What’s the Difference between Love and Desire?

Unfortunately, our generation confuses love with lust and sex with intimacy. Whereas, they may all interact with one another, they are not dependent upon one another.
Hollywood however, sends mixed messages to our society. It is difficult for a woman to move beyond confusion about love and lust, having “Sex in the City” or even still being a “Desperate Housewife.
Generally, men and women fall in this kind of whirlpool of emotional confusion. So, how can you differentiate if what you're feeling is (Romantic)love or just (sexual) desire?
P.S. Some of you may think that this is synonymous to a previous thread that I created weeks ago (making love versus having sex topic) but IT'S NOT THE SAME.
The other thread pertains to the "ACT", while this topic is regarding the relationship itself.
What you are is what you have been, and what you will be is what you do now. - Buddha
Love is a History sex is a stop watch
sorry for not answering earlier.
in that case it starts with desire/admire and NOT love. Love might grow after that. The boy might like the girl and they get married.
love produces great feeling, a deeper feeling and its long lasting...desire on the other hand, can be short term, more on physical reasons to feel such, once you consummate it, khallas, finish...:D
a plus factor if you desire and love a person all at the same time..just a thought..
[img_assist|nid=12867|title=Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood.|desc= |link=none|align=left|width=44|height=180]
Thank you. Very well and clearly stated.
So I figure out you have crossed the microwave requirement.
One more addition.
In our area, theoretically, there should be no relation between the couple before marriage. The initial bait is the look, could be personality and the "artificial" conduct of both side (in general).
So the main risk comes from the aftermath (wedding and plunging in marriage ware). So it is more related to luck and insistency/dedication/seriousness and values of both sides.
Also failures are related to ignorance in some cases. Like what - I think Azi - stated somewhere else, some women live their whole life and die and they don't know what orgasm is. Some married couples feel it is a tabboo to talk about sex and opinions and fantasies.
Anyhow. It is a long long story
It was abot confusing.... just a question...you said its not applicable for arranged marriages... Why would someone marry person if they dont love them?? unless its arranged marriage?
lets try...an experience and see the difference..lol
Come On lets hav fun !!!
sorry guys..ladies PM me if ur interested...Sorry if ur not..
I could not agree with you more! Very well said.
I think that when a couple starts out with lots of chemistry and love it fizzles over time with both wondering what happened to them. They both expect things to remain the same or get better- and this is where the problem is. If they both think it is so great then they don't work together to make a life out of it- not just attraction which is what they had in the beginning.
Marriages where loves grows from the start seem much stronger because the couples do not have such chemistry right off the bat and learn to work together as their lives slowly intertwine and the love grows.
I am not sure if I am putting this into words very well but I think you need to work on the love through out the whole marriage as people are constantly changing. A couple thats starts out in deep love risks failure because one or both of the couple expects it to remain the same from the beginning but both are constantly changing.
tra la la
A microwave will help in ur case LOL
You are asking one of the most difficult questions to the extent that a person won't know his exact feelings until some changes/tragedies happen.
Now do not consider me old fashioned but there has been a theory which I wonder if it were discussed here or no. You might opt to start a new thread for that. So am doing a small hijack here.
The theory says: Marriage without love succeeds more than marriage with love. Am talking about conservative communities like us. BUT this does not apply to "arranged marriages". Guess am making myself confusing LOL.
Well. The thing is in case of marriage without love, love grows due to the partnership, daily life, sex, .... whatever.
Love before marriage mainly end up in disappointment coz the couple would have experienced and went thru many things. In the back of their minds, they are expecting something WOW after marriage. Had they been not creative and all the bla bla bla, love would fade and they might end up in seperation or whatever.
Now back to your topic.
I have found an interesting checklist/comparison table. My God looks like assessment of tender bids and making a short-list of suppliers/contrators LOL
Can I be salty?? I'm not quite peppered :)
tra la la
ripe fruits are tasty and juicy.
Unlike small green fruits that are sour and bitter LOL
you calling me an old 'fruit' ?
