An appeal to Qatari

Guys, I'm not a veteran of this forum, but I think I've become well known (as hopefully a helper and an unbiased person) here.
I really want to help this community become a great place.
Therefore I have TWO major requests for sections on this forum.
1) A Garbage section.
(where people can talk about anything useless)
I request this because it's insane to see the amoutn of "I'm Gay what's up" "OMG WHATS GOING ON CAPS ON MY THREAD!!!!" and "this title has absolutely nothing to do with anything". threads
I think a Garbage section (could be titled "Miscellaneous" or "Talk about Anything and Everything here")
2) A Buyer and Sellers FEEDBACK thread or section.
There is an increasing amount of Classifieds (which I think the sectino is being abused with multiple posts by the way).
It would make life SO MUCH MORE easier if we had a thread where people would post the person's 'username' and if they had a positive or negative experience.
For example, in the Feedback section someone could start a thread for me
The thread would be called Amnesia's Feedback. People could then post "Positive experience, I bought a mobile from him and he was prompt".
This would help generate trust and make transactions much more easier.
Anybody want to second my opinions?
Your suggestion of closed group effectively kills chances of new guys joining an existing group!
Speaking on behalf of the Indian-QL clan. We started off with just 3-4 guys. Whatever crap we talked about, it got few more interested and these days we have atleast 8-9 guys who regularly post in newly created Good Morning threads by Ksarat, NTN, Colt or me.
1800 QL Points!!!
Yay! Way to go Ray!
KitKat, Amnesia has already made a site with all kind of information
This is wher you can find a great deal of information as well as many of the forums which QL members are steadily updating.
Amnesia, my dear, OF COURSE I understand all you say! Lol… I just tried to be a bit sarcastic, and all my idea was : NOT TO USE THIS SITE for somebody’s business. OR to use it (here having “special section” will be very helpful!), but in this case the seller has to contribute into this site by posting his ad (and paying for it), or in some other way. But you suggest somebody not only to use the free website to sell his/her stuff on the regular base, but also to be promoted and marketed by having a “good feedback”!
And yes I am not only “SEEM to not be understanding what a 'garbage' section is”. I AM not understanding why do we need a garbage section, where we will put “something unrelated to anything else”… unrelated to what?
And the last…. Please amnesia!!! I AM NOT MAN… and I have never been high, just never tried it :( … can you pls give me this chance to try it?? can you arrange it for me? ...OPS… this thread became garbage!! (it's talking now about how to get high in qatar).It should be shifted to the “garbage” section!!
Is there an option for closed group, so that only the members can see the postings, so if they want to chat with their friends they can create a thread every morning for that purpose without bothering others. I don't know how practical it is.
If someone can gather all the information pertaining the following topics for eg:-
Moving to Qatar
Hotels & Accomodation
Schools & Education
How to get a Visa
Salary Range
Social Life in Qatar
If there is a permanent section with reliable information, the new comers can find answers for many of their Queries rather than posting repeated questions. Just a suggestion.
I think at the moment there are often threads started by say, rayyz or colt or whoever in THIS forum and they and their friends (or anyone who wishes to join) chat away happily in that thread.
JBH started a 'who wants to fight' thread and that, again, was somewhere for peeps to go and be silly lol
No need for one specific chat room if this forum used like it should be and as the above two paragraphs mention.
A dedicated chat room for one and all would get too messy and the other threads would still pop up because people want to chat with their particular group of chums on subjects peculiar to them, like where they met the night before, or to just tease each other etc. To mix them up with another 2 or 3 groups of friends, discussing something completely different would just be chaotic! lmao
Hi! I think this forum 'qatar living lounge' is ok if used exactly as it's meant to be used i.e. to chill out and talk about anything not connected with the more serious forums.
The problem is that some posters forget there ARE a selection of forums in which to discuss religion, politics, shopping, traffic, schools, you name it there's probably not a topic which isn't covered by the many other forums OUTSIDE of this one.
If people placed their joke thread in 'funnies' for instance, then there wouldn't be all the jokes and game threads in Qatar Living Lounge and it would be for more general larking about conversations which aren't specific to any other informative forum.
Not sure I'm explaining this correctly, but I know it's been discussed before cos I remember saying that no-one went to check on 'funnies' or 'religious' topics so I ended up copying my thread into THIS lounge - wrong I know, but really people need to get educated on how to use the forums properly. IMHO !!!! I'm not suggesting all the users are unintelligent!!! just not using the forums as they are meant to be used and how Qatari set them up to be used, which all looks pretty logical to me.
When an outsider (or even a registered user) is looking for information about 'life in Qatar, shopping costs etc' they would/should go to the forum which contains that info. NOT this forum. Much easier to find all the info under the one umbrella and without the serious matter being hijacked, as often happens in this forum :D
Yesterday someone posted a thread about shopping costs - I can't remember off hand, but was that put in here? Or did it go into the shopping section where it should have been.....
I need coffee - I've exhausted myself lol
I think anything which will improve the site is good and I do believe good topics and information which helps all users are important.
