering a dog, Actually there are millions of people in the world who is starving at this moment.
But other way its the love in a person heart that has come out like this. Even though you missed your loving dog, isnt it too much concerning a dog?
James Bond .... how can you predict that the owner of the dog is not doing enough for poor people on the street of Doha or elsewhere ?
Sorry, I don't agree with your point of view, if you are sure of one, then you can comments with confidence !
God knows, that this person might me spending millions for the sake of poors ?
So in future get the facts then say with confidence !
I dint know that... I'll check it out.
It's always the small things that make big differences.
rabbits are available at "The Centre".
So u wanted dead rabbits and moles eh???
Rabbits can be someone's best friend... lol
I didnt know about cats hunting rodents... those cats seem cool lol.
It's always the small things that make big differences.
I have eaten Camel meet before :)You can buy it in Safari Supermarket.
Did you know they eat camel here and they even have camel milk to drink. I actually tried camel shawarma... it tastes similar to sheep, but then i was quite grossed out by the idea of eating camels :/.
It's always the small things that make big differences.
at least she killed the rodent...some bring them still alive and running...then drop them at your feet...guess they are working at teaching you hunting skills...
and yes..they do that as a "gift" to you. My dogs would come and bring me dead moles and rabbits on the porch...lovely...and just what I wanted...ahem...
Most folks are about as happy as they make up their minds to be. --Abraham Lincoln (1809 - 1865)
lol - absolutely true Scarlett. I had a cat back home that if you didn't watch her closely she would bring dead rodents she caught into the house always to drop them at MY feet. I was told by a friend that cats do that because they are taking care of YOU - that they are worried about your capabilities. lol - sheesh the one time I forget to fill the kitty bowl and I become incompetent.
however, like most wild animals, they make terrible pets..very unpredictable. Some people crossbreed them with dogs as they are related genetically, but still, they carry on the characteristics of the wolf and are very dangerous. they are however, incredibly intelligent..
And as far as petting a wolf, they feel just like a long haired German shepard..only a bit rougher coated.
Yes, I know about some countries that eat dog...that makes me ill to think of it...but then again, some countries eat horses, also. yuck...last time I was in Switzerland I had to learn the words for horse and they were on the menu...and didn't want to accidently order that.
Most folks are about as happy as they make up their minds to be. --Abraham Lincoln (1809 - 1865)
Yea its true, we aernt allowed to have dogs in our house. Pigs and dogs are also considered and unclean animals according to islam, I'm sure there's a solid reason behind it but I dont know why is it like that.
Well the worst culture is koreans in this case, When i was a tour guide, I met this korean tour operator, who told me about their traditions and how they make dog soup... i was quite disgusted by the idea of it.
Awww poor wolf, wonder if i can pet a wolf (just kidding). I love wolves lol.
My aunt had a persian cat 2 years ago, it was furry and adorable, but she ran away too. Guess she wanted to be free.
It's always the small things that make big differences.
and sometimes our pets have to watch out for we tend to get one tracked, such as "mom, its feeding time!!" lol
Most folks are about as happy as they make up their minds to be. --Abraham Lincoln (1809 - 1865)
Dogs and puppies are a lot like kids. You have to watch them and keep them from harm because they don't think their actions through just as a young child does not think their action through. A dog runs into the road because it sees something interesting on the other side just as a youngster might run into the road because it is focused on something on the other side.
I'm sure this well catch some flack but some people who are pet lovers form a similiar bond with their pets that parents form with their children. You have to look out for them constantly, you hurt when they hurt and you want the best for them. In short you love them, dearly. And before someone jumps in to flame me on this - I am a parent and I am a pet owner (and animal lover) so I have experience on both sides of the fence. In my opinion you can't just replace a pet no more than you can just replace a child. You can get another pet that you will love and cherish with all of your heart but it will never replace the one you had before it.
didn't mean your culture was bad...just different from mine. Each has its own rules and regulations...I know Muslims aren't allowed to keep dogs inside the house for religious reasons..or so I'm I said..not bad, just very different than I was brought up. Problem is over here its too hot for animals to be outside in the summer..too stressful on their bodies.
