cable tv

I have just arrived recently, but due to a chest cold, my tv has been on. The cable goes in and out all day and night. It makes it impossible to watch a movie because it just stops transmitting randomly. Is it a problem with my equipment or is it a normal problem with the cable service here?
Thanks for your help.
Thanks, Happy happy . AT least I know where to start and this is probably not a cable company problem.Also glad to see there are other HAPPY people here!
ever ready, ever curious, ever happy
I never had a problem with mine. It's transmitting with no issues. Sometimes the screen shows “scrambled or no signal" but that's for seconds and then it gets back to normal.
Do you have Qtel's Triple Play or Mozaic TV... watever it is called... or if you have the normal cable TV your problem could be due to the antenna not being set up correctly or sumthing like that... besides the humidity cud screw it up as well...
BTW, this ain't normal, only you cud be experiencing this... so have it checked out.