How to avoid molestations, rapes and the likes

QLr's can we post some measures on how to avoid molestations, rapes and the likes as a tribute to Gabriela ("Lebanese Rapist") and to the benefits of all who are prone to such inhuman acts. Further, on what to do if such acts have not been avoided.
To start with
1. Do not allow yourself (ladies) to be left alone with someone in a secluded place.
If out and about and you sense danger then clasp keys in your fist with sharp key protruding through the fingers and jab and slash at eyes and throat.
Alternatively (this was told to me by an army hand to hand combat instructor) bend index finger and push your knuckle hard into the windpipe and keep pushing with all your might, it will bring anyone to their knees and is excruciatingly painful - will give you enough time to make an escape.
I don't go to mythical places with strange men.
-- Douglas Adams, The Long Dark Tea-Time of the Soul.
I agree with ragnarok, just learn the basic... no fancy moves... go straight to the eyes...practice timing and master your range..
I once read from the reader's digest a man who was attacked by a black panther...he gouged the panther's eye when he had the chance, and it saved his life. The panther ran in pain, whatmore for man can endure.
BTW, thanks all fellows who had contributed "meaningfully". I hope ladies can stumble on this forum and learn a thing or two.
the best advice...
TRUST YOUR INSTINCTS!!!! Women tend to get "busy" and ignore that little voice that says DANGER!! Put it off until its too late to do anything because we've been programmed to put ourselves last.
AIM FOR THE EYES AND THROAT...absolutely...attackers are expecting the groin to be surprise them..besides..sprays are good..IF you have the right angle and circumstances..there are ALWAYS eyes to gouge..and you can do that with hands, keys, whatever is available...
I might add..never go with an attacker if he tell you he will release you at a different location...most victims never live to tell what happens once they leave the original area.
And are so right...most victims KNOW the attacker...sad but true...
Guys Gabriela's plight is bad and she has to report to who ever matters before she goes out of country.
But why did she have to do it the first time and even after that too no reporting. How can anyone tolerate to face the same guy after molestation and still hope for next day to be a better day. Normal human cant act like that way.
Back home the law is no females are allowed to be even asked to work in office after 20.00 Hrs. Any one even suggesting to a felame colleague or junior to stay after that time is against the law. Three things worth mentioning here.
1. Why did she have to attend meetings and conferrences etc till 22.00 hrs. No one should entertain that.
2. Is there no law for a time limit to work in this country especially for females.
3. Is work permit so essential in life that you ignore misbehaviour / molestation / sexual approaches. I do not think so.. Have your priorities sorted out and be SAFE.
As for deportation.. she will be and nothing can and nothing will happen to any local ever in entire Middle East.
..**.. ""They walk among us. They vote & they even reproduce"" ..**..
You're most welcome! as you said in the other thread not all Philippina are that bad, but those bad ones is to blame why this is happening to other Philippina. :( sad but your statement there is true.
What is happening on Jan 01 ??????
Are we becoming democratic. WOW..
..**.. ""They walk among us. They vote & they even reproduce"" ..**..
swift06 thanks I did not know that you are very kind.
Don't worry Dear we PM'd her enough information where to go and what to do next if she really wants help, she should do the move first, she can contact any of the number we gave her for assistance. I'm also willing to help. :)
tegi123 i hope that someone out here can really help her..
but how? Injustice is always known..
See there may be contracts and other strings that pull her still in the same condition.. Hope these restrictions are going to be changed from Jan 1.. But Im not 100% sure..
and feel free to contact
she's going to, she has no choice. but she should give them a lesson before leaving Doha, as everybody said so, right?
She better leave that company..
i have started a new thread..then also if u know some one ..please inform them ..thanks..
Guys! I think he's in a right thread, remember Gabriela just got suck in her job? :)
Its only right
[img_assist|nid=17018|title= PUSH THE TEMPO !!|desc=|link=none|align=center|width=|height=0]
Did you read my above posts about the dangers of relying on a chemical spray attack to incapacitate an attacker?
I'm just cautioning people against relying exclusively on that kind of advice.
Stay safe.
Perfection does not exist. The question therefore, is: what level of imperfection are we willing to settle for?
How to avoid molestations, rapes and the likes (likes means even it's in actual actions, I believe) This thread also refers to Gabriela's story. And giving people an advice on how to avoid it. Cheers! :)
Tegi's advice for avoiding rape:
Just say yes and ask for about QR4250. I wonder what the 'incentives' are??
(yes, a joke... poor taste but a joke all the same)
Seriously - start a new thread!!
I have sent you also..dont worry its an urgent requirement .. and most of the online users are in this forum..thats why i posted it here sorry
Always give the lady what she wants.....
