Qatar rules for charity events

Hi, I wonder if anyone on here has any knowledge of what we need to know/have in place for a charity event?
We have a venue booked up for an event, and one week on, they are now quoting 'strict Qatar rules concerning charities' but giving us no information or mentioning what these rules are. Not exactly helpful and if we hadnt already spread the word would consider moving it simply based on their sudden attitude.
by the way, its in aid of 'in the pink' day for Breast Cancer Care in the UK, funding valuable aid and support for those stricken by the disease.
thanks in advance for any help you might be able to provide
i don't know which are the rules, i am interested in
Land Donations and i think that the charity acts are very important and is a good feeling when you help people in need.
Hi amanda,
I work for a newpaper out here and would be interested in hearing about how your organisation is going, and what exactly you have planned. If you don't mind sharing any information then please let me know (indeed even if you do, please let me know).
And for anyone else organising stuff, please try and let me know - I will be more than happy to get you guys any coverage I can (and hope that the boss oks it!)
Cheers guys and keep up the good work
Hey Amanda
I suggest you meet any of the Indian Arts group they are affiliated to the embassies and there are lots of these "arts and culture groups"who conduct regular fund raising shows in different venues every month.
You may get in touch with Indian Cultural Centre and get the list of the groups who are registered members and am sure somebody could help you out.
Hi there,
Canarybird asked me the same question by pm yesterday and I'm already looking into this matter.
I would hate for us to be forced to give our donations to an institution when we all have one similar goal.
Until finding out more information, I've placed a strict disclaimer on the donation page for (Help the Labourers)
thanks so much for your replies. It just started off as 10 of us going for drinks and all bunging some cash in a hat to send off. Once word got out, its escalated. I'll see what I can find out. We didnt book the venue as such but rang and asked how many of us ladies they could accommodate. They were the ones to offer a complimentary drink for us all. Nightmare! lol
by the way, saw the post about the ball you want to arrange for the workers, please let me know if I can be of help. Ive been getting wise crack remarks off the hubby about 'ladies who lunch/do charity' to keep themselves occupied, so might as well go the whole hog and get involved with something
thanks again
u cud check out e-government
It's an organization that looks after and audits all the charity activities in Qatar, it's behind Al-Meera supermarkets (Mansoura branch)
Good Morning,
Amanda as Angelwings said there is a great deal of red tape here and you can find yourself very quickly on the wrong side of the law. Best thing is to call up or go personally to the Ministry and ask what is and is not allowed.
Angelwings hit the nail on the head you just have to revise your strategy and sell your tickets at a higher price.
You are in Doha so you already know how flexible you have to be it is never the straight and narrow here but I will try and get some more information for you too and let you know ifanything new turns up.
I understand that if you hold any event where you 'solicit' funds for a 'charitible' cause, you must have permission from the Charities commission, and that usually means that a good percentage of those funds will go directly to the charities commission !
For a private event, you are not allowed to 'ask' for donations of any kind. However, if you are granted permission, it may be within certain guidelines given by the commission.
Otherwise, if you hold a regular event in one of the hotels or halls, and call it 'Pink' then it will be just like any other evening/daytime meeting ran by any company or private individual, at which folks simply purchase a ticket for said event, and then you can keep the profits to do as you wish - if there are any.
If the grass is greener on the other side, its sure the water bill is higher !
I suggest you start to ask questions at the ministries here. There is a lot of red tape here regarding Charities and Charity events. Maybe you should have found things out before booking locations.
Your idea seems great - and I wish you luck. I hope you get the answers that you are looking for.