Even with other cultures, say the French...I think they over do it...I'm not much into having dogs in restaurants unless they are extremely well trained or seeing eye dogs.
I know about the almost wrecking..I do the same thing...Daddy always told me to go ahead and hit them if they run out too quickly, but i still swerve. Even last month back home...was driving home from my son's house..was out in the country, pitch black and this wolf runs out in front of my car...couldn't stop or swerve in time...hit him dead on, going 70 mph...I drove the rest of the way home crying and shaking...not so much scared but sad I'd killed something.
Most folks are about as happy as they make up their minds to be. --Abraham Lincoln (1809 - 1865)
Well Scarlett, I was brought up in a very good culture... I never said there's anything wrong with petting an animal and I am not against the animals either. But I wont bound an animal within the boundries of my house and abandon their freedom.
The feeding part is not only it, I almost got into accidents cuz of the cats that came infront of my car, just to protect them, even birds sometimes.
Hope the dog finds its way home. I know my friend lost his scruffy last year, we found him with an injured leg on the street and my friend took care of him. The dog was being abused in the last house that it lived in. It was a funny dog thou, he'd bark at the cats all the time, but when the cats come towards him he'd run back into the house lol.
It's always the small things that make big differences.
like I said...its probably a cultural thing. Not that that's bad, just different.
Rarely will a dog or cat leave because they don't want to be with humans...usually they just get loose and can't find their way back home..or over here..someone takes them to resell them. My dogs got out once and a neighbor found them wandering happily down the street, eating every other dog's food out of their foodbowl...when I went to go get them, they came running up and jumped on me, wagging their tails, happy to see me. Kinda like kids who wander off and can't remember which way they came.
Most folks are about as happy as they make up their minds to be. --Abraham Lincoln (1809 - 1865)
The cats are thankful for the smallest thing they get to eat - I often feel sorry for them as they sit under my car when the engine is still warm.
if you are brought up in a culture that doesn't treat animals as such...not sure where you brought up...Americans think that way, the French put us to shame in that respect as the dogs are allowed EVERYWHERE...but its all based on how you were raised and with what attitudes. Trust me tho..if you ever had one as a pet and treated it like a family member, you'd never think otherwise once you look into their trusting eyes.
and yes, there are a ton of stray cats...what the pet group is trying to do is great..catch strays and have them neutered, so they don't reproduce and cause MORE strays. Thank you for feeding those you do see...I do the same thing. Hate seeing when a cat or dog has been hit on the road as it could have been totally avoidable if someone had taken care of them in the first place.
Most folks are about as happy as they make up their minds to be. --Abraham Lincoln (1809 - 1865)
Seriously im not ignorant, I just never thought of such thing and I dont believe in much of this stuff... It could be true, I dont disagree, but god has made humans for humans and animals for animals... I am against people stuffing birds in the cage and stopping them from being free and people who adopt a dog or cat... i mean how would we know if the dog or cat actually wants to live with a human and not be free in its own world. That's why i dont pet the cat, i just feed them and they live in my parking area... if they want to leave they are free. Similarly the dog probably left cuz he felt unwanted or who knows what happen.
It's always the small things that make big differences.
If you treat a dog kindly it will be your best friend, this goes for all animals that are house pets. Please don't make such comments it shows your ignorance.
Hmmm... well either way, there are still alot of cats out there on the streets. I'm not a big fan of animals, still i think of them as living beings and I feed them every now and then.
I guess u have a point scarlett, but i donno, in the end i find it very difficult to understand how an animal can be a human's best friend.
It's always the small things that make big differences.
moonbeam does just that...find homes for lost and abandoned pets...look before you type...
Most folks are about as happy as they make up their minds to be. --Abraham Lincoln (1809 - 1865)
JUST a someone it is their best friend, someone who is there to lift them up when they have had a horrible day, the one who shares their feeling, both good and bad. Its not like the person lost a set of car keys or means the world to them, just as a family member would.
