Driving for the first time story
ok..I'm in the car looking for the space to put the instruction how to get to work..ok found it I can go...first roundabout I 'sticked' to the bigger car and off we go..now just straight follow the Corniche...I start to feel weird when I use the indicator..is it abandon here?!?!?:)
well I guess I need some music..forgot CD's..ok radio...hmm..I need a hit song..and what happend ??just when I turned right before the 'lolipops' I heard Cindy Lauper 'girls just to wanna have fun' and that was the moment that safed me! I got to work easily..just that there wasn't any parking space but that's another story...
of course going back home I got lost/ but I didn't got lost...I thought I'm on the other side of the Gulf heading Bahrain...and than I relised that I can see my Shoping Mall..I thought it's gonna be easy now but ...ahhh...whatever..tomorrow I'll grab the CD with 70's Disco hits and I'll be fine..I might do the YMCA thing to look like local drivers..How was your first time on the roads Here?
i appreciate the people who have understood the parking story coz i havent understood
cool..you made it(to post your experience..:D )...laughing here, imagining you listening to "girls wanna have fun"..lol
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seems ur first drivintg experience here was a good one....keep it goin
GOod job girl....now dont get overconfident and take it easy on the roads...concentrate...and remember that only U can see and everyone else is blind...
" Live Life To The Fullest ! Enjoy Yourself "
But you did not continue the story. Think we should expect Episode 3 about your parking experience.
In fact was checking the other thread but no news during the day. So was getting ready to grab some flowers and visit you at the hospital.
Personally, I cannot talk about my first experience here. It was in the early 80s and at that time, we don't have to use brakes and we don't have to worry about round abouts. We would cheer up when we come across some heavy traffic. It was really very rare.