The other thing which struck my mind is that perhaps a situations vacant - people looking for a maid, or and people looking for jobs should have an own part under classifieds.
if we had a chat window all the talk of garbage will be solved......
There are three sides to every argument: your side, my side and the right side
Most important A GOOD SENCE OF HUMOR!
My Dear child have you visit my Confession Booth Lately?
I don't think the "miscellaneous" section would solve anything. Despite the fact that I don't like them, I still vote for chat rooms.
Uh... someone outing themselves and saying I'm gay isn't garbage...
Someone saying something stupid like
"I'm gay why do you think oranges are orange?" thats garbage.
Some people make fun threads which can be considered garbage.
As for who is to decide... I think it should be up to the admin or moderators. That IS their primary role...
I moderate 6 different forums (three are well known) and at the end of the day there are rules and moderators help uphold the rules (and must be fair at the same time.)
Finally, you seem to not be understanding what a 'garbage' section is. It doesn't mean it's 'garbage' but it means that it is something unrelated to anything else.
I personally thing that The Lounge should be used for real subjects. Or at least some light hearted ones.
Finally regarding the Market section.
Man are you high on something today?
OBVIOUSLY I mean the section is for people to POST the dealings they had with a certain buyer or seller! Seems you like misunderstanding me today.
Why would someone post if a MOBILE was prompt?
So I will elaborate.
There are people who sell things in the classifieds. If there was a FEEDBACK method, then we could SEE who is trustworthy and who is not.
That is all.
I'm not talking about someone setting up a shop :S
@joan, you got me exactly.
I am attempting to suggest a method of giving order.
But then again, it might just be me. Maybe some people like to sift through pages and pages.
It's amazing how when someone has a general suggestion or input how people love to slam you down, especially when you mean well.
I Love Qatar -
My question is, how do you decide what is junk, and what is not? I think the Lounge is just fine for anything.
tra la la
Thanks for the input - will look into re-structuring the forums.
Not sure about buyer ratings since most people are selling when they leave generally...but something to think about.
Please read our Community Guidelines before posting on Qatar Living. It will save us all a lot of pain :)
I actually agree with Novita.
This isn't a commercial website like EBay. People are selling their personal stuff on irregular basis. It won't be surprising to find that a guy who once sold his phone or whatever will never ever sell anything else on QL. There goes your review on that person's reputation for a toss out of the window.
And yes, if he does business thru this site, he ought pay Qatari some dues for creating such a good platform.
Qatarisun's post on a deciding factor to classify garbage from non-garbage threads. Who's gonna decide that? Most of mine and my friends' posts are generally loose talks on daily basis, but I also contribute to threads where I have knowledge about.
So shall I start calling myself a garbage talker on QL?
1800 QL Points!!!
Yay! Way to go Ray!
Qatarisun..i think what amnesia meant on buyer/seller feedback is the reliability of the what you would see @ EBAY (for example). this is actually a good idea and an improvement as well.
The classified section is for people who want to sell their personal stuffs like their car or their furniture because they are leaving.
If they make money out of it ... or making business and using classified in this section ... i do think they should contribute something to Qatari as a site owner. Maybe sponsoring the site with their company logo or something like that. Not using the 'free ads from the site' to make a living out of it.
Then again ... thats just my opinion ...
..regarding second section… I find it useless.. amnesia, which transactions are you talking about? Who/what “was prompt “, when “I bought a mobile from him”? The mobile was prompt or the person who I bought it from?... nonsense...
This Forum is for the discussions and getting information, buying/selling goods, finding accommodation…but not for marketing or developing somebody's business...
How it will be decided whether it’s a "normal” thread or “abnormal”??? That's what all this forum about: Everyone can start a conversation about something that he/she considers important or interesting, or tries to find the answer/solution..or for any other reason, important to this particular person.. and someone decides that this is “garbage” as you say, and put it in the “garbage” section??? Even the topic “I am gay…” or so, cannot be a garbage.. may be something bothering this person and he tries to find some answers, to come up with some solution through the conversation.. and he finds his thread in the “garbage”???
...I agree with censorship on this Forum in order to protect it from non-standard language, and from frank vulgarity.. but to deside whether this topic is garbage or "normal" one ...??? ...Why?? Who is a Judge??
I think there is already a garbage group where any garbage can be dumped. I think its called the sarcastics anonymous or something.
divide into 2 sections? if you say 1 is Normal section, so the other 1 would be Abs section! ;-)
Judge not! that you be not judged!
Amnesia jst being patriotic towards QL :D What annoy me most when i read the same advert like 3 or 4 times in a day ... the said poster keep posting the same stuffs.
Good idea! but have you seen any useful topics here recently? Most of them are junks! ;-)
Judge not! that you be not judged!
Which is a pitty isn't it? A lounge becoming a dump.
Are there any moderators besides Qatari?
(I just thought the Lounge could be split into two sections)
A normal section and one section where people can just post whatever.
I Love Qatar -
alexa, PM is right ... Qatari make the 'Qatar Living Lounge' so poster can post their useless thread in there :D
I second the motion.