[img_assist|nid=17018|title= PUSH THE TEMPO !!|desc=|link=none|align=center|width=|height=0]
and suddenly there is a job offer here..
If you know someone
Please let me know
Direct Sales Agents : Banking and Financial
English and Arabic
Local candidates Only
Salary 4250 + incentives
15 Requirements
Call center agents : Govt of Qatar
English and Arabic
Local candidates Only
Salary 3000-4000
20 Requirements
Contact Avil Cutinho: 4247110,661370
lol! I'm pretty sure you need not to force any women to go with you. kidding :)
Please read the above comments and you'll see why.
Stay safe all.
Perfection does not exist. The question therefore, is: what level of imperfection are we willing to settle for?
remember Gabriella's story? she was ordered to give him an oral sex and if she don't do it? since he is forcing her she might as well bite it off :) only problem he has letter opener on his hands yaiks! I supposed bug spray is still the best don't you think so?
Your suggestion doesnt bear thinking about !
Yikes, how much pain !
Still, would get the job done i s'pose.
[img_assist|nid=17018|title= PUSH THE TEMPO !!|desc=|link=none|align=center|width=|height=0]
I will never think of your suggestion. Thanks but no thanks..
another advice. if there's no pepper spray bring a bug spray. if you don't have anything at all, pretend you will give him an oral sex then bite it hard until it drops off. aya! :) what do you think?
I have a very young daughter and its already sickening me to think that one day I will have to teach her about the sub human sickos that live in this world with us....but I will still do it and pray she will never have to use what I teach her....because the alternative is too horrible to contemplate =(
Stay safe all.
Perfection does not exist. The question therefore, is: what level of imperfection are we willing to settle for?
yes agree with you rag, rape is not necessary about sex, it is indeed about control. these sick people find a weak prey and they think they can conquared the prey and do whatever they want. because they are so sick they cant hardly get hard on with normal people. sick sick sick...
But remember that rape is hardly ever about sex....its about control! and 2/3 of rapes are not perpetrated by strangers, but by people you KNOW!
Dressing conservatively is not a aware....always know your surroundings (where the exits are...who is between you and the nearest way to safety, where the nearest public place or police station is, etc...)...and do NOT rely on your taser exclusively!
Stay safe all.
Perfection does not exist. The question therefore, is: what level of imperfection are we willing to settle for?
The self dense school I taught at was basically street fighting....we had no rules because when you get attacked there are none!
So we even taught our students to eye gouge....everyone said well that's not self defense anyone can do that....and that's the point exactly!
Most importantly though, we do what we practice, and since most martial arts do not teach throat and eye shots, they never think of it....if you train yourself to go there becomes instinctual! and THAT may save your life.
Stay safe all.
Perfection does not exist. The question therefore, is: what level of imperfection are we willing to settle for?
until today i never had any bad experiences, thanks GOD "knocking wood", and i never had a change to use my electrical device. but i can guarranty the person will hv so much pain.
my personal defend is, i dress appropriately when i am on public. except at the club, i tend to wear sexy clothes and i know i am with my friends or my husband, they can protect me if something bad happen, otherwise i stay low profile, always aware of my sorrounding and i trust my guts, if someone approach me and if my instinc tell me he is bad people i quickly get away from them. so my advise trust your instinc and always aware your sorrounding.
I really hope that wasn't your only defense buttercupryle!
Doesn't anyone read the posts anymore?
Sometimes I wonder why I bother =p lol
Stay safe all.
Perfection does not exist. The question therefore, is: what level of imperfection are we willing to settle for?
I am not a person who is afraid very easily, but I do know if you hear something unusual you get paralysed for a moment before you jump into action. I know that it is lost time if you have an attacker, mostly omen have their phones in their handbags and knowing ming I have to emmpy out all the contents until I find evn my keys - so the phone is of no use to me then, I know it is import to hve quick reactions and know the throat can knock the wind out of a person easily.
Your tips are good but it is really inmportant to gather your wits quickly and make sure you have room to react.
Its always better to be cautious and not get into that kind of situation ever.
..**.. ""They walk among us. They vote & they even reproduce"" ..**..
swift_06 I like your advise here..but aside from that we should dress and act in a decent manner. Or if that will not work, always bring a tear gas! When I was still in college I used to bring it everyday.
I was a self defense instructor and I have seen guys get kicked in the groin and BLEED and not pass out because they were high on drugs!
Its just pain! Yes it will work 99% of the time IF you get a direct hit there...but (and this is a HUGE but):
a) It harder to hit than you think!
b) It takes a few seconds ( I know this from Personal experience lol) for the pain to set it...and you could get stabbed in that time! Fast forward 5 minutes, the attacker is ok and now you have a new hole in your body!
c) MOST you want to risk your attacker being that 1% that doesn't feel it because he is high??
