Qatar Living Event Meet Up At Angelwings house

Ok all you who have volunteered to be a part of the QL Event, this is for you. We are all planning to meet up at Angelwings house tomorrow (tues - 4th Sep '07) at 1930 hrs, i.e 7:30pm.
Directions are as follows:
You all know that now.... :-D
Attendees who have confirmed thus far: Corne, Canary, Angelo, Gypsy Gal, Angelwings, Colt45
So c'mon y'all and lets get this thing rolling. Confirm your attendance ASAP via this thread or via PM to either Angelwings or Me... :-D
Give a li'l love, have a li'l hope, let's do what we can do TOGETHER.
Try a li'l more, harder than before, let's make this world a li'l BETTER.
Sorry, deleting the directions to her house.
Sorry, deleting the directions to her house.
I've met Angelwings once at Jarir last year and haven't seen her since. It would be nice to catch up with you! :-)
i am so sorry just read all of ur messages. i was busy so cudnt check ma maillast night.. i knew this wud happenb so i put the blame on angel wings for not ringing up[ me on ma fone.
Mabe someone got the address and did the dirty after all..?? One of the strays we took in - a little white dog, up for adoption in a recent posting here - went missing last night. Gate was locked, and dog has 6 inch legs, so couldn't have jumped the wall !!
So maybe you're onto something Xena. Doha is changing so I'm told, not so safe now, and one of the guys who came to the meeting tonight told me lots of privately owned dogs are going missing in a similar fashion.
But if anyone happens to see a white short-legged dog, with a big hairy tail, and brown tipped ears, please make sure its in a good home, or send it back to me.
If the grass is greener on the other side, its sure the water bill is higher !
hie friends..i am also interested to meet QL friends...will wait for your second meeting...
Darude: All hills are only speedbumps, so don't worry about going up and down places, if you follow my previous instructions on the other thread, you should land safely.
Angelwings...(oops had to give my name away here didn't I).
If the grass is greener on the other side, its sure the water bill is higher !
I'll delete it, Best !
If the grass is greener on the other side, its sure the water bill is higher !
Angelwings did that already before me and I just copied it. However, point taken for future reference.
Just a word of advise, not to put directions to people's private homes on a forum thread, it is not safe. Unfortunately there are unscrupulous people around that will use it for reasons other than the post.
Always PM interested parties, it a lot safer that way.
Just for future reference.
speedbumps r also known as sleeping police men
If you can't change your fate, change your attitude.
Amigo - thanks for showing us you care... please try and fit in an hour or so and see if you can make it, we'd love to have you around.
Lara - hope you're coming too - we need you.
I will try to make it today. However if I get tied up at the last moment would still luv to contribute for a good cause.
ok, sure thing...i will inform also our group bout this..:)
[img_assist|nid=12867|title=Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood.|desc= |link=none|align=left|width=44|height=180]
There is no date fixed on the 1st gig... we're only meeting up to get started on the plans etc. so you can come in for the 2nd meet where we will get deeper into the organising stuff etc..
Hey i'm hella excited already and wanna do this soo much...
colt, would like to join this....but i have to pass on this one (we also have a scheduled activity on the same date)...but im pretty sure there will be a repeat, right? count me in on the second gig...:D
[img_assist|nid=12867|title=Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood.|desc= |link=none|align=left|width=44|height=180]
Thank you Colt, its a nice idea-will check my itinerary if am able to attend.
Ellie, with love;)
Not a problem... when you get back, holla us and you'll be on.. :-D
We need you there, you're the legal man with the connections... :-P
So PLEASE be there ok...
I would love to attend but I am not in Qatar at the moment, maybe for the next meeting I will try to make it.
Hi guys..
InshaAllah - shall be there! :-)
" Life is not a party we hoped for, but while we are here, we might as well dance! "
Check this thread...
Dun talk cock man... just confirm your attendance... PRONTO! btw, that was Angelwings directions in the other post, i only copied and pasted it... :-D
hey, could anyone advise what kinda of event is that??
Ellie, with love;)
is that how you guide one with directions take u and take right and take left and bump up and bump down where is she living in hills? and that you say my house is first at right??? you askin us to come to ur house or angelwings house??? i can only confirm via telex or telegram mai aria houn :D Swift code plz :?