Need advise fellow Q'lers..

Here’s the situation, my friend left Qatar and resign from this company, she left without finishing her contract (last June), only exit permit was issued to her. Now she wants to come back…. as per her papers, her visas are not yet cancelled (according to her) and she was informed by the company that her visa will be cancelled before November.
My questions are….
1. Does she need any papers to secure from the company upon entry?
2. How can we check/confirm if her visa is still valid?
Thank you very much for your response (s)..
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With the recent law according to my friend (her name is also Apple) who has dealt with this case. nowadays if you exited with NOC in your hand, you only need to wait for 1 month to try to come back here again. without NOC you have to wait only 6 months. and it's also possible for her to get a visit visa or business visa but business visa is quite expensive. while she's searching for the next job to move. If she needs help to any of this processing Apple may have the solution for your friend. but she's on holiday and she'll be back on November.
Judge not! that you be not judged!
Well I'm afraid I'll get you more lost :d Anyway .... I remembered that when someone is ''cancelled'' this is printed on his passport. So as long as she 's not here how can they do that. I guess she can come back, but afterwards this would be another story. NOC is a must if she wants to get another job. What I'm sure of is that cancel = 2 ban period . beware you all lately I noticed some papers control at roundabouts :)
[img_assist|nid=38314|title=Crazy Frog|desc=|link=node|align=left|width=180|height=179]
Some are Wise ... Some are ...Otherwise
frog, i think the company now will cancel her previous working visa(welcome 2 yr ban)...they will issue NOC as per them, but can she come now? and can the company issue NOC without her physically here?..
[img_assist|nid=12867|title=Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood.|desc= |link=none|align=left|width=44|height=180]
Well, being given a NOC means that your employer has no objection and certifies that you may have another job in Qatar. So, I guess then this employer has not cancelled her visa. Otherwise this would seem really awkward and strange.
[img_assist|nid=38314|title=Crazy Frog|desc=|link=node|align=left|width=180|height=179]
Some are Wise ... Some are ...Otherwise
and accordingly, there's no issue with the NOC, the company says that they will issue that clearance to her...but can she come here? (i know im a bugger..:P)
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frog...everything (?) is clear to me except that how come his employer offer her to come here on business visa? is it possible? and correct me (anyone) if im wrong, even if you have an NOC, the person can't still come to the country given the 2 yr ban rule...
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just to look at my visa because apart from dates the rest is, of course, in Arabic and I wondered what it said :D
My visa doesn't have enough digits on it to check it out! so I couldn't find it eeeeek
Oh - just thought ... maybe that's because it's only a Visitor's Visa duh
I was expecting some good news , but I see u're still confused. I think you're right when saying that once she's cancelled she will automatically get into the 2years ban period. I guess if the company wants really to help her , they should then give her a NOC.
[img_assist|nid=38314|title=Crazy Frog|desc=|link=node|align=left|width=180|height=179]
Some are Wise ... Some are ...Otherwise
update...the employer disapprove the idea of my friend returning here under that company's sponsorship, but then the employer is saying that they can help her for a business visa..
my quesstion is, if the company says that she better come under business visa (from other company, i guess), it means that the company has to cancel her existing working visa, right?...and if she will have a cancelled visa, she will fall to the 2-yr ban, right? so, what is the point of arranging her a business visa? is it possible? can anyone shed more light on this...thanks
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check this link and ask your friend to give you her QID number then you can see the status of her visa. try it with your QID and you will see it will give all the details of your documents expirations.
ID Card expiry date:
Passport expiry date:
Residency expiry date:
Driving license expiry date: if she has any :)
Also in this site you can track her new visa while it's in process. using visa tracking page or visa inquiry system.
Judge not! that you be not judged!
If she can obtain written confirmation from he previous employer that they allowed her to go on an extended leave she would be "safe".
That would also benefit her old employer who would have a sizeable fine (I think) if they didn't cancel her residence permit knowing she had resigned.
thanks a lot everyone..will let you know of the progress (hopefully, there will be)..:)
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But it's easier for her to be here when she's in process. if they cancel her visa out of Qatar then it's more difficult for her to enter again. She has to come in then they will cancel her visa it's easier both side her sponsor and to her because if they allow her to transfer and not cancel visa the previous sponsor will have to wait for 2 months before they can approve his request to get another Staff. No need for her to exit when she's in process for the next sponsor. If they give her problem with the NOC take her to human rights I will PM you the contact number and location if she need their help. they are very nice and helpful people.
Judge not! that you be not judged!
mystica, i have asked this earlier..but, is it right that the person/employee requesting for an NOC should be physically in the country?
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no jhunbag, she did really resign first reason why she left the country...not what you are saying, she resign and left the country...just to clarify
[img_assist|nid=12867|title=Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood.|desc= |link=none|align=left|width=44|height=180]
They have to issue the NOC first then the sponsor have to cancel her visa before she can move to another sponsor. That's the new system going on here. our case the previous sponsor refused to cooperate giving her an NOC because she's only 10 months working with them and they canceled her visa and abandoned her so we took them to human rights at Salwa Road.
Judge not! that you be not judged!
Well it depends on where she resigns, if she resigned before she left then her employer should have issued her a final exit visa, but according to what Owen said, she just left for vacation that's why her employer just issued her an exit visa thinking that she will return to work. She resigned while on vacation that means her current visa was issued to her by her current employer. Same visa that she intends to use to re-enter Qatar.
If you're her employer what would you do? Are you going to let her take advantage of your company by using the visa issued to her and then turn around and work for a different company? I don't think so.
I've been in this country for a little over 3 months and I've already seen so many visa and NOC issues with my friends and that is only in one compound.