Think I need to shave of a few lbs also, Azi - not eating doesn't work (well, can't say I've actually tried that, but ...)
I'm looking forward to getting back to Doha for my 7 a.m. swim and a couple of 'making-an-idiot-of-myself' aerobics sessions a week.
If it does nothing else, it make me feel better about myself!!!
I'm getting hungry with this "seasoning" stuff...
Thank you for accepting me as an honorary member...hehehe
Now, I have no lose some pounds and fats to fit the "peppered" style...hehehe
I live in a world of my own rofl
what's with the 'peppered', I think I prefer to think of myself as 'saucy' ;P
(it's an age thing lol I'm seasoned and old enough to be saucy without fear of reprisals!)
Wow.. Dr. Sabrina D. Black said exactly the same thing.
both are there but love will grow by time and desire will fade by time..you can enjoy seeing a 70 year old lady with here beloved husband hand in hand that`s love in it`s peak
Can I be an honorary member then? ;-)
considered as one of the "seasoned" ladies?....lol
Like a said, both sexes confuse these 2 emotions with each other...I've got experiences in the past and knew people who had experienced it or still in that phase. Really emotionally exhausting.
However, as a person mature and learning from the past, it still could be differentiated but how? I agree that it would depend on the person him/herself....
PM- very well said!
tra la la
You are injuring my feelings by talking about something an old man like me forgot. What are you talking about? LOL
Love and Desire are not generation dependant. They are known since the creation of man and woman and will continue to exist.
The difference is simple and obvious. If both parties can "hold their horses" for a long period without affecting the strength of love then it is Romantic love. If either party changes in shape or fails to perform properly and that results in weakening the love then it is lust and desire. Unfortunately this lust and desire only relation is discovered after it is too late sometimes.
Love:a feeling of warm personal attachment or deep affection, as for a parent, child, or friend
Desire:a longing or craving, as for something that brings satisfaction or enjoyment: a desire for fame
Lust: a passionate or overmastering desire or craving
Overall I feel now a days its a Feeling - Can live with it & Cant Live without it..
Greetings QL People..
IMI - The Screen Behind The Mirror
"I object to violence because when it appears to do good, the good is only temporary; the evil it does is permanent."
"The best way to destroy an enemy is to make him a friend."
is the frequency. I feel desire every so often (fulfilling it it's another story) but I felt love so few times in my life :)
May the roof above us never fall in, and may the friends below never fall out!
lol! What a way to describe love and desire!
Judge not! that you be not judged!
Love is waste of time guys dont fall in it forget it
desire hmm ask an infant baby when he/she needs milk.
its a combination of any relationship, true love is wat everywoman needs and desire is wat man alwyas needs. short explanation but true.
" guten abend "
desire is when u want somebody to satisfy a temporary need..for me when i look at a man and think how it would feel like getting it on with him im sure its just lust...but eventually the physical need evolves and here comes in the emotional crap...when u close ur eyes and the image u see is his face and that last look that he gave u instead of the image of the two of u getting it on, well... sorry to say but ur in deep sh#t...
Now look there is someone back.... Azzi i can perhaps fill ur empty life if u intend so....
At the beginning of any realtionship love and lust are pretty interchangable. You can only tell if it's love if, after a while the fireworks have died but you still maintain that level of comfort and affection that makes you want to be with that person.
"I fight with love and I laugh with rage, you have to live light enough to see the humor and long enough to see some change." Ani Difranco
Different body organs are involved in both feelings. Heart is involved in love and sex is with .....................;D
I heard about Love is blind but, Sex is deaf?
Judge not! that you be not judged!
Love is blind sex is deaf.
"Drink Beer Save Water"
love is unconditonal and sex is conditional
I can smell something! what's next after this?
Judge not! that you be not judged!
Gypsy Gal,
Where are you? In Dukhan I suppose..
All you posts are related to relationships..sex... size..or something similar? dont you have somethingelse for a change? its getting too monotonous...
for me..Love is an emotional need....desire is a physical need..if you have a desire for something or someone it will be over as soon as you get it..but TRUE love is everlasting..it get stronger as years pass by..