I MISS YOU GUYS!!! So just dropped in to say HOWDY!!!

Ok folks...had to have internet installed via satellite...yeah I live way out in the boonies here in Texas...so as of Friday evening I am back in the electronic age.
Shoulder surgery went well to all those who emailed/PMed me and asked...I'm almost at fighting capacity now but still can't swim in a straight line. Physical therapy is the pits...but a necessary evil if I ever want to lift my hand above my head (which aids in drying my hair, I might add, otherwise I'd look like a steel wool pad). So far my son has to hold the dryer and I use the brush...NOT his idea of fun..but isn't that why we had kids in the first place??? (oops sorry to let you in on this little secret Owen, Copper and King..and you thought I adopted you because you were cute...)
Texas is hot but not compared to you guys in Doha...I'd say its more of a cool front...
Anyway...just wanted to say hi and I'm backkkkkkkkkk...look forward to more interaction now on here. (and..i'm above 1200 posts..so nanny nanny booboo...)
Ohh fiddledeedee.....
u were giving me warm welcomes before i arrive!:)
so welcome to ur 2nd home:)
I like technology and will use voice-activated remote control for those guys
hmmmm. afraid will have dry mouth.
Should consult our pal Senti and adopt is theory. Wonder how things will look after 24 hours of "parental" supervision and dinking beer saving water. LOL.
Someone has to take command of my remote control :D otherwise owen will start eeeeeeee yeeeeeeeee yopeeeeeeeeeee and make fun of Big Daddy
ahh the remote issue...watch out for your thumb..might end up with carpal tunnel in it...
Good to hear from u. Good to hear that the shoulder thing is improving.
U take care and c u around in October.
keeping owen in line is exhausting me and consuming most of my time. Once the "remote control" becomes functioning efficiently, will start checking the looooooooong list of adoption candidates
I'd hate to have to fly back just to keep owen in line...did you adopt copper and King also? Talk about a motley crew...
Don't worry. My left arm is as good as my right. Though my heart would be broken to pinch her ear, but it is vital to "take care of her" from time to time.
Rayyz. am aware of everyting happening. getting reports from inside the company. keeping a record for later "parental" action.
she folded them wrong. Nothing bad about having a good hobby such as folding airplanes...unless you are using the weekly receipts to do so...
and, you know, dads are ALWAYS more lax than moms are...so you're going to have to bear with KH...but good thing she has TWO ears...
You better get back quickly. Her QL dad isn't really taking good care of her although she's been trying real hard to stay within the guidelines set by you.
Lately, she was found flying origami planes in her office meeting room! LOL.
1600 QL Points!!!
Yay! Way to go Ray!
I'll take the right one (left arm is still a bit dodgy...and can't get a good grip just yet). sigh....she's a love but can get sooo distracted...
Well. Let's say we have to team up and support each other to take care of our adopted daughter.
To start with, each one will take care of and ensure pinching one of owen's ears. So that you don't have to exhaust both hands and shoulders. Am afraid we will need both hands frequently but one at a time :D
PM, qatari, novita, Alexa(welcome back to Doha!), Rayyz, R-7, IOU Maxi, Colt(yeah will bring you some GOOD music.. yeehaw!) Kasarat, Gypsy (miss your smiling face too, hon), Sheikhsiva...y'all are all so sweet and is it so wonderful to see you all again...I feel like its a family reunion...
Ok..now then..I have a question for KellysHeros and Owen...since we are both your adoptive parents...does that make us married now? If so that might create a very interesting predicament in both directions...lol
Jauntie, DaRuDe, and Jasscat...my oh my how the mice do play whilst (please notice I used the British form of "while"!) the cat's away!!! Makes me wonder just what occurred on the phone for several hours in a basement on a single bed...evidently jauntie thought she was in a motel, though...we are SO gonna have to teach her the difference between a basement and motel room.
don't you know that you shouldn't use cell phones in bed..? Geez...something about the range and waves..causing...very unpleasant side effects...
come tonight at 26:00DM my local strange time for strange human beings like Scarlett :D
We need some good Texan spirit and gaiety round here...hehehe
Talk to me here now wana fix ur shoulder here live on QL
Hiya Scarlett, Sorry I'm late.....hope your shoulder is feeling better and that you get back to Doha soon (Is that someting I really want to wish on someone who is recovering !!!). Get well soon.
Take care.
" I have a mind that ticks like a Clock, and like a clock it regularly goes Cuckoo "
How's the Queen of QL? Basking in the sun with a cold home-made lemonade in hand??? :-)....I'm jealous...nyehehehehe
Hope everything's well with you there....miss you much....mwuaaahhhh
Weird, I thought I already posted in this thread, but it looks like I didn't. Good to hear from you Scarlett! I miss you and your wit and charm. Hurry back. :D
"I fight with love and I laugh with rage, you have to live light enough to see the humor and long enough to see some change." Ani Difranco
Oh you would just love that- no Scarlett will spank you
tra la la
hey, there was i saying sowee for hijacking this thread...but, heheheehe..no one can really do that? right? so why not...am pretty sure, scarlett here will not mind (ok another ear pinching for me there..lol)
[img_assist|nid=12867|title=Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood.|desc= |link=none|align=left|width=44|height=180]
Look and this Jauntie she is trying her best to hijack this thread with help of Jasskat these both ladies are very naughty come quick Scarlett and spank these ladies :D
well there is everything in the basement from a Geek to warrior with all the stuff. no no sofa there just a singe bed :D
Get in here quickly! Your thread is being hijacked :D
Why are you always in the basement? What are you hiding down there??
tra la la
is that the garage with the sofa bed? comfy ..
when where i was stayin in the garage and had to use the cell ph there in the basement.