So like I said b4 its a tool....I never said NEVER use it...i'm just cautioning against RELYING on it as "THE" trick that will save you all the time.
Stay safe all.
Perfection does not exist. The question therefore, is: what level of imperfection are we willing to settle for?
ok. 2 min is for a huge guy who must have gone to gym for years. a normal human will not last for longer than 20 seconds. try it on you and count the time.
just a hard hit on ur balls with the knee will do the job. try dat too. man will be disoriented for at least 15-30 seconds by a hard kick only.
u dont have to hold on for 2 min. job can be done in 5 seconds too.
..**.. ""They walk among us. They vote & they even reproduce"" ..**..
Holding on for 2 minutes is harder than you think because in that time he could have gouged your eyes out....and some people are so high on drugs they feel no pain!
The eyes and throat are your primary targets because they incapacitate and shut down the adrenaline production in the body....they also cause everyone to instinctively go defensive when they are hit there.
I'm again so sorry to be graphic....but there is so much misconception going around out there, its no wonder so very few people know how to defend themselves....and that includes some "black belts" in other martial arts!
Stay safe all.
Perfection does not exist. The question therefore, is: what level of imperfection are we willing to settle for?
he will be unconcious for a long long time for the girl to call police or friend and even go miles away from the place.
..**.. ""They walk among us. They vote & they even reproduce"" ..**..
But don't rely on it exclusively....I know people who can withstand voltages that would cripple the average keep it hand, but remember you have other "tools" at your disposal too.
I really am sorry guys....i'm not trying to scare people because I get a kick out of it....but I just want people to be aware that relying on anything that just delivers pain is a risky gamble because you never know what your opponent or attacker's threshold is!
Stay safe.
Perfection does not exist. The question therefore, is: what level of imperfection are we willing to settle for?
I will directly go to the worst scenario and suppose a lady is being raped or the fight between the culprit and the poor girl is on.
REMEMBER to hold on to the culprits's balls tight with ur hands. come what may.... dont ever leave his balls. He will go into coma in just less than 2 minutes.
it will start with his eyes protruding out, he would at this times hit his victim hard enough to even hurt her.. But if she holds on to his balls... thatz it.. his game is over.
..**.. ""They walk among us. They vote & they even reproduce"" ..**..
i hv electrical device with me, so anyone try to attack me, watch out you will get electric shock!!!!
Hmm as I don't think a chance arose for her to use her mobile. Hoever, if you are really scared it is difficult to gather your thoughts together at any time. contributing in general...but with her case, (and i think she didnt mentioned that she had her mobile with her when she went inside)....if someone would still be in her situation "she should have gone out of the room the instance that she suspect (instinct) something and forget the visa thing"...
and darude...gladly, will call you going to...ok let me PM you..:D
Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood.
tell me what time you go out at night alone so i can have my chances :D
The mobile did not seem to help her and perhaps she was too scared to go to the bathroom even
always bring with you your mobile and assign in your speed dial emergency numbers.....
never go out ALONE...and always trust your insticts (works for me)..
Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood.
Ideally one "should" report these crimes immediately....but having dealt with rape victims before I know how hard it can be....and especially after the ordeal they have been through I can understand why some don't.
It's a fate I would not wish upon an enemy!
Stay safe all.
Perfection does not exist. The question therefore, is: what level of imperfection are we willing to settle for?
You are of course right and to think straight is difficult but in any case it is the best way to go because at that time the evidence is still clear.
I posted this BEFORE I read the other thread...and din't even know this was in reference to Gabriella's thread....I was just speaking generally.
First off let me say I agree it was NOT her fault at all....unfortunately statistics show that most women (in North American at least) will be confronted with a violent assault at some point in their lives....we also have a saying: better to be tried by 12 than carried by 6!
Its easy to say what someone "should" have done AFTER the fact when you are calm and have time to think about it...but in an attack most people's mind is racing and they are paralyzed with fear....especially if they have never trained for this scenario and its all new and they do not know what to do!
When he locked the door and asked for a back massage is when one should have taken action....not to kill him, but incapacitate him....I know he is bigger, but an attack on the eyes and throat would incapacitate him long enough to RUN!
You may be charged with assault and deported....but its preferable to what happned to poor Gabriel.
Anyone reading this....please please...take my advice...the most common reaction is people think "this could never happen to me"...well it CAN....don't take a chance with your life....enroll in PROPER Certified self defense and rape prevention courses if you ever get the chance!
