my blog's up

By joewilliams •
Just in case anybody's interested, as part of the process of sorting my life out I've moved my blog to:
I also wanted to be part of this Qatar Blogs Project to which so many of you already so lucidly contribute.
I uploaded a few of my articles/blogs that have attracted the most comment over the last year or two plus celebrated the new site with a new one on music.
Feedback/comments/pointless arguing very welcome.
Be lucky.
will have a fiddle with it. The formatting, that is.
Thanks for the tips Greeker.
Any comments from anyone on the content or arguments: I think there's an option on the blog itself to leave your thoughts so feel free!
I fully agree with Greeker on the aesthetic side of blog. It would be appealing after a few changes. Had a cursory look and found few articles of interest. Cheers.
Jaxs, i know that i can make it bigger myself. I plain dont like doing that, hehe. I like to read a blog the way it is (though i just gave some tips coz Joe asked for it).
Joe, I am Greeker, my friend. And dont worry, keep the blog up. You have a good thing going there!
well greeker, u could easily increase the text size when ur reading it ;-P
"...the sh%t you hear about me might be true. but then again it can be as fake as the biatch who told you..."
Just looked at your blog. One or two suggestions...
1) Try and make the font a bit bigger. {reading tiny ones is a bit of a struggle}
2) Try leaving space between paragraphs. {so that one gets a sense of direction as to where one paragraph finish and the next, start}
3) Try taking away the colour black. {My first blog was black. Long ago, my cousin who introduced me to blogging adviced me to change the colour as it looked too depressing. He said that in time, i would stop going back to my blog. I refused to listen. My black blog is now dead.}
Just a few thoughts. You don't have to go by it. I used to read a lot of blogs, not any more. These observations are based on what i saw then. Times, and trends may have changed. If it has, forget that i ever said those things.
Blog on!
Have saved it to savage later (or did I mean 'savour').
I shall find out later ;o)