Ohh Darude- she got you there. Jauntie take him down!!!
tra la la
I forget now why we bothered with the phone since our Motel rooms had adjoining doors.
Geeeeeeeeet over here enough u rested back home and enjoyed now get that chair glued and stick around on QL :D
Jauntie knows how to handle you- she just ignores!! Now you will start shouting louder :P
tra la la
Hey there Scarlett...
Welcome aboard...great to know ur surgery went alright...i know its always the after math that causes more pain...but thats ok...for a pretty strong lady like u...shudnt be a problem...
So u take care wish u a good and fast recovery and come back soon...we are indeed missing u...
Enjoy urself...and my heart-felt pities to ur kiddo for doing such a great job for his mom...oooooooooo......
Its Doha welcoming u pretttty soooon....
" Live Life To The Fullest ! Enjoy Yourself "
well i knew your where abouts and was informed already about the schedules where when how u will be and when will u guys get back. Ah C'mon Jauntie we did talk on the phone for hours dont u remember that :D
Hope you feeling better already... sure we miss you here and dun forget to get me some good country music.... hee haw!!!!
and pray tell us WHY you haven't missed us DaRuDe !!! Our wit not sparkling enough for you these days?? hmmm?
Well am not missing you both but still will say welcome to you both :D
Goooooood Morning.
Now dont ask me why am i not missing you both because you know the reason well :P
soweee....:D didn't intend to...
[img_assist|nid=12867|title=Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood.|desc= |link=none|align=left|width=44|height=180]
guess now mom scarlett has a reason to pinch your ear for hijacking her thread :D
am not and will not regret it
good morning too dad...hmmmm, i think i haven't told mom scarlett about you yet, oh well she will read this later on...
you bet, am wondering also why you guys adopt me that easily...lol..(nah, she is updated, ya know what am sayin, right?...;D)
[img_assist|nid=12867|title=Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood.|desc= |link=none|align=left|width=44|height=180]
mom scarlett will have good report from me about you. But you better put on ALWAYS a safety helmet to cover your ears LOL
welcome back and hope ur shoulder is oky now, i hope that u will be able to swim very soon :)
[img_assist|nid=28441|title=Dream makes all things possible, Hope makes all things work, luv makes all things beautiful, smile makes all the above, so always BRUSH UR TEETH...;) |desc=|link=none|align=left|width=440|height=345]
Welcome back to Doha.
You should have informed me to receive you with flowers, lemosine and open the VIP lounge for you.
Good morning my lovely daughter. have been ROFLing and laughing to tears imagining your reaction hearing from scareltt. Wonder why did I adopt a crazy girl :)
awwww kelly, i don't know why, but when i read the "ear pinching" i got somehow nervous, coz i will be receiving from her (one or two) when she comes back from texas :D
[img_assist|nid=12867|title=Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood.|desc= |link=none|align=left|width=44|height=180]
Glad to hear your shoulder surgery went well.
I can tell that Doha and QL are missing you.
The good thing after the surgery is that you can easily now pinch the ears of the guys who do not behave well :D
Glad to hear the surgery went OK and even BETTER to hear that you have now got the rubber band fixed on your computer and are once again able to communicate with us!!!
I just got back to Doha last night - boy is IT ever sweaty!!!!
I knew I had arrived because as we walked through the exit doors at the airport to cross the road immediately in front of the airport entrance, I heard woman scream, then at thump, then saw the crowd rush a 4x4 which, having reversed (presumably into the screaming woman) was trying to speed forward! It didn't get far - was surrounded. I just pray no-one was killed. I looked at my husband and said 'welcome back to Doha' :o(
On a happier note, I'm delighted to be back and later today will test my stamina and take a few, very slow baby steps up to the shop.
oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah (upbeat music on background)..she's back she's back...:D :D
good to hear from you again...lot's of stories to tell you when you get back...;D ...will tell you all who bullied me. >:D
[img_assist|nid=12867|title=Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood.|desc= |link=none|align=left|width=44|height=180]
Welcome back Miss Scarlett!
"I find it wholesome to be alone the greater part of time. To be in company, even with the best, is soon wearisome and dissipating. I love to be alone, I never find a companionable solitude"
Hey Scarlett.. Its good to hear ur doing ok... U rest well and get urself back to 100% so ur ready for all the outings once ur back :)
A very good morning from Doha. Glad to hear you're recovering well. :) And QL is indeed quite addictive for any of us not to have stayed without it for so long.
So welcome back and hope to see a lot more of your messages.
Take care and hugs & kisses.
1400 QL Points!!!
Yay! Way to go Ray!
Glad to hear that you are doing fine and that your shoulder surgery was succeeded. Thanking god for everything and asking him to bring you back to us soon :) Take it easy on the shoulder, it would be soon like before and even better. I don't mind brushing your hair, it is more than ok with me. Wishing you a speedy recovery and ...
Get Well Soon ...
Be Back Soon in no time ...
Enjoy your time and vacation ...
Missing you here, nothing I want but to see you again ...
About a year ago I saw a late night infomercial for a hair dryer on this weird swivel like hose connected to a stand. The point was for people who couldn't raise their arms up high, or to aid while drying hair with a brush- so you had both hands free.
I think this would be perfect for you :D
Get well soon, and welcome back.
tra la la
didnt know you had a surgery ... but hope you get better and see you back in Doha. x :D
hope u feel better soon!
Please read our Community Guidelines before posting on Qatar Living. It will save us all a lot of pain :)
welcome back scarlett.the shoulder surgery part interests me. why didnt u get it done here. they have some pretty good shoulder guys in hamad.