Stay safe all.
Perfection does not exist. The question therefore, is: what level of imperfection are we willing to settle for?
As they were in the office I don't really think they were thing that she might protest or try anything to save herself.
However as she herself was not expecting what happened she would not have had her pepper spray handy. Many rapes do not occur outside they occur in places like offices so the better choice would be a self defence course.
I'm not saying NEVER used it...but just don't RELY on a kick to the is hard to hit in a fluid environment....takes a few seconds to affect (during which you could be stabbed and in 5 he's fine and u have a new hole in your body)...and its mostly pain (you do not know his threshold or if he can even feel if he is on drugs) don't rely on a groin kick...
Your primary targets are: Eyes and Throat!
Also pepper spray and mace...while they will affect MOST people, do not rely on them either (key word is most)...had a bouncer friend who got hit with it once and decided he wanted to build up immunity to it...he sprayed himself daily and is now IMMUNE to don't rely on it either.
Awarenes is your first line of defense...and never EVER dismiss your instinct if you feel something is up....90% of rape victims interviewed said they sensed something was wrong before the attack but dismissed it!
If you can...enroll in some certified self defense (or better yet as it is more focused) Rape prevention seminars or courses....I know it can be pricey but think about this: people will spend tons of cash on dancing lessons, but this MAY potentially save your life!
Stay safe all.
Perfection does not exist. The question therefore, is: what level of imperfection are we willing to settle for?
he is that guy, just maybe!
I don't like to commit myself about heaven and hell - you see, I have friends in both places. M. Twain
You think you are so smart- how would you feel if someone raped you, would you be in the mood to offer protection to them to save you. I don't think.
I have to be really honest your kind of people make me sick to the stomach in fact you are not a human you are what ever other creatures are on the world but definately no human.
I would suggest although give him a good kick in his family jewels he will never forget it, and you can escape easily.
shazim you are an immature stupid little boy for making such comments.
i was once told by a copper to carry a fork
easy to use and you can't be prosecuted -!
if you think someone is following u be bold.
turn around stop - let them pass or ask what the hell they are doing
have a loud voice (i am naturally blessed!)
keep you mobile handy and call a friend if loudly stating your location
also body spray/hairspray is handy
As a last resort in the matter and in case you had no choice, You could always carried some Prophylactics and beg them to use them..
and them Enjoy the nocturnal ride.....
Pope those are great pieces of advice, but don't associate "moslem country" with "they think they rule women". Islam has nothing to do with it, so don't drag it in.
I'm not always right, but I'm never wrong :P - Garfield
Honestly I could write a thousand ways for the ladies to avoid harassment and molestation.
In reality this is a moslem country and they think they rule and woman have no rights.
My Only few suggestion I could give you are:
1- Walk in PAIRS.
2- Stay off the dark alleys there is "plenty of those in doha" and stay on well lighted streets.
3- Dress properly and casual, you know what I meant with that suggestion.
4- Buy a long solid key chain, with your keys on hand, in case If you have to use it as whip.
5- Have no fear about their attitude, If you have to scream or run for your life, then do it. I rather be alive the next day and be able to tell the story.
6- Phones are perfect head smashers in close quarters.
7- Too bad Doha does not sell pepper spray.
Nothing more
The Red Pope of Qatar Living
Abba, Abba, Padre!
hope that superman or spiderman arrives :( kidding.
6. Learn self defense, learn to kick their balls,
7. learn to hit them hard on their vocal cord if you can't aim their balls. :)
or just get capacitor and charge it with a car battary... and place a wire on to both leads extending the leads out as far as desired... than tapeing up the top of the capacitor and remember not to connect the leads together until you are ready to use your new radioshack version of a tazer...
because thats what a normal person does when they see a few incodents in a newspaper... they go over board
just hanging out and watching dvd's with helen keller... kind of a quite night.
Well preferably u don't walk alone at night over here, no matter what, just avoid it.
I'm not always right, but I'm never wrong :P - Garfield
If you are walking alone at night carry your keys sticking out between your fingers so if anyone tries to grab you you can hit them and the keys will really hurt!!
tra la la
2.Make sure u have a mobile phone with u at all times.
3.If ur going by taxi, make sure to call a friend and tell them that ur in a taxi, etc in case anything happens.
4. Be very aware of ur surroundings, especially if there's something suspicious, and take immediate action to the slightest thing like a guy following u, never say "oh I'll just ignore him", it might be serious.
5. Yell, kick, scream, scratch, bite, punch, anything u can do to get him off and just run as fast as u can. Never give up and go into a spiral of victim mentality.
Anyone think of more ?
I'm not always right, but I'm never wrong :P - Garfield