Contribution to QL should hold some substance

Most of the time I find guys and gals ( I must say full timers) contributing silly stuff. Well it may be humour to u or ur friends but to newcommers sometimes it makes QL worthless. Today I have seen people going away in disgust and what happened to canarybird has left bad taste (hats off to her for standing up bravely to all the fulltime professionals of
The whole idea is to bring folks of different cultures together and not otherwise.
So request to professional full timers is to go easy.
read the threads surrounding the comments from the newbie.
However, there have been of late a number of posters asking "should I accept this offer" or "Is this offer good for Qatar". That concerns me.
Surely they can ask questions aimed at making up their own mind rather than ask such questions.
It doesn't take much to ask (or search) about rents, living costs and life style and compare to what can be earned in the base country before making a decision to accept or not.
Sorry guys, but where is my QL professional degree?
OK I noticed it is hanging in my favorite seating throne to my right side against the wall.
It has some cute drawings and letters printed that reads: Where is my charming?
I'm enjoying my liquid substance stuff in the form of Distilled Spirits and crush grapes tonight.
Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery
None but ourselves can free our minds..
Good night, folks..."couldn't find that "Good night thread" so I'll do it here...
Good night...QL'ers
left QL for good. In fact some people tried to persuade them to come back but in vain. The reasons are probably known to you Azzie. I am not talking about the ones that had left for good. I will leave it up to here. Don't want to steer up things further. Enough steering on the forums today :)
May the roof above us never fall in, and may the friends below never fall out!
We're missing the following:
and most in my buddy list are not active...hmmm
I don't get it. Are we short of leading figures here cause some regulars are absent for sometime. Other than martinthetrash's complaints have you noticed any body else complaining about not getting enough info on his/her queries? The only thing that is missing is excess silliness and hijacking from some of these full time professionals. RESPECT for the people who are still around.
May the roof above us never fall in, and may the friends below never fall out!
It was Qatari's thread about a couple months back...
here's the link:
where did you see that QL members are more than 10000? If you go to you will see that there are no more than 6400 members including those without any participation and the one's that have left for various reasons. How many are the regulars? Few hundreds at the most, my guess.
May the roof above us never fall in, and may the friends below never fall out!
some of the pranksters even had a go at you in one thread! You left! lol
Anyway, folks, I'm off to read my book for a while before going to bed.
Sweet dreams all
you sound like you are ready to propose an entrance fee for newbies on QL lol.
May the roof above us never fall in, and may the friends below never fall out!
No inferiority complex here!! A few westeners/white people report to me........they r as human as any other (only their head is still while they r offence meant to my Indian friends.
Happy Indepen.. Day to all Pakistanis and Indians. My advise to them.......Be proud of ur language and ur culture and ur dress code and enjoy but with dignity.........Look at Arabs (only at one I salute them for keeping their dress and language alive.
I think the problem at the moment is, as I keep seeming to repeat, that the holiday season is upon us and so when, like today, there was a newbie being 'teased' (shall we say) by a few PQLers with too much time on their hands :D there were none of the other regulars around to keep a balance on the situation in the thread.
In the end it just took on the mantel of a 'ragging' session in a school playground.
I didn't care for it. I felt it was only the raggers who found it amusing amongst themselves.
I have repeatedly posted my appreciation to QL for being so informative. I even mention it on my profile. It is in fact THE BEST forum I have been ever. I still feel that it can get better in some areas. Specially when a newbie posts a question, no matter if it is addressed on an earlier thread, so called full time professionals need not hijack the thread. This is, to say the least, bad manners from the side of the people you say, keep the site alive.
Another example from your post above "hiS NAME SHOULD BE MARTIN THE TRASH KNUCKLE HEAD" I still feel that you can impose some self control man. Can you?
King Edshel buddy, I really need to hear your comments on my point. Try not to generalise.
May the roof above us never fall in, and may the friends below never fall out!
it is expected that members will try to interject funny stuff or "unintentionally" hijack the thread...just for the heck of it.