I bet you that employer is just trying to get her back in Qatar and then they will cancel her visa as soon as she is back.
Owen, I apologize for being negative, but I just want to point out the reality on this situation.
you personally dont have to have the letter of NOC they file it with immigration and it can be filed in your absence as long as you recieve a copy for your records to show future employers a all it has to state is that they do not object to you seeking new employment while you are still sponsored by them and that they are aware of where you are and you havnt obsconded from them. Thats why it smells fishy to me as it would seem that they could be trying to lure her back to sue her for breech of contract otherwise they should have already cancelled her contract and sponsorship by now especially since she resigned before leaving. but i have known to be wrong.
You can check her visa status if you have a copy, go to Immigration and show it to them, then they can check it on their computer.
With the new law, no need to exit. just go straight to the Immigration and they will process her papers. your friend just have to be patient and go to Immigration early. everyday is a longggggggggggg queue.
I just applied for my maid and she has NOC she was told of many things but we went direct to Immigration and it's in fact that easy nowadays.
After she have her NOC in hand they have to cancel her Visa then go to Immigration cabin to have an application for a new visa then take it to Building #4. She need to have the original ID of her previous sponsor and voila!
Judge not! that you be not judged!
Don't they have a human resources dept. in any case she should contact the company herself to find out the exact status, as the information is not clear and to be honest I very much doubt that the sponsor will issue her with an NOC - my point of view only.
that's also the thing i'm trying to figure out...i am the one communicating with the company..and just gathering bits of infos from you guys so i would know what exactly to ask.
actually, their mandoup is telling that "yes" her visa is not yet cancelled and that she can return, however, the employer himself is saying that better she returns under a different sponsor...and now im confuse...
[img_assist|nid=12867|title=Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood.|desc= |link=none|align=left|width=44|height=180]
Owen if she resigned, why did they keep her RP open and available, I too think there is something not quite clear, why would they sue her for breach of contract. If she resigns and leaves the country, no one can force her to stay and they did issue the exit visa.
She should call that company and check her exact status before she enters Doha.
she did resign...well, that's what i know...actually the company is telling that she can still return provided before november...hmmmm, you mean to say that if ever she got her feet here her company will sue her for breach of contract?
mis-cat...i was inform that you cannot obtain NOC not unless you are physically here in the contry?..
[img_assist|nid=12867|title=Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood.|desc= |link=none|align=left|width=44|height=180]
Perhaps they treated this as an extended leave and if her RP is still valid I am sure there will not be any difficulties, but, as said before she should clear this with her last employer otherwise things may be a little tricky and she should be sure that they will issue her with an NOC so she can look for another position. She will have to contact the former employer anyway to clear the visa status.
i would make sure your friend gets her letter of no objection before coming back espesially if they havnt cancelled her contract or her original visa considering the amount of time that has past.
Did her employer issued her an exit permit thinking she was coming back to work or did she made them think that she is coming back but resigned while on vacation? If this is the case, then I'm pretty sure that her employer is just trying to get her back in Qatar and then get her on breach of contract.
Just like Dweller said, If she "did a runner" she would be on a very sticky wicket returning.
they issued exit permit to her to be exact...this is the paper needed so she can leave the country, right?..
but what confuses me more is that, if she is out of the country for like more than a month (and coming back here would mean treating it as sort of leave..), does she need any papers from the company stating so?
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They issued her an exit visa and did not cancel her contract so they did not cancel the visa. If you get an wxit visa from your company you can leave within one week.
I just wonder... how did she leave without an exit visa from her employer ? This sounds strange... moreover what I knew is that when u get cancelled u have then to undergo a ban period not less than 2 years .
[img_assist|nid=38314|title=Crazy Frog|desc=|link=node|align=left|width=180|height=179]
Some are Wise ... Some are ...Otherwise
its okie just anxious to have my friend here again..i already booked a flight for her...:D
[img_assist|nid=12867|title=Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood.|desc= |link=none|align=left|width=44|height=180]
dweller, the impression i am receiving from her and the company is that she just had a sort of leave...but its kind of complicated as she did submit a resignation letter..she wasn't made to sign any paper when she left, wasn't also accompanied by representative from their office..
[img_assist|nid=12867|title=Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood.|desc= |link=none|align=left|width=44|height=180]
Good morning Owen. Sorry I can't help with such issues :)
[img_assist|nid=38314|title=Crazy Frog|desc=|link=node|align=left|width=180|height=179]
Some are Wise ... Some are ...Otherwise
ok thanks, i am coordinating with her and advise her to communicate with her employer..
thank you very much...
[img_assist|nid=12867|title=Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood.|desc= |link=none|align=left|width=44|height=180]
I read it that she had gone on leave on the exit permit in which case the rep wouldn't need to accompany her to the airport.
If she "did a runner" she would be on a very sticky wicket returning.
Well, if the company gave her an exit visa and the company PRO did not accompany here to the airport and get the papers signed it will be something like she had been on leave. However, as you mentioned (wary) is the key word here and it is necessary to check the actual status of the RP before she comes.
I don't know the current rules but would be very wary of coming back having left without cancelling the RP or completing the contract.
now i know the feeling, if a querry is not being answered..:( only canary responded to me..
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she was told that the company will issue NOC as soon as she sets her foot here..
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Perhaps she should talk to the employer first if he is willing to issue one otherwise her efforts will be in vain.
nope, she will seek NOC when she got here and look for another job..
[img_assist|nid=12867|title=Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood.|desc= |link=none|align=left|width=44|height=180]
Owen check out the Minestry of Interior there is a place there to check if the visa is still valid or not (RP Number).
Does she want to go back to the same employer?