Accepted QLA job offer

By jimmylancs •
Hello everyone, i have been viewing this forum for a couple of months now and i thought it was about time i created an account!
I will be flying out to Qatar from the UK in a week or so to start work at the QLA. Ive found most of the info i need from reading various posts in here. Its going to be a struggle getting used to the currency and prices of various things, the driving etc etc but hey, im ready.
Thats all really, maybe bump into some of you soon
Are still working at qla
My husband and I have just started work at QLA - arrived a week ago and so far I don't have a bad word to say about the place - quite the opposite in fact so look forward to meeting you. There are a couple of other brits have just joined and some already there who play football so they'll be able to point you in the right direction.
See you soon - if you haven't already arrived.
LOL, thats the sort of thing that usually happens to me Scarlett. At least the guy following you round was laughing and not shouting expletives!!
Oh, while im here, how big is football in the expat community? Is there many ameteur clubs around? Thats one thing im going to miss about my Saturday afternoons in England. That and the lovely weather weve been having!!
donkey, vaseline, confession booths...oh my...
I'll stick to lions, and tigers and bears, OH MY!!! Toto, we're NOT in Kansas anymore!
Now dont you get started with that Donkey thing here.
its RED POPE Donkey he left him here so Jass can take care of it :D
you were pining away for, don't think its cause jauntie is there(although VERY glad she is back!)..I think you've been enjoying your time with Donkey (and or your "job" at the Ritz) too much it seems..
Damn i donot know why i never missed you hmm guess coz Jauntie is here :D
ahh you're probably gonna make a lot of mistakes but just smile and say you sorry and the folks here are very forgiving. I lost where I parked my rental car the first week I was here and had this poor Qatari guy following me around the mall parking lot(me with a full grocery cart, in very hot temps!) cause he wanted my parking space...He followed me up and down 4 aisles, laughing, while I kept hitting the unlock button on the keyfob so I could FIND my car...They have a good sense of humor...just watch out for the camera..but most are announced by a road sign.
Yes, as PM said, its the Qatar Leadership Academy. Have to say im looking forward to setting up in Qatar. When i said id have to get my head round the currency, i meant more the cost of things in comparison to England.
Im reading and hearing lots of differing views about Qatar but im the type of guy who will make his own mistakes (and probably lots of them).
how is your holiday going on? Enjoying?
So see you here soon! the currancy is nice I think, it's ecavtly what I like. It's not like phounds, you don't feel the amount you are spending. Or at least I don't. But with the riyal it's exactly right. Ok, with the driving good luck! :)
I might have been caught by those little cameras several times...ahhhhhhhhhh darn it..
PM thank you for explaining. To be honest never heard about QLA. :-)
Scarlett, regarding the driving ... my motto : if you cant beat them you have to join them :P
once again..teaching us more about Qatar...
I've heard some good things about that school...
I have to second Novita and ask what QLA is...
currency isn't hard to figure out...driving is definitley challenging but can be fun if you look at it with the right mindset..and nerves of steel.
Welcome to Qatar, but what is QLA?