From the last count that Qatari did, QL has more than 10,000 members and we're still growing...
For the newbies....try to be patient and chill...banter with the QL veterans...don't be a softie...
But...this is not the first time a NEWBIE blew her/his top for the answers and/or non-responsiveness of the QL'ers here...
I remember a couple months back, there was someone who posted a similar thread saying that no one responded to his post/quiries but if a "white/westerner" posts about an activity or something...everyone responds...
That's why a newly registered member needs to navigate the site first. Do use the search button as there might be similar topics been posted and answered weeks before.
well, I have to say that I try and give a helpful answer if I can. But after about 20 helpful answers have been posted, or if it is a repeat thread and someone posted the link to a thread that is the same, what is the harm in having a little fun??? Everyone wins.
tra la la
This also indicates how many people r pouring into Qatar. Give the person some benefit of doubt and dont start challenging his IQ or whatever.
The Professional QLers (PQL) need to be a bit more understanding.
Some light moments r needed but excess of everything is bad.The idea is to make QL informative as well as friendly.
I personally feel that one should know a person up to a certain level in here and then meet regularly in person and have as much bantering as u like.
Got to get back home..........this work is eating me up like anything.
The search feature were integrated within the website to help new QLers to look for a specific topic or piece of information that they are looking for. It is a tool that should help them and not to trouble other people. So everyone can use it first, if they don't find what they are looking for, then they can open a new thread and ask for whatever. Getting no reply from other people, does not mean that they are ignoring you [they don't even know who you are, why would they? what is between you and them?] they are just busy like other people or don't want to reply again and again to the repeated questions and threads that most of them already participated in.
Best Regards
For appreciating my concern........
CYman......u got it right.
DaRude.........thats my whole point dear..... if somebody makes a mistake or is ignorant, things can b handled in a polite mannner also. I hope u get my point.
even if some one will come up pickin on you i will damn him too.
Regular QLers are the only one who are Keepin this site alive. Or else tell me if u just live it like that what sure every one will come and say its a grave yard no use to join at all. They see the fun here they see the help being provided to others thats why the join.
well amigo, sometimes we provide them the link where in fact they could use the search button first...i don't want to be sounding defensive here, coz i, myself contributes a lot of silly stuff...but..but..but..ok no more buts..we will try to limit our silly posts and posts with substance from now on..(gosh this would be really hard..:D )
[img_assist|nid=12867|title=Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood.|desc= |link=none|align=left|width=44|height=180]
TRY TO GET SOME SOLID REASON B4 GETTIN AGAINST not one QLER but all Active and reguler QLERS. and yea if u are that much sympathizing with him why didnot you come in the first place and answered his QUESTIONS??????
WHY 3 TOPIC??so who is lost he or the QLERS????
i am guilty as charge, will only post informative post from now on.
"HIS GOOD LUCK I DIDNOT DAMN HIM." What's this? Cool down man, you have proved already that you can behave better than that!
May the roof above us never fall in, and may the friends below never fall out!
"full time professionals" are having a nice time for themselves on QL. The problem is that they cannot realise how much damage they make to the site by their continuous, silly and meaningless comments. I appreciate how much difficulty is there for any newbie to adjust here, if in every single thread enquiring about various aspects of life in Qatar, there come 1 or 2 or 3 or more "full time professionals" hijacking and discussing their everyday routine plus all the silly posts which have absolutely no meaning, probably not even to themselves.
May the roof above us never fall in, and may the friends below never fall out!
First of all i myself posted a comment telling him how to come why the hell he ignored that. even hamlet even Redpope and few others had their share. why the hell he ignored that and why ARE YOU IGNORING THAT??????
Second yea on his other topic askin about expense well he could ask about every thing in one single topic was he a kidddd then i ignored his third topic pathetic was askin about English and blah blah. well in first place he was the one who was PATHETIC NOT THE QLERS AT ALL.
Please go through
My question: Is this behaviour giving good or bad name to QL??