Most folks are about as happy as they make up their minds to be. --Abraham Lincoln (1809 - 1865)
The dog is lost, not sliced and diced...
If u care soo much about the animals, how about opening up a place for all the street cats, this way they wont get crushed under land curisers and die.
It's always the small things that make big differences.
Yeah it's just a dog. And think of this............. If I had to choose the dog or you after a comment like that one...........I think I prefer the dog.
It's just a dog. Yup that's right, it's just a dog. And you are just a human. Huge difference. When we cut our skin we both bleed, we both feel, and we both love.
Who's the beast? No creature hurts or inflicts pain for mere pleasure other than humans. So yup, it's just a dog......................
It's that sort of thinking that , the complacency of of saying "it's just......" that makes this world what it is today. Thank goodness the world still has some people that try to make a difference.
PS. I'm hormonal, so no offence, I am just sick and tired of humans acting all high and mighty. Humans could learn a thing or two about love and loyalty from our four legged friends.
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lol, thats stupid. Its just a dog!!, they can get another one... if they were rewarding it for their son or daughter or even an orxy or a dinasour or some other animal thats being extincted or a trained falcon perhaps, it would make sense. but a DOG...
It's always the small things that make big differences.
i bet all these people who say what about the starving people, don't do anything to help said people.
Long live the pet owners and plant lovers!
There is no prize for a pet that you loved dearly and has being part of your family.
The Red Pope of Qatar Living
It amazes me how some people make assumptions about others when they don't know them personally. I feel that if you have pets than you have a responsibility towards them the same as you would have towards those who depend upon you eg. your family members.
hope this will not encourage pets kidnapping in would be a very lucrative business!
Anyway i just said these things, we can see things in different angles, but i believe the person who lost the dog, knows how much he suffers, even if we argue about this, we never will feel the same until one day we lose our pet. (i dont have pets here!) there's a saying person who has the wound knows how the wound is!
Apart from that im also animal lover, if the same thing happen to me i might be acting same way. ( but not that much money)
Paris Hilton is taking care of people now...
I noticed that people who care for animals DO CARE a lot for people as well.....unfortunantly this is not always the case the other way around.... people who care for people don`t always care for animals....
And if you ask me....I think the person(s) who took the reward should spend it towards a good cause....or help other people who are in need....
DQ ;)
james bond is correct he saying is corrct
What i am saying is why people dont have that sympathy for people, when drive on the road you can see hundreds of people out there, shivering in deep winter cool. Why those people are there? For money. Why cant this person offer those money among some poors, on ths sake of their lost dog?
The dog is probably in a pet store being sold that is what happens to stolen animals here in Qatar. Hopefully someone feels sorry for the owner and returns the animal without asking for a reward. The Pet stores here treat animals terrible. I saw two chimpanzees in a store one day and it was so sad they were motioning by their hand signals that they wanted food, the owner of the shop said he was only taking care of them for someone else but we all knew he was selling them, they looked like kids in small cages, it was awful. Don't know where that pet store relocated he was by Mannai roundabout is, where the never opening Holiday Inn Hotel is.
We humans are like this...we'd do anything for Real Love. And the same was on their dog too. So Money no big deal here..but think abt those sleepless nights they shd have had when their doggy was missing. Shd have been really distubing. Here money is not seen the same way u see it.
Think Global...Act Local !
Good to here that storm is safe back home now
Yes Mam !
i think we shouldn`t go on and talk about this all that counts is that STORM is safely back home.....
agree with what Vignale mentioned....
I would do exactly the same.....although I find it disturbing that a reward has to be nessesary to bring a dog back to his owner......
If i would find a dog I would be trilled to find the owner and reunite them.....and see the look of the owners and dogs face would be the best reward in the world for me.....
it is their money ... what concern of yours how they want to spend it on? . However Storm have come home now. Happy ending... Khalas ...
how about you find the dog and give the money to the poor then, if i lost my dog and i had the money i would do the same thing, a dog is like a family member
What if it was your dog- wouldn't you try to get it back, no matter what ?
I certainly would, if I could afford it - I would have done the Same thing